Having gone over the Star Wars movies, I figure it's time to branch out in a new direction.
For the second series of Chaos War College lectures, I had originally planned to cover a few historical battles and the lessons that could be learned from them. I probably still will go over them in another series, but in the meantime, I think it might be helpful to expand on some of the topics we went over from the first series.
There's a lot that goes into conducting military operations that you simply don't see in the movies. Movies, by and large, cut out all the boring bits that don't involve big explosions or epic speeches, and with good reason:
War is boring.
No, seriously. On nearly every level, it is mindnumbingly, catastrophically boring. Everyone from the lowest private to the senior general spends the majority of their time in a combat zone doing routine, mundane tasks that are so crushingly dull, the idea of getting shot at actually starts to look attractive.
No one watching a two hour movie wants to see privates spending half of that time running preventive maintenance on their vehicles. Nor do they want to see the sergeants spending twice that time trying to make sure that their privates had all their stuff before they rolled out. Precombat checks and inspections? Weapons cleaning? Barracks maintenance? All part of daily life in a warzone.
It's no wonder the movies leave that stuff out. We want to see more gunfights and less jerking it to astoundingly strange bootlegged pornography in a porta-john in 130 degree heat.
Unfortunately, a lot of the stuff that gets cut would actually be useful for planning a military operation in RP. Not the part about having to pick every little speck of dirt off a vehicle before it can clear customs, mind. That just purely sucks.
No, the parts that could really come in handy are the non-explody moments before a battle where the victors lay the groundwork for success.
For the second series of Chaos War College, we're going to cover 5 vital areas that are particularly relevant to RP. Those are, in no particular order:
  • Planning an Operation
  • Establish a Defense
  • Training Your Troops
  • Conduct Asymmetrical Warfare
  • Urban Warfare
You might notice that those are themes that were prevalent in the first series. This is because it really helps to have a base to start from when you're writing these things. It makes me look like I know what I'm doing.

In the future, we'll go back to the historical battles analysis, and probably build off of those as well. So, we're looking at a total of 4 lecture series, all for the low, low price of reading my blogs.
If you've got any particular requests for topics you want covered, miscellaneous concerns, or random curse words, feel free to leave them in the comments below.