There were some in the galaxy that felt the Force was the root of all the problems. And maybe it was. But it didn’t have to be. The Jedi and Sith used the Force in much the same way, in a fashion that has it weaponized, either to strike or to defend, but that wasn’t all the Force was. It was a tool. Fallanasi used it to create illusions, as much to protect themselves as to fool those who wished to do them harm. But that was still the Force being used against another. Brooke Waters was working with a team out of Kattada, explorers and members of the AgriCorps, the group of Jedi and other Force wielders who were not primed to be combatants.

They tended to be more akin to healers, and those who could assist in keeping rot from the world. That was where Brooke was working lately, protecting the reefs of Kattada but taking her new team, of Witches and Jedi to better affect the galaxy at large. What she was doing today? A minor field trip, out to the moons of Gyndine. A system famous for shipyards.

As her Starlit Sea touched down, along with other vessels, the blonde took a moment to center herself. She found a location that seemed to be making a great gathering area, right near a running river. The problem? Both the vegetation in this clearing, and the river were sick. Not in the way a human or humanoid get, but in a way that was much more destructive.

Rot was what Brooke called it. She’d seen this on many worlds and had worked with the other Elders and some Master Sages and discovered a Song that could help.

She was going to introduce her teams to this today. Finding herself sitting on a rock, in the modified Witch robes, less flowy than Jedi robes, but not all together revealing like Twi’lek ones, the human smiled. She could feel the pain in the world, in its very signature in the Force, but there was hope. Above birds were chirping and flying, some scared by the vessels, others doing what birds did, travel.

As more gathered, the blonde smiled. “I welcome you all here. Its not Kattada, or the worlds in the depth of the Concord, but this moon is just as important for us. For generations, the galaxy has been war torn. And that means the worlds have been abused. You can feel it, can’t you?” She gave them a moment to connect with the world. “The rot in the river, in the vegetation…” A hand moved, her staff signaling the world around them.

“As healers, as agriculturists, we can assist the world. Its not something we can do alone. But this world, the shipyards have been moved to orbit. It gives us a chance to assist the nature of this world. Its something we can do to help stem the rot here, and on other worlds, but its not something we can do on a world still being abused.”

Her smile waned. “Its not for us to make determinations for all, but with the rate our galaxy uses its planets to fund war machines, we will need to keep a close eye. Be the stewards of hope.” Not Hope in the way some Jedi, Masters Starchaser or San Tekka or Vanagor were, but hope for those that didn’t see the war front, for those just looking to live, to survive in a galaxy that seemed hard pressed to lean towards chaos at any given moment.

“Please watch, listen, and sense…”
She got up, using the staff she had, one made of coral and driftwoods from Kattada, and imbued with spell work from Allyan magic. Stepping close to the water, and still being a younger Witch, she was not using the staff to hobble, before anyone got that vision in their head. She placed the staff in the water, the soft clay rivers produced from eons of mountain erosion. This one was full of clay and slick with oils, and dust from machines.

Concentrating on the Force, Brooke began to vocalize, a small song she was singing, one who’s language would only be known to those who practiced Allyan magick, but one whose sound was clear, and true, and, dare anyone say it, bright. The Song had only a three verses, but Brooke repeated them, and as she sang, the staff glowed with an ethereal white light, nothing as oppressive as the Jedi’s Force Light, but a light that was warm, comforting, and healing.

As she turned back the very grass around her had seemed to come back from the brink of the poison, the water was running more clear, not perfect as they were not near the headlands, but for now, the river bottom was seen, the vegetation below the waters coming alive.

“This is a spell, simple, but effective, its not unlike what the AgriCorp have been using for decades to assist on farm worlds…”
The blonde smiled. “Any questions?”