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The Twilight Fist

Former names
Organization type Extremist missionary cult
Date founded
  • By 483 BBY (Originally)
  • In the 870s ABY (Officially refounded)
Planet of originDalna
Date of collapse382 BBY (Originally)

"Our secrecy is our shield, our loyalty our weapon. The galaxy​
may not yet comprehend our purpose, but it will feel the impact​
of our influence."​
― Lady Tenebrae​

The Twilight Fist is an extremist missionary cult that existed on the planet Dalna. Led by the enigmatic Lady Tenebrae, who claimed to be a prophet, they believed that no one should use the Force, especially the Jedi Order. They believed that using the Force was abusing it and would cause death and disaster throughout the galaxy. Reborn from the ashes of the Path of the Open Hand & Closed Fist, It took those beliefs to a violent extreme, attacking and making war against the Jedi etc.​


  • Organization Name: The Twilight Fist
  • Classification: Religious extremist cult
  • Affiliation: N/A
  • Organization Symbol: Three blue marks that resemble the shapes of lightning bolts.
  • Description:
The Twilight Fist operates from the shadows, orchestrating events to undermine the Jedi Order and promote their anti-Force and anti-Jedi ideology. They are a clandestine group with a web of connections, using secrecy and misinformation to confuse their enemies. The organization thrives on fear and whispers, striking from the shadows and disappearing before retaliation.​
  • Headquarters: The Twilight Fist hides in the remote and desolate corners of the galaxy, establishing hidden enclaves and compounds on uninhabited planets. (No set location)
  • Notable Assets: N/A
  • Domain:
The Twilight Fist maintains a careful balance between secrecy and influence. On the surface, they appear as an obscure and esoteric group, with limited interaction with the local populace. However, they subtly infiltrate key positions within communities, governments, and organizations, using their connections to further their agenda. In regions where the Twilight Fist has a presence, there is an undercurrent of fear and uncertainty. Whispers of their involvement in local affairs circulate, but concrete evidence is scarce. The organization is skilled at manipulating public opinion, using propaganda to portray the Jedi as villains and positioning themselves as champions of order.​
The Twilight Fist occasionally provides support to communities facing external threats, portraying themselves as protectors. This calculated benevolence helps them garner local support while maintaining a veneer of altruism. However, their true motives remain hidden, and their involvement is always shrouded in secrecy.​
While they keep a low profile, the Twilight Fist ensures that their influence is felt in subtle ways. Through economic manipulation, strategic alliances, and carefully orchestrated events, they sow the seeds of dissent against the Jedi and promote their anti-Force ideology. The organization's members, when not on a mission, blend into the background, appearing as ordinary citizens or scholars, further obscuring their true nature.​
Ultimately, the Twilight Fist's approach to the local populace is one of calculated manipulation, striking a delicate balance between remaining hidden and subtly shaping the course of galactic events to suit their vision of a Force-neutral future.​

  • Hierarchy:
Leadership Titles:​
  • The Shadow Oracle - The enigmatic and reclusive leader who claims to receive visions from the Force, guiding the organization's actions. Their Prophet
  • The Herald - Second-in-command, Chief enforcer responsible for maintaining discipline and rooting out dissent within the ranks.
  • Guides - Field commanders responsible for leading operations and ensuring the organization's goals are met on various fronts, direct the actions of the cult and its evolution.
Hierarchy Levels:​
  • The Shadow Council - Comprising the top leaders, including the Shadow Oracle and the Herald.
  • Command - Comprising the Guides
  • Elders - older members of the cult.
  • Twilight Aspirants - Initiates undergoing training, and learning about the ideologies of the Fist.
  • Membership:
Prospective members undergo rigorous trials to prove their commitment. Force sensitivity is essential, but ideological alignment and loyalty are equally crucial. Initiates are tested on their ability to adhere to secrecy, follow orders without question, and embrace the organization's anti-Force philosophy.​
  • Climate:
Within the Twilight Fist, there is a constant air of tension and suspicion. Loyalty is prized above all, and members are cautious about revealing too much to their peers. The training is intense, pushing initiates to their limits both mentally and physically. The sense of belonging and purpose is strong, fostering a camaraderie among members who share a common vision for galactic order.​
  • Reputation:
The Twilight Fist is a mysterious and feared organization, with a reputation for orchestrating covert operations and manipulating events from the shadows. The galaxy at large views them as a fringe group, a shadowy cult that opposes the Jedi Order and seeks to control the Force. Rumors of their involvement in political intrigue, assassinations, and the unleashing of living weapons have spread, creating an air of dread around their name.​
The organization's members are seen as enigmatic figures, capable of wielding the Force in ways that defy conventional Jedi teachings. Their commitment to secrecy and their ability to strike without warning contribute to the perception that they are a force to be reckoned with. While some view them with suspicion, others, disillusioned by the Jedi and the state of the galaxy, see the Twilight Fist as potential saviors who challenge the established order.​
  • Curios: N/A
  • Rules:
  • Silent Shadows: Members are forbidden from revealing their affiliation or discussing the organization with outsiders.
  • Obedience Above All: Unquestioning obedience to superiors is mandatory; dissent is dealt with swiftly and severely.
  • Mystic Oaths: Initiates take solemn oaths, pledging allegiance to the Twilight Fist and its cause.
  • Secrecy Enforced: Knowledge of the organization's inner workings is compartmentalized, and members are only privy to information on a need-to-know basis.
  • Fear as a Weapon: Members are encouraged to use fear and intimidation to achieve objectives, exploiting the psychological impact on their enemies and potential turncoats.
  • Goals:
  • Eliminate the Jedi Threat: View the Jedi as manipulative users of the Force, and aim to expose them as villains to the galaxy.
  • Purify the Force: Believe that using the Force is an abuse of its natural order, leading to chaos and destruction.
  • Control the Living Weapons: Seek to harness and control creatures akin to the Leveler, viewing them as tools to eliminate Force-sensitive individuals.
  • Establish Galactic Order: Envision a galaxy where the Force remains dormant, and the Twilight Fist holds sway over the systems, bringing stability through fear.

"Once, I wore the shackles of nobility. Now, I lead a force​
that transcends the trivialities of power and politics. The​
Twilight Fist is the embodiment of our shared destiny."​
― Lady Tenebrae​
Lady Tenebrae, once a prominent noblewoman, grew disillusioned with the political intrigues and societal norms of the galaxy. Her Force sensitivity, which she concealed due to societal expectations, and lack of understanding, manifested in a series of vivid visions that foretold the destruction caused by the Jedi's use of the Force. Feeling a profound duty to prevent this bleak future, Lady Tenebrae says she renounced her noble title and embraced a new identity.​
Guided by the belief that the Force should remain dormant to avoid calamity, Lady Tenebrae formed the Twilight Fist from the remnants of the Open Path, saw herself as the herald of a new era, where the galaxy would be free from the chaos wrought by Force-sensitive beings. The visions she experienced convinced her that she was chosen to lead a group that would bring order and stability through control, rather than manipulation, of the Force.​
With her noble upbringing, Lady Tenebrae possessed the charisma and strategic acumen needed to lead such an organization. She believed that by subverting the Jedi's influence and exposing their flaws, she could guide the galaxy toward a better future. Lady Tenebrae's transition from a noblewoman to the leader of the Twilight Fist marked a personal journey of sacrifice and commitment to what she perceived as the greater good.​
Historically, The Path of the Open Hand was an extremist missionary order and cult that existed on the planet Dalna during the High Republic Era, led by "The Mother", who claimed to be a prophet, they believed that no one should use the Force, especially the Jedi Order. They believed that using the Force was abusing it and would cause death and disaster throughout the galaxy. One of their core goals was to make the Jedi out to be villains so that public opinion would be turned against them. They had a sub group called the The Path of the Closed Fist, a Force cult on the planet Dalna that believed that no one, especially the Jedi, should use the Force. It took the Path of the Open Hand's beliefs to a violent extreme, attacking and making war against the Jedi.​
The Twilight Fist traces its roots to the remnants of the Path of the Open Hand, adapting and evolving over the millennia. Surviving by staying hidden and manipulating events from the shadows, they patiently waited for opportune moments to strike against the Jedi Order. The organization's survival is a testament to its adaptability and commitment to its anti-Force cause.​
The Twilight Fist survived by operating in the shadows, adapting to changing circumstances and maintaining a low profile. They spread their influence through subtle manipulation, infiltrating key organizations and governments to further their agenda. The organization's leaders embraced secrecy, passing down knowledge and doctrines only to the most trusted members, ensuring their survival across millennia. Their goals have remained the same, orchestrating events to undermine the Jedi Order and promote their anti-Force ideology. They are a clandestine group with a web of connections, using secrecy and misinformation to confuse their enemies. The organization thrives on fear and whispers, striking from the shadows and disappearing before retaliation.​

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