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Approved Starship Sovereign-Class Battlecruiser/Heavy Carrier

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  • Intent: To Create a powerful Battlecruiser for the Brotherhood of the maw
  • Image Source: Tap Here
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Classification: Heavy Battlecruiser, Carrier, Command ship
  • Length: 5.000 Meters/ 5 Kilometers
  • Width: 2.300 Meters/ 2.3 Kilometers
  • Height: 4.000 Meters/ 4 Kilometers
  • Armament: High
    • 100 Octuple barbette Ion cannons (O.B.I.C)
    • 100 Heavy Turbolaser cannons
    • 40 Normal Turbolaser batteries (8 guns per battery)
    • 100 Point defense laser cannons
    • 10 Heavy tractor beams
  • Defenses: High
    • 15 Military-Grade shield Generators [Thermal, Ion, Deflector, Ray Type shields]
    • Triple-layered Durasteel/Matrix armor/Tungsten Armor.
  • Hangar Space: High
  • Hangar Allocations:
    • Starfighters: 35x squadrons (420 Qie fighters)
    • Support Craft: 5x squadrons
  • Maneuverability Rating: Low
  • Speed Rating: Average
  • Hyperdrive: 1.0 Class (Main), 10.0 Class(Back-up)
  • All standard features
  • Fast Hyperdrive
    • The Sovereign has one of the fastest hyperdrives for a ship its size.
  • Heavy carrier
    • The Sovereign can carry 300 starfighters to protect itself and attack enemies
  • Stop right there!
    • 100 of the New octuple barbette Ion cannons are able to disable ships with enough hits and if close enough
  • Dual Engine Placement.
  • Limited Self-Repair Properties (Full Restoration Requires Sufficient Drydock Time)
  • Get Back Here!
    • The ion cannons get more ineffective at disabling a ship the farthest it is from the Sovereign.
The Sovereign-Class Battlecruiser/Heavy Carrier In terms of physical design it bears a superficial resemblance to a cuttlefish or squid, with a bulky semi-cylindrical body, a tapering plate over the rear and five tentacle-like "legs" or arms extending from its front end, in addition to six jointed legs extending from its body. The rear-most of the larger legs has crescent-shaped extensions. It was created for the Brotherhood of the maw in order to be used as a command ship, for leading main fleets into battle. Its weapons consist of a grid of point-defense turrets to use against starfighters and its Main weapons are 100 powerful Octaple, also it can use its six "Legs" to land on the surface of a planet or hold capital ships in place. Its special systems consist of Advanced ECM Systems, HIMS and a Crystal Gravfield Trap system for detecting ships from further away from that most, its complement of strike craft consists of 25 squadrons of Qie fighters (420 total fighters) for defending itself and screening again other fighters, the crew of the Sovereign is 400 officers and 360 gunners and about a dozen or so Tractor beam specialists.
Last edited:
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Pyre Palpatine Pyre Palpatine

Hello! I'll be your judge today.
  • The image source is not good, please link the site where you found the picture, not just the picture.
  • Manufacturer: The Dread Forge; These are 5km length ship, only Major Factions can produce them in limited production scale, please modify this to the Maw.
  • Your ratings are overpowered (+6), please fix this.
  • What is the Ultra laser? Please link it.
  • Please use this link to the ECM.
  • The HIMS and Crystal Gravfield Trap are Restricted items, so the production can be only Semi-unique or Unique. Please modify the production, or delete these from your list.
  • The Beam Cannon strength, please modify the wording to "may be able" or similar. Always the opponent decide how your attack was successful this is why you need to left a chance to them to defend themselves against the attacks, and this is why the wording important.
  • Please add one more pvp relevant weakness to your submission.
Pyre Palpatine Pyre Palpatine

Hello! I'll be your judge today.
  • The image source is not good, please link the site where you found the picture, not just the picture.
  • Manufacturer: The Dread Forge; These are 5km length ship, only Major Factions can produce them in limited production scale, please modify this to the Maw.
  • Your ratings are overpowered (+6), please fix this.
  • What is the Ultra laser? Please link it.
  • Please use this link to the ECM.
  • The HIMS and Crystal Gravfield Trap are Restricted items, so the production can be only Semi-unique or Unique. Please modify the production, or delete these from your list.
  • The Beam Cannon strength, please modify the wording to "may be able" or similar. Always the opponent decide how your attack was successful this is why you need to left a chance to them to defend themselves against the attacks, and this is why the wording important.
  • Please add one more pvp relevant weakness to your submission.
Is it okay?
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Pyre Palpatine Pyre Palpatine

There are still some problems left:
  • The image source is still not good, please use this link
  • Manufacturer: The Dread Forge; These are 5km length ship, only Major Factions can produce them in Semi-unique production scale, please modify this to the Maw.
  • And your ratings are still overpowered (+5), please fix this.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Pyre Palpatine Pyre Palpatine

  • The image source is still not good, you're change the picture, but not the link. With his picture please use this link, because this is the picture's link.
  • Manufacturer: The Dread Forge; These are 5km length ship, only Major Factions can produce them in Semi-unique production scale, please modify this to the Brotherhood of the Maw. What you wrote that is a place, a shipyard, not a company, not a faction, so you can't keep it. I asked this at the two time now, but you're still not changed it.
  • And now your ratings are underpowered (-3), if you want, you can edit this.
  • Hangar Space: High is 35 ships, you wrote only 25, please edti this.
Pyre Palpatine Pyre Palpatine

  • The image source is still not good, you're change the picture, but not the link. With his picture please use this link, because this is the picture's link.
  • Manufacturer: The Dread Forge; These are 5km length ship, only Major Factions can produce them in Semi-unique production scale, please modify this to the Brotherhood of the Maw. What you wrote that is a place, a shipyard, not a company, not a faction, so you can't keep it. I asked this at the two time now, but you're still not changed it.
  • And now your ratings are underpowered (-3), if you want, you can edit this.
  • Hangar Space: High is 35 ships, you wrote only 25, please edti this.
I Couldn't find a better image quality so i just removed it but kept the link. And fixed the other things.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Pyre Palpatine Pyre Palpatine

The picture's quality was good, the source was the problem. The last one, the deviantart is good, I mean the picture's quality as well. Now one problem remained:
Hangar Allocations:
  • Starfighters: 35x squadrons (420 Qie fighters)
  • Support Craft: 5x squadrons
This is 40 squadrons instead of the 35. Fix this one, and after that, I can approve it.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Pyre Palpatine Pyre Palpatine

Oh, I almost forget this sub. Update on this? I have to move the thread to the Archive soon according to the Factory policy. I can give you a few more days if you need them, until Saturday (2022.03.19), to make the necessary edits or indicate that you are asking for a few extra days for this.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Pyre Palpatine Pyre Palpatine

Oh, I almost forget this sub. Update on this? I have to move the thread to the Archive soon according to the Factory policy. I can give you a few more days if you need them, until Saturday (2022.03.27.), to make the necessary edits or indicate that you are asking for a few extra days for this.
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