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Minor Faction Restored | Jakku Jedi Enclave


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Nestled admidst the harsh desert landscape of Jakku, the Jakku Jedi Enclave stands as an oasis of enlightenment in the Force. Administered by the Jedi Order, this academy is a beacon for Force-sensitive individuals seeking guidance, training, and a sense of purpose in the galaxy. The Enclave, reconstructed after a devastating raid, thrives as a sanctuary for collaborative and immersive Jedi-centric storytelling.
The Jakku Jedi Enclave, a minor faction, immerses itself in a unique Jedi-centric storytelling experience that sets the stage for epic tales against the backdrop of shifting dunes and hidden mysteries beyond.


Jedi-Centric Storytelling:
Step into the heart of Jakku, where the Enclave serves as a crucible for the destinies of Jedi characters. The minor faction focuses on the immersive and collaborative storytelling of Force-sensitive individuals navigating the challenges of the galaxy's forgotten corner, interwoven into the larger stories being told across the board.

Jakku: A Unique Set Piece: Explore the iconic desert planet of Jakku, known for its desolate beauty and ancient ruins. The Enclave stands as a sanctuary, offering a rich setting that inspires narratives of personal growth, trials, and triumphs against the arid landscape.

Focused Minor Faction: As a minor faction, the Jakku Jedi Enclave provides an intimate community, fostering deeper connections between writers. Engage in meaningful character interactions and contribute to a collective narrative that unfolds within the enclave's walls.
Why Choose the Jakku Jedi Enclave:

Immersive Setting:
Discover the secrets hidden within Jakku's shifting sands as you embark on a journey filled with mystery and exploration.

Jedi Traditions: Embrace the timeless traditions of the Jedi Order as you navigate the challenges unique to the enclave's setting.

Collaborative Storytelling: Join a close-knit community where every writer contributes to the evolving narrative, creating a tapestry of interconnected stories.



Jakku: A Remote Desert World​


"The sands of Jakku hold secrets, and within these walls, our aim is to unlock them."
― Romi Jade
Eons ago, the planet Jakku was once covered with green vegetation and oceans. At some unknown point, the planet was reduced to a barren desert wasteland. In 864 ABY, the Jakku Jedi training enclave was established by Master Romi Jade. The enclave has trained many Jedi during it's period of operation.

Planet | Jedi Enclave



Alternatives to Order: Reimagining the Jedi​


*Credit to Jend-Ro Quill & Seydon
The Enclave model, inspired by the traditions of the Old Republic, represents a decentralized and adaptable approach to Jedi training, fostering greater efficiency and resilience. By establishing smaller, satellite facilities across the galaxy, the Jedi Order ensures that training is not confined to a singular location, mitigating vulnerabilities like the loss of a central temple.

This model allows Jedi to immerse themselves in diverse environments, tailoring their training to the challenges specific to each location. It promotes individualized mentorship, collaboration, and a deeper connection to the Force, offering a more agile response to emerging threats while preserving the essence of the Jedi Order's teachings. The Enclave model's decentralized nature encourages a sense of self-sufficiency among Jedi and facilitates a quicker and more adaptive response to the ever-evolving challenges within the galaxy.




In the sands of Jakku, the Enclave is not just a school for novices, but a center for advanced Jedi training. The facility beckons with a curriculum that seamlessly melds the time-honored traditions of the Old Republic Jedi Order and the innovative philosophies of the New Jedi Order. Inspired by the decentralized approach of Old Republic Enclaves, the training model promotes adaptability and resilience. However, it's taken it a step further, drawing from the New Jedi Order's emphasis on experiential learning.

The cornerstone of this education lies in the 25 Chambers Jedi Training Philosophy, designed by Master Jade, which recognizes the necessity for a well-rounded development of the physical, mental, and spiritual facets of a Jedi's essence.

Blend of Traditions: Immerse yourself in the rich legacy of the Old Republic and the dynamic spirit of the New Jedi Order. The curriculum marries the wisdom of the past with the innovative approaches that define the Jedi of modern times.

Decentralized Agility: Inspired by the Old Republic's Enclave model, the decentralized approach ensures that training is not confined to one location. Embrace the diversity of Jakku's landscape as you tailor your Jedi's journey to the challenges specific to our unique enclave.

Learning by Doing: Break away from traditional norms. While formal classes provide a strong foundation, the New Jedi Order's influence empowers you to establish your own training programs. Develop your unique approach to the Force through hands-on experience and forge a connection beyond the classroom.

Why Our Model Works:

The blend of Old Republic and New Jedi Order principles allows for a versatile and adaptive response to the ever-changing dynamics of the galaxy.

Individualized Growth: Encouraging students to forge their training path fosters individualized mentorship and personal connection with the Force, leading to a more profound understanding of Jedi teachings.

Agile Response: Our decentralized structure ensures a more agile response to emerging threats, preserving the core tenets of the Jedi Order while embracing the evolving nature of the Force.
The Jakku Jedi Enclave bridges eras, forging legends where the sands whisper tales of the past and the future.




Part 1: Shadows of the Force​

"In the sands of Jakku, the past awakens, and the future trembles."

In the hidden corners of the galaxy, the Twilight Fist, an extremist cult, emerges as a formidable adversary to the Jakku Jedi Enclave. Forged from the remnants of the Path of the Open Hand & Closed Fist, this clandestine group, led by the enigmatic Lady Tenebrae, operates in the shadows, orchestrating events to undermine the Jedi Order. Driven by a belief that the Force should remain dormant to prevent impending calamity, the Twilight Fist seeks to reclaim a weapon from centuries past, one that Jedi have long feared—the Nameless.

Jedi Master Romi Jade, accused and betrayed, stands at the epicenter of a conspiracy. As the Jakku Jedi Enclave faces one of its darkest hours, the enigmatic Twilight Fist emerges from the shadows, threatening to unleash a power that could shatter the very fabric of the Force. Employing subtle manipulation and misinformation, the Twilight Fist's influence spreads, infiltrating key organizations and governments. As the guardians of the Jakku Jedi Enclave navigate a landscape of intrigue, espionage, and uncertainty, the Twilight Fist, ever watchful, waits for the opportune moment to strike


The Jakku Jedi Enclave is facing an unprecedented threat from the enigmatic Twilight Fist. This gripping narrative will unfold through a dynamic array of threads, comic strips, and interactive storytelling, etc offering writers a chance to shape the narrative.

As the Jakku Jedi Enclave grapples with internal strife and external conspiracies, the roleplay unfolds in threads that delve into the intricate political web surrounding Master Romi Jade's trial. Simultaneously, explore the dark machinations of the Twilight Fist in dedicated threads, revealing their hidden motives, orchestrating events, and unleashing the Nameless—a force feared by Jedi for centuries. Participate in covert operations, decipher cryptic messages, and confront the very essence of the Force itself.

To add a visual dimension to the storytelling, immerse yourself in comic strips that bring key moments to life.




Welcome to the Jakku Jedi Enclave!

Embark on an immersive journey of collaborative Jedi storytelling in the heart of the Jakku desert. The Jakku Jedi Enclave faction invites you to dive into the rich tapestry of the Star Wars universe, with a focus on the enigmatic Jakku Jedi Enclave.

How to Get Started:

So you've got a Jedi Character:

Jump right in with your Force-sensitive character. Whether you're a Padawan seeking wisdom or a seasoned Knight, the Enclave welcomes all walks of Jedi life. Define your character's backstory, skills, and aspirations. There's no formal process to kicking threads off, start your own or jump into a current one.

Choosing A Path:
Align with the light or tread the shadows – the choice is yours. The Jakku Jedi Enclave embraces the diversity of Jedi philosophies, allowing characters to follow various paths within the Jedi Code; all of these perspectives should be explored.

Explore Jakku's Mysteries:
Set your stories against the backdrop of the Enclave and its surrounding campus. Engage with the planet's unique challenges, ancient ruins, and hidden secrets as you navigate through the shifting sands.

Join Forum Discussions:
Delve into the forum's discussion tabs dedicated to the Jakku Jedi Enclave. Connect with fellow writers, share ideas, and collaborate on overarching plots that intertwine with the Enclave's narrative.

Immersive Resources:
Uncover a treasure trove of resources within the forums. From detailed lore about the Enclave's history to training tools and guides, these resources serve as valuable tools to enrich your storytelling experience.

Inspired Vibes:
Channel the spirit of the KOTOR Dantooine Enclave and the compelling tales of the New Jedi Order. The Enclave's vibes draw inspiration from these iconic settings, offering a blend of tradition, exploration, and the evolving nature of Jedi teachings.

Craft Collaborative Stories:
Engage in collaborative storytelling with your fellow writers. Whether it's participating in joint missions, unraveling mysteries, or forming bonds with other Jedi characters, the Enclave is a canvas for your Jedi tales.

Respond to Challenges:
Encounter challenges and trials that push your character's limits. Navigate through the Enclave's immersive training programs, face external threats, and contribute to the ongoing narrative of the Jakku Jedi Enclave.


About author
Romi Jade
Exploring open & honest character development in different ways, and in different forms.



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Romi Jade
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