Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private We Stay Up All Night, Killing Butterflies

Good Men Don't Need Rules

Outside in que

Likely one of the worst ideas I have been told. While duties have been relaxed, I had spoken to some of the other Jedi about not really having something to spend my free time on. Last time I had free time to spend that wasn't training, or in war was.... well since I had been back on Weik. Nevermind that. Recommendations of different bars and locations to just ease my mind, or to just do something other than sit in the temple, or in a ship, was this place. The Mirage. A night club where quite often, various artists would perform high quality music. Just for the pure fact of at least getting out of my own skin, I decided to go.

Which ended up with me being stuck in the que for the Nightclub. Of course, no weapons allowed so I carried nothing with me. All I had, was a nice button-up, and a jacket. I even bought the jacket brand new cus I didn't have much in the way of civilian clothes. Even from outside, I could hear the music. The bass thumping, vocals that were almost mumbled but still somewhat recognizable. Looking over the shoulders of people in front of me, I watched as a... pack? Gathering? of scantily clad women exited. Clearly having too much libations. Shaking my head lightly, still hearing their laughter, and almost cawing sounds of their friend group having a good time.

What would this night have in store for me? No clue, but I was going to find out.

Vizion Trozky Vizion Trozky


Kaleleon Kaleleon
After going out for a run, meeting Kara Jade Kara Jade in the midst of it, and figuring out what to ultimately do for Briana Sal-Soren Briana Sal-Soren (or at the very least how to start that process) during the course of establishing a new acquaintance with the blonde knight, Vizion Trozky was very much of the belief that he need to take his mind off of how this all might pan out… or not pan out, as the case might be.

Arriving back at his apartment from the opposite end of the Senate District was a flurry of going through the fresher, pulling on something civilian that suited going out for the night - a well-made plain white shirt, with a nice jacket - and figuring where to grab a bite to eat and how to bide his time until it made sense to make an appearance at the club.

The time passed quickly, what with catching up on local and sector news, as well as mulling over the veracity of rumours that had been circulating around the temple and doing a little cursory digging around that, all while polishing off a decent meal from a relatively new Taoan noodle shop a handful of levels down from his building.

Loud music and drink could do a fair job of taking the edge off of things, and while he could hit up somewhere else where he didn’t know the management and could be a little more anonymous, the Mirage was included in the group of places he could consider ‘home away from home’. Stepping out of the hovercab, he looked past the lineup towards the door, and to his surprise spotted one person out of everyone in the lineup that he recognized - which he hadn’t been expecting, considering where he recognised the guy from: in the bleary time before the first cup of caf filtered into his bloodstream, that morning.

Dodging the scantily-clad girls with a nod, a smile, and a gaze that didn’t linger, Viz started to walk up past the line with an arm extended in a wave to the doorman who gave a short nod in return, only pausing when he got to the ginger and turning to face him, back momentarily to the entrance. “Hey, I saw that whole thing this morning; Kaleleon, right?” He held out a hand to shake, “Viz. Come on, let me get you a drink,” he jerked the other thumb towards the door, cracking a half-smile, “Family property.”

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Waiting in the line, I just kept adjusting myself. The feeling of like I had forgotten something or left something behind. While I knew I was without my lightsaber, it was still blaring warning sirens as though something else was wrong. I took a moment to center myself. Hearing the voice of Romi Jade Romi Jade in my head once more. Telling me that the force was like water. It flowed and moved to the currents of our lives. We could harness the rapids to empower us. We could channel the power of waves that could crash down at any moment, or we could sill those waters. A stillness that would reflect not just light, but the face of a man who looked into it.

Opening my eyes, I looked up just in time to see someone walk in front of my vision. My right foot took a half step back expecting the worse, but when the guy mentioned me by name, and referenced to this morning when I had been demoted by the Order, it took me off guard. A handshake reciprocated to learn a clearly shorthand of this guys name. Viz. Followed by an offer for a drink.

Sure I had brought my own credits. Even having following the rule of only pulling the currency from one pocket, while the rest I had was in a different one entirely. Pickpockets were still very much a thing. What surprised me was that Viz stated the club was owned by his family.

"Uh sure Viz. Fair warning though, last time I had a drink was years ago. So go easy."

Stepping out of line, I went to follow wherever this man was leading me. Sure don't go with strangers, but I didn't feel any malice from this man. So I gave the benefit of the doubt.

Vizion Trozky Vizion Trozky

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