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Approved Tech Tashai Coat of Coins

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Ashin Cardé Varanin

Couple bodies in the garden where the grass grows



  • Manufacturer: Inhabitants of Tash-Taral
  • Affiliation: Select clients and associates.
  • Market Status: Closed market — but characters who spend a lot of time on Tash-Taral can use them freely.
  • Model: N/A
  • Modularity: Not particularly. You could remove some of the coins and use the ties to strap on armor plates or gear. It wouldn't fit well or produce anything like a professional result, but you could do it pretty easily.
  • Production: Semi-unique
  • Material: Secondhand fabric (coat), alchemised metal coins (armor), terentatek sinew (sewing)

  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Light
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Extreme (coins), very low (fabric)
    • Lightsabers: Very high (coins), none (fabric)
    • Edged Weapons: High (coins), average (fabric)
    • Disruptors: High (coins), none (fabric)
    • Sonic: None
    • EMP/Ion: None
    • Fire: Low
    • Cold: Average
    • Acid: Very high (coins), very low (fabric)

  • Alchemical coins

  • Ancient Sith coins, tied or sewn to this coat (e.g. with cloth ties and/or terentatek sinew), provide excellent protection. The coins are high-quality alchemical alloy, extremely durable and capable of stopping a lightsaber, a disruptor shot, a blade, etc.
  • The coins could be detached and used for barter.
  • The coat is comfortable on cold desert nights.
  • The coat covers much of the body, typically down to mid-thigh and wrist or longer.

  • The coins are quite rare, leaving large gaps in coverage. Any given coat has a few dozen coins, not the hundreds that full coverage would require.
  • While the coins are essentially invulnerable to a lightsaber, other energy weapons, edged weapons, etc., the same isn't true for the cloth or terentatek-sinew ties that bind the coins to the coat. The wearer should expect to lose a few coins in any given fight.
  • The coat's fabric, while durable, is still just cloth: vulnerable to acid, fire, blunt instruments, impacts, blaster shots, and so forth. The coins are what's special.
  • Wearing a coat of coins noticeably increases the owner's hunger for shiny treasure. Ysalamiri can keep this from getting worse or allow for 'detox,' but the effect is tenacious.

Circa 5500 BBY, a Dark Lord of the Sith took the throne of a part of the planet Tash-Taral. King Dzekra Lo ordered alchemists to mint coins that would commemorate his reign forever.

As the name and fame of Dzekra Lo are lost to history, these coins (dull silver, round or rectangular, with a central hole and basic Sith inscriptions) are the only record that he ever existed.

Today, individual Dzekra Lo coins can be found at any of the planet's main trade settlements, like Lasaraleen or New Dreshdae. Enterprising locals often sew these supernaturally durable coins to their coats for a layer of patchy but serious protection.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Ashin Cardé Varanin Ashin Cardé Varanin

Another very cool submission! I found only two problems,
  • The ratings (coin part) is overpowered (+1), please fix this.
  • And the "Edged Weapons", this is Kinetic resistance, so please delete from your list. However, if you delete this, your ratings will be underpowered (-1). So please calculate this into your counting.
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