







Formos Dresuoti
09:00 AM
[ERROR] / [ERROR] / 876 ABY

Nine years of searching.

Nine years of traveling.

Nine years of his cult being bound to one ship floating around old Sith-Imperial space trying to find a new place to call home.

Formos was hardly a new Dromund Kaas, and their little scrapyard was nowhere near another New Kaas City, but it was all theirs to carve out a new home for themselves. Admittedly Alisteri had his doubts that the planet would go unclaimed for long, but it was out of the way of any Jedi or Imperial border expansion. For the time being at least. It wasn't perfect but his cult had been spaceborne for far too long. The Altorius was never meant to be a permanent home of course, it was just a frigate after all.

A frigate that they had spent almost a decade on. The Altorius would still serve the cult, but with it would serve as it was meant to by its initial construction. As a military vessel to support their new home and keep them safe.

The masked gaze of the Dark Wonosa Cult's High Priest swept over the assembled cultists and their newly constructed homes and other assorted buildings that stood behind them. The makeshift stage that he and the other leaders stood upon was roughly in the center of the scrapyard-turned-settlement and would soon be torn down to make way for the cult's town hall and main cathedral. That was all soon to come though, for now the crowd awaited the address that they had all been gathered for. As Alisteri stepped forward to the front and center of the stage his cultists reacted accordingly.

The Kerstas Legionnaires saluted and stood at attention, the priests bowed their heads, and the general cultists and followers actually clapped and cheered for a moment. Moral was high for the first time in years, the stagnancy of their pilgrimage seemingly at an end as they now stood on a new world with a new settlement all their own. "My friends, my family, my fellow Sith and siblings in the dark." Silence fell over the settlement as their masked leader spoke. "Not since the fall of our empire have we been as blessed as we are now. By the will of everyone you see around you and by the sacrifice of all those that didn't survive to see us here today, we have survived that which many others have not."

"Our fellow citizens and soldiers of the Sith Empire have found themselves in either lawless anarchy or under the thumb of our enemies, our old leaders either lie dead or in hiding and awaiting the chance to return and claim power, and yet we have defied the fate that was laid before us." Alisteri raised his hands, gesturing to the settlement around them as he spoke. "We have suffered together, we have survived together, and together we have earned this. By our own hands and efforts we have carved out a new home in this turbulent galaxy. Against all the odds, in defiance of our enemies which would see us thrust into bondage or graves, in spite of the corrupt tyrants that claim leadership of our faith, in honor of the Sith that we carry on the legacy of, we stand free and thriving when so many others have failed and fallen!"

There was a moment of cheer, yelling and triumphant fist pumps towards the sky as their High Priest allowed them a moment of congratulations for themselves. "We have made a home for our families! An enclave for the true Sith that have no fear of our enemies and no time for our corrupt old rulers! Where we were once slaves, refugees, remnants and outcasts alike, we are now a real Sith society!" His hands closed into fists as his voice rose, echoing across the canyon that the scrapyard resided in. "A society built upon faith, upon community, upon the efforts and wills of the common people, a society of remnants that have been hardened and reformed into something new entirely. We are not just the remnants of the Sith Empire. We are not simply a cult. We now have the makings of a new Sith Empire, a new state guided by the Dark Side and lead by the most capable and blessed!"

"We have begun a new mission, a grand and holy purpose far above our simple pilgrimage, this settlement and our people are the foundation of the Sith's rise to power and position in the galaxy once more!"

The crowd, as well as the other occupant of the stage, broke into a cheer again and even the stoic Legionnaires joined in this time. Excitement rose as passions ignited. Finally they had a purpose aside from mere survival and scraping by, and a home to keep them safe as they embarked on their new mission. "And to mark the establishment of our new home," The crowd quieted and fell silent once more as Alisteri spoke and gestured for the other person on stage to step forward. ", I would like to acknowledge the accomplishments and dedication of one of our family members. To lead our enclave in my stead as I guide the Altorius and our legion onwards to our mission, I announce Sister Salneva Limont as the Exarch of the Dresuoti!"

The newly promoted Exarch gave a bow as the rest of the cult clapped and gave a few more cheers for her. Alisteri himself gave her a nod of respect before turning back to the crowd, the cheers and clapping falling silent again. "But for now our mission is in the future. For now we finally have a place to call our own and the company of one another. Take pride in what we've done, in how far we've come. Today our pilgrimage has ended. Tonight we celebrate our journey thus far and toast to our prosperous future."

"Tomorrow, we begin our Dark Campaign."

Formos, Formos Dresuoti
09:23 AM
[ERROR] / [ERROR] / 876 ABY