(OOC: The message is In universe.)


To Aveline Cuiléin and Kayla Luspark

I'm sorry I couldn't make it to the Life Day Festivals, I meant to come and join you guys but there are things that I need to take care of. I can't speak on them I'm sorry, I hope you guys understand. I left you with a portrait of us during simpler times when things slowed down and we were able to unwind and just talk about anything other than politics and plotting and all that drivel. This picture..... I'm sending both of you is just to show how much you two mean to me. You may not have known it but you two have helped me climb out of a hole that I was in. Believe me when I say that before I met you guys, it was a dark period in my life filled with alcohol and long missions. I care for the both of you more than you know and that I'll anything for the two of you. Aveline, Kayla I wish I can be there with you now to present this picture personally but we will meet again soon I know it.

Love from,
