Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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To the Dog Park! *Pets are Welcome*

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Swamps & Grasslands

Holding onto the rather large bone that Narma had quite the attraction to, and tossed it as far as I possibly could. Still perplexing me, I could feel a little twinge of joy in my chest. However, it seemed different. Innocent, and ignorance. As though I could truly understand how Narma was feeling. Thinking about how we met for a moment, just the pure fact that she was a massive armored Tuk'ata, may have made people shy away from her. Let alone that she was one of the main Sith Hounds that were used to guard temples.

However, once you got past the big facade that was her claws, teeth and bone-like armor, she was harmless. However, mid-thought I was interrupted by a bone protrusion nearly stabbing me in the chest with Narma attempting to nuzzle me with her snout. The bone in her mouth and now broken into two separate pieces.

"Force be with me, how many of those will you break? I only have so much."

The large Tuk'ata just performed a mix of a purr and a growl to which I shook my head. Taking the bone from her mouth, loud thumps that could wake the dead came from her as she trampled the grass due to excitement of having to go and retrieve the bone again.

"Get it!"

Throwing it once more as far as I could, which was a fair distance for some humans, I went back to my thinking. How would Romi take to the fact that the mission I set out to do, which was to kill a beast, was now... a pet? Or maybe this was just me showing skill in more than just the blade. Due to my lack of connection within the force, I had been trying to do everything to awaken it. Getting into fights, near death situations, even fighting a goddamn Tuk'ata with my bare hands! Nothing still.

It was a partial win. However, I had to lose the thought once more as I heard the pounding of the newly acquired friend, and smiled while reaching for the bone. Taking it for a third time, and throwing it without the need to be speared to death with her horned head.

Just trying to enjoy some kind of moment before I might have to put the beast down.

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