Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Woah, Take It Easy, I'm Sensitive!

Knight Mullarus said:
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

Sera sounds like a cool character who would be fun to meet IC. Any time I hear the "Acrobatic Jedi with dual sabers" type, I always think of her. I look forward to ajy future threads we may have together, be it as Mullarus or [member="Andanian Ategann"]

Also, your gif game is always on point, and I admire that.
Yay! I am super happy to hear that I can be associated with at least something relatively positive :D


Sarge Potteiger said:
Every conversation we have winds up being a word away from flirting through innuendo.
I blame you for this. My words are innocent, you twist them.

Keira Ticon said:
I've only written with Sera personally once, and that was on Kashyyyk which seems like forever ago, but it was great. PvP with you was awesome and fairly balanced, and having only found a handful of people I enjoy it with, that says something. I have a feeling if the two of them happened upon each other even after the time that's passed it'd still end up being a fight, which would be interesting to test sometime. Something tells me neither of them are the greatest at making friends.

Now, I've only been in a single thread with Jamie thus far as well, but at this point that doesn't matter. :p I can see her growing to be just as developed as Sera, even if she does have a lot to learn along the way. Everything about her is portrayed perfectly, and none of it feels forced. She acts just as genuinely as one would expect any teenager to given the scenario, and her reactions to everything being presented to her are spot on. I've always loved your writing, so keep being awesome.
I love your writing :D I am very happy to have Jamie as your student! Maybe sometime in the nearish future Keira can stumble into Sera again...Things might be different now that she's not in the Jedi Order anymore. Who knows!

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