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The Temple of the Spheres (WRotP Submission)



  • Astronomical Location Name: The Temple of the Spheres
  • Classification: Dark-side Nexus/Rift Anomaly
  • Location: Exegol
  • Rotational Period: 53 Standard Days
  • Orbital Period: 210 Local Days
  • Size: Large
  • Affiliation: Unknown; Presumed Ancient Sith
  • Population: Devoid Of Life
  • Demographics: None
  • Accessibility: A matter of some speculation. Stories suggest the site appears to translocate whenever it is not being directly observed. Attempting to reach the site from Orbit causes considerable electromagnetic interference upon ship sensors, and upon nearing the supposed site, physical detection is often obscured by extreme weather patterns, damaging winds, and frightening displays of violet lightning unlike anything witnessed elsewhere on Exegol. Tales of ships disappearing suddenly with no trace continue to pop up from time to time over the particular region most commonly associated with the anomaly. Attempts to reach the site on foot have been rumored to be successful, but very little data has been recorded to verify these anecdotal accounts.
  • Description: References to a long-forgotten Dark-side Nexus somewhere on the planet Exegol have appeared in numerous ancient texts and oral traditions throughout the ages. Speculation continues amongst those with an interest in this mysterious and eldritch convergence of power. The Site is rumored to be strangely difficult to locate, but some ancient writings tell of a mysterious “curse” - that any who eventually succeed in finding the Site return altered beyond comprehension.

  • The Temple Ziggurat: Ancient. Undamaged. Unyielding. Infinite. The pyramid is the focal point for the Nexus. It vibrates at a level too difficult to perceive by Sentient Beings, but any Force User within a thousand yards of the site feels at once both a pull toward and a push away. Anyone who listens to one will automatically feel an increase in the other - up until the moment they pass 1000m+ away from the Temple.
  • 2. Cradle Ex Nihil: Large, curving structures just beyond the Ziggurat; manufactured using unknown methods and made from the same strange metallic substance the temple itself is built from. These strange structures appear to act as “Tuning Forks” and a stabilizing platform for the energy which radiates from the site.
  • 3. No Dream For The Waking: Floating in solemn reprieve from the storms which rage all around it, the image of an unknown planet and two satellite moons are visible through the raging storm. They seem untouched by the near-constant buffeting winds and terrifying storms which surround the location; an island of placid restfulness in a sea of torrid chaos.

  • 1. Sunder The Light: Any Light-side aligned being who comes into contact with either the Ziggurat or the Cradle may become immediately twisted and altered toward the Dark Side. This may even result in physical changes at the cellular level; warping their appearance into something monstrous.
  • 2. Well of Apathy: All positive emotions evaporate in the stinging wind which whirls, like a maelstrom, about the Ziggurat. Feelings of compassion, empathy, hope, love, and joy fade into the abyss - replaced by an overwhelming sense of loss and emptiness.
  • 3. Radiance, The Black Sun: Any Dark-side aligned being with a considerable level of power finds, upon touching either the Ziggurat or the Cradle, that they may commune with the Dark Side in a very real, tangible sense. This power is intense and permanently altering.

  • 1. Spatial Anomaly: Whenever it is not being directly observed, the Temple may disappear behind a sudden violent gust of wind and dust. It will have vanished from sight upon the storm’s passing. Attempts to reach the site on-foot often appear to take longer than one might expect - regardless of the distance traveled, it will not appear to get any closer. Until, suddenly, it does.
  • 2. Temporal Anomaly: Time stands still for anyone who enters within the 1000m active zone. The wind still moves, dust still whips about in a frenzy, but the site appears to possess its own time-space dimension.
  • 3. Magnetic Anomaly: Sensors and personal means of electronic navigation are useless while attempting to navigate toward, from, or within the anomaly.

Whatever ancient ritual, great tragedy, or divine being landed upon Exegol in eons past, it permanently stained the planet. The existence of this site may be to blame for the Planet’s dark history as a Sith Redoubt; it is possible (even likely) the Ancient group was aware of it and utilized it to further their own nefarious ends. Whether or not they had any say in its creation is still a matter of debate in the darkest depths of The Order’s current philosophers & scholars. Among many speculations are also whether the Nexus is, itself, a living Dark Side Entity - perhaps even out-of-phase with the Galaxy itself, and simply manifesting in some form as an ancient temple to a forgotten culture.
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