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Major Faction Silver Jedi Concord denounces Laertia Io


The Silver Jedi Triumvirate condemns the actions of Laertia Io Laertia Io at Dantooine, Bastion, Generis, and Serenno. For the assault and murder of her fellow Jedi, Ms. Io is to no longer be counted among the ranks of the Silvers. Should she set foot in a Temple or other Silver Jedi affiliated facility, she will be detained and held legally accountable for her actions.

Needless to say, this announcement is long overdue. We would issue a formal apology for the delay, but given the changes in leadership since Ms. Io began her crusade, we hope you understand why the matter was not addressed sooner.


Errik Nimdok, Grandmaster of Knowledge
Jairdain Ismet, Grandmaster of Diplomacy
Josh Dragovalor, Grandmaster of the Saber


About author
Jacen Nimdok
Me love fiction. Me want to be writer. No get published yet - but will someday.


I'm not defending her actions, not at all, she needs to answer for her actions. I will gladly be involved in this. However, I must ask why there is a simple "denouncing" and no attempt to bring her in? Is she not allowed to face her accusers? Are those affected by her actions not allowed to face her in a better way? Is this not more of the same? What differs this from what she is doing?

There has to be a better way.
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I'm not defending her actions, not at all, she needs to answer for her actions. I will gladly be involved in this. However, I must ask why there is a simple "denouncing" and no attempt to bring her in? Is she not allowed to face her accusers? Are those affected by her actions not allowed to face her in a better way? Is this not more of the same? What differs this from what she is doing?

There has to be a better way.
OOC: Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran I believe did a thread with Laertia trying to persuade her to stop, but as far as I understand it Laertia no longer considers herself a Jedi now, which makes this sort of redundant/too late. Y'all are welcome to actively pursue a confrontation with her, and I'd even be willing to help organize some kind of covert assassination attempt or arrest, but in that case we'd be talking to Laertia Io Laertia Io herself about threading. Unless you want to drop in on her in the middle of an invasion, which would be awesome IMO. Of course, we could also just put a bounty on her head...

IC: Laertia Io is no longer in SJC space, nor is she in contact with members of the SJC. We believe she has taken refuge with the CIS. In other words, she is no longer within our jurisdiction; as yet, the best we can do is seek to detain her if she enters our borders again.
OOC: Jyoti Nooran Jyoti Nooran I believe did a thread with Laertia trying to persuade her to stop, but as far as I understand it Laertia no longer considers herself a Jedi now, which makes this sort of redundant/too late. Y'all are welcome to actively pursue a confrontation with her, and I'd even be willing to help organize some kind of covert assassination attempt or arrest, but in that case we'd be talking to Laertia Io Laertia Io herself about threading. Unless you want to drop in on her in the middle of an invasion, which would be awesome IMO. Of course, we could also just put a bounty on her head...

IC: Laertia Io is no longer in SJC space, nor is she in contact with members of the SJC. We believe she has taken refuge with the CIS. In other words, she is no longer within our jurisdiction; as yet, the best we can do is seek to detain her if she enters our borders again.

OOC: Oh I know. :) Just rp is all :)
Official release from the desk of Senator Annasari of Jakku:

The Silver Jedi made their position clear when Ms. Io remained counted amongst the Silver's ranks despite her blatant disregard for the lives of the New Jedi. Administrative changes are no excuse for this. The Silver's recent denouncement is but an attempt to escape any responsibility for the actions of one who was, up until this point, their own.

I urge my fellows in the senate, and Alliance leadership to show their support for their New Jedi allies in holding the Silver Jedi accountable. They have proven we can only rely on our own, and thus must show unity in standing with them.
Official release from the desk of Senator Annasari of Jakku:

The Silver Jedi made their position clear when Ms. Io remained counted amongst the Silver's ranks despite her blatant disregard for the lives of the New Jedi. Administrative changes are no excuse for this. The Silver's recent denouncement is but an attempt to escape any responsibility for the actions of one who was, up until this point, their own.

I urge my fellows in the senate, and Alliance leadership to show their support for their New Jedi allies in holding the Silver Jedi accountable. They have proven we can only rely on our own, and thus must show unity in standing with them.
I'm putting together a team to hunt down and arrest Ms. Io as we speak, would you like to join? ;)
From the desk of the Grand Vizier, New Imperial Order

In the war effort against the Sith many of our people and our allies were lost due to the actions of the subject in question, Laertia Io. As a Nation, the New Imperial Order looks upon this decision in a favorable light. At this time, the urgency with which the Silvers determined to act on these matters will continue to preclude them from Imperial thoughts of friendship or alliance. Internal strife is not an excuse for negligent policy, in our opinion, and as such we are disinclined to readily enter into negotiations with an inept state.

However, we wish the Silver Jedi good luck and godspeed in any and all endeavors to apprehend the rogue element Io.

Kill on sight orders have been issued across the board by New Imperial High Command; so, should we find her, there will be no trial, no red tape. We do hope that the Silver Jedi will consider and follow this example.

Enlil of Ketaris, Grand Vizier, New Imperial Order
From the desk of the totally real Salvatore Minella of Big Sal’s Gore and Glory Gladiatorial Games!

Ladies and lads! Lecherers and leeches, this is your pal, Big Sal!

Purveyer and purchaser of fine exotic meats, gore and small goods, coming to you

It's come to our attention that some crazy she-banshee, Laertia Io has now gone and put her foot in it, and been declared open season upon by her pallies in the SJC. Now, I'd usually say let bygones be bygones, but this lady? Well, I want her. Got a rep. Also interrupted my holodrams with her hacking of the whole hacking of that thing. So she's gotta go. Go and fight for me in our new to spec arena.

I'm willing to pay the big bucks, the big money, for her head.

So, if any of you want to pursue this bounty, get in touch, and we'll uh, we'll see about giving you a big payday.

From your Pal,

There has to be a better way.

There is a better way. End worship of Force users as heroes or gods. Treat them as potentially dangerous to the well being of the galaxy no matter their place on the spectrum of light and dark. Require all governmental leaders to have a low midi-chlorian count. Require all laws to be passed in a Force nullified environment.

No more rule by the tyranny of the genetically 'blessed'.

The New Way stands with the unblessed masses that are slaughtered in the name of Light, Grey and Dark.
I have finally Learned the difference between the Jedi and the Sith....

Sith: Murder, genocide, other forms of violence and debauchery are okay!

Jedi: We agree no one should ever be punished for those things.

Sith: You can only rise through the ranks by killing your master.

Jedi: woo woo, hold up no killing your own that is the worst sin ever and anyone who tries it needs to be killed immediately no questions asked. That's just going way to far, we now have to declare all out war on the sith for even thinking such a thing.

I finally get it. I see the difference now I was wrong about them being the exact same.
The cruel Jedi sit back and laugh at our demands. Out of touch. Self-righteous. You Jedi used to be a farm growing and training future Sith monsters, but now... you don't even change your colours before becoming the monsters.

It's ok Jedi. Just wave your hand and manipulate us into seeing you differently.
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Jacen Nimdok
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