
This message is being broadcast in all possible corners of the galaxy, courtesy of the funds from the Angiris treasury.​

Brothers and Sisters of the Union;
We have suffered. Our planets lie ablaze, Our systems are close to ruin. We have been rattled financially, and traitors have rendered nugatory the High Command's Contingency Plans. Setback after Setback is all we have encountered in the past, and the figurative light at the end of the tunnel seems nonexistent.

And yet there is still faith in my heart; for I know the People of the Union very well. I have seen the honour and courage and the strength that lies in our hearts, I bore witness to it when we struck out to create our home, and I have supreme confidence that I shall bear witness to it yet again. We will withdraw from our systems if needed, we will leave behind the comfort of our homes if we must, because the People are the heart, the body and the mind of our Union, and I love you too much to let this Union fall apart.

There is also the horrifying possibility of defeat. The Union, unbalanced by the actions of cowards and traitors alike, is the weakest it has ever been; some might even call our situation hopeless. The Future is the darkest that it has ever been, and even our greatest worlds, systems that are the pride and joy of the Union, may prove to be indefensible. We may be driven out of Ilum and Volik and Redoubt; and indeed, even Schesa. Even as our homes are lost and our strength falters, I know one thing- The Union will one day be back in strength, for Our will is unbreakable. We will return in great strength, we will return in greater numbers, we will return in unopposable force, and we will push back the multitude of enemies who threaten our home today.

There are also those who will tell you to dismiss this as drivel- individuals and organisations who will gleefully inform you that this is all propaganda. To that, I say, I am a warrior. I wage war with my fists and my heart, not words. I speak this not for the achievement of some hidden objective, but because I believe each and every single word to be undeniably true!

Today, I move to Ilum to push back those who assault Our beloved world. Join me in this fight for our future. Join my brethren in Volik and Redoubt as they battle for the defence of our homes and the safety of our future. Let us vindicate our beliefs and silence our critics as we fight for what is right!