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The Sith Order

The standing Order of the Sith, consolidated following the Sith Schism of 864ABY. Led by the Emperor and Dark Lord, Darth Empyrean, it strives to bring Sith dominance to the Galaxy once more.

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Sith Government



An individual may die, but the Sith are eternal.
It is those prophetic words that drive forth the engine of the Dark Side, the wheels and mechanisms which guide the Sith Empire into the future. Built upon the foundations of strength, knowledge, and power, the Sith Empire seeks to exert its influence across the galaxy. What was once an ad-hoc alliance of Imperial warlords, technocrats, and the dark warriors of the Sith has transformed into a massive Empire stretching from the wheat fields of Dantooine to the teeming industries of the Corporate Sector.
Held together by the ironclad principles of Sith Eternalism, the Sith Empire is inexorable in its commitment to establishing a galaxy-spanning Empire ruled by the Sith.

Mandate I: General Principles
  • Axiom I: The Tenth Sith Empire is a sovereign Sith state under the totalitary rule of the Sith Diarchy; the Order of the Sith and the Cabal of Typhojem are its principal religions, Imperial Basic and ur-Kittât are its languages, and Dromund Kaas is its capital.
  • Axiom II: The Tenth Sith Empire is guided in its activities by Sith Eternalism.
  • Axiom III: The Empire's public holidays are the Imperial Fair, Imperial Military Ball, Victory Day, and Sithmas. Its calendar is the Sith Calendar.
  • Axiom IV: The Empire's flag shall be as follows: (a) It shall be red. (b) Its width shall be half of its length. (c) Its symbol shall consist of the Sith Eternal crest.
  • Axiom V: All power in the Tenth Sith Empire belongs to the government. The Imperial Meliora and the Pillars of the Empire are the organs through which the government exercises power.
  • Axiom VI: The government administers state affairs and manages economic and cultural undertakings and social affairs through various channels and in various ways in accordance with the provisions of Sith Eternal Law.
  • Axiom VII: The state organs of the Tenth Sith Empire apply the principle of authoritarianism.
  • Axiom VIII: The various levels of the Imperial Meliora and Pillars of the Empire are constituted through an autocratic appointment. They are responsible to the Dark Lord and Emperor and subject to their supervision.
  • Axiom IX: All administrative, judicial, and procuratorial organs of the state are created by the Pillars of the Empire to which they are responsible and by which they are supervised.
  • Axiom X: The Tenth Sith Empire governs the nation according to Sith Eternal Law.
  • Axiom XI: No laws or administrative or local regulations may contravene the Mandate of Sith Supremacy.
  • Axiom XII: All state organs, the armed forces, public organizations, and all enterprises and institutions must abide by the Mandate of Sith Supremacy and other laws. All acts in violation of the Mandate of Sith Supremacy or other laws must be investigated and punished.
  • Axiom XIII: No organization or individual is privileged to be beyond the Mandate of Sith Supremacy or other laws, with the exception of the Dark Lord and Emperor.
  • Axiom XIV: The Sith Masses shall strive to achieve the complete victory of Sith Eternalism in the northern half of the Galaxy by strengthening the masses' power and vigorously performing the three conquests—the ideological, cultural, and technical—and reunify the Galaxy on the principle of hierarchy, violent reunification, and might.
  • Axiom XV: Purpose, power, and devotion are the basic ideas of the foreign policy and the principles of external activities of the Sith Empire.
  • Axiom XVI: The Empire shall establish diplomatic as well as political, economic, and cultural relations with all friendly states, on principles of mutual respect and non-interference in each other's affairs and mutual benefit.
Mandate II: Economy
  • Axiom XVII: The national economy of the Sith Empire shall be an autarkic command economy.
  • Axiom XVIII: The Empire shall balance a proportion between accumulation and consumption properly, accelerate the economic construction, continue to raise people’s living standards, and formulate and implement national economic development plans in order to strengthen the national defense capability.
  • Axiom XIX: The Empire shall formulate unified and detailed plans and guarantee a high rate of production growth and balanced development of the national economy.
  • Axiom XX: The Empire shall develop foreign trade on the principles of mutual benefit.
  • Axiom XXI: The Empire shall encourage institutions, enterprises, or associations to establish and operate contractual joint venture enterprises with corporations or individuals of foreign countries within a special economic zone, the Corporate Sector Authority.
  • Axiom XXII: The Empire shall pursue a tariff policy with the aim of protecting the national economy.
Mandate III: Culture
  • Axiom XXIII: The Empire shall put the principles of Sith Eternalist education into practice and raise the new generation to be steadfast Sith Eternals who will fight for the Empire.
  • Axiom XXIV: The Empire shall give precedence to education and the training of cadres for the nation and combine general education with technological education and education with productive labor.
  • Axiom XXV: The Empire shall develop universal compulsory 11-year education under the Sith Youth system.
  • Axiom XXVI: The Empire shall train competent technicians and experts by enhancing the regular educational system as well as different forms of study while working, and by improving the scientific and theoretical levels of technical education and education on social science and basic science.
  • Axiom XXVII: The Empire shall provide education to all pupils and students free of charge and grant allowances to students of universities.
  • Axiom XXVIII: The Empire shall maintain all children in creches at the state and public expense.
  • Axiom XXIX: The Empire shall establish Sith Eternalism in scientific research, introduce advanced science and technology in every possible way, open up new areas of science and technology, and raise the Empire's science and technology to the galactic level.
  • Axiom XXX: The Empire shall develop Sith Eternal oriented literature and art.
  • Axiom XXXI: The Empire shall popularize physical culture and make it in a habit of citizen's lives to ensure that the citizen is fully prepared for labor and national defense; and develop physical techniques conforming to the trends in the development of modern physical techniques.
  • Axiom XXXII: The Empire shall consolidate and develop the system of state-provided medical services.
Mandate IV: National Defense
  • Axiom XXXIII: The mission of the Sith Military is to safeguard the interests of the Sith Empire and to protect the sovereignty of the nation.
  • Axiom XXXIV: The Empire shall implement the line of self-reliant defense, to arm the military, to fortify the nation, to train the military, and to modernize the military on the basis of equipping them ideologically.
  • Axiom XXXV: The Empire shall strengthen the military with mass discipline and promote the display of unity between officers and men, and unity between the military and the state.
Mandate V: Sith Eternal Law
  • Precept I: Generation Information
    • Sith Eternal Law has been put in place to ensure the safety, security, and prosperity of the Tenth Sith Empire and its allies. Sith Eternal Law applies to all members of the Tenth Sith Empire and nationalized groups/organizations, regardless of branch and position, and all individuals/groups who enter Sith-Imperial territory in any capacity.
    • Sith Eternal Law is enforced by three main organizations; the Order Police (OP), the Security Police (SP), and the Saaraishash / Imperial Inquisition (II)
    • The Order Police is the collective law enforcement organizations of individual planetary systems within the Empire, and uphold and enforce the basic laws of the Empire and carry out judicial punishment for infractions of basic laws.
    • The Security Police is the state-enforced security task force that investigates and prosecutes infractions against Imperial culture as defined by the Ministry of Culture.
    • The Saaraishash, also known as the Imperial Inquisition, is the judicial and intelligence agency that deals with serious crimes committed within the Empire; terrorism, subversion, counter-espionage, treason, and other activities that threaten the security and stability of the government.
    • The definitions under Sith-Imperial Law are as follows:
      • Tenth Sith Empire / Sith Empire: The government body which is currently ruling the galactic north, under the command of the Sith Diarchy; Dark Lord Darth Prazutis and Empress Joycelyn Zambrano.
      • Member of the Sith Empire: Anyone who is currently in the service of the Sith Empire, regardless of branch, rank, or position.
      • Imperial Citizen: Anyone who is not part of the Sith Empire itself, but resides in the territory of the Sith Empire and has registered for Imperial Citizenship.
      • Sith Eternal Law: The laws, rules, and regulations set down by this document.
  • Precept II: Civil Laws
    • Sith Eternal Law is enforced by the branches described above. Grand Moffs are the supreme legal authority in their sector. They may choose to act as judges at trials held in their sector, and may pass sentence without a jury should they so wish, unless the Diarchy or an assigned proxy intervenes. All offenders are assumed to be guilty of their offense until proven beyond doubt that they are innocent.
      • Arson
      • Assault
      • Breach of the Peace
      • Bribery
      • Burglary
      • Civil Disorder
      • Embezzlement
      • Extortion
      • Failure to Follow Planetary Security Procedures
      • Failure to Produce Valid Datawork
      • Failure to Produce a Valid Identity Document
      • Failure to Produce a Valid Travel Permit
      • Forgery
      • Fraud
      • Hijacking
      • Illegal Gathering
      • Illegal Parking
      • Kidnapping
      • Loitering
      • Murder
      • Perjury
      • Piracy
      • Possession of Contraband
      • Possession of Stolen Property
      • Slicing
      • Smuggling
      • Solicitation
      • Theft
      • Traveling without Permission
      • Trespassing
      • Unauthorized Possession of a Weapon
      • Unauthorized Use of a Weapon
      • Under-age Consumption of Intoxicants
      • Vagrancy
      • Vandalism
  • Precept III: Internal Law
    • The Imperial branches have an additional set of laws to adhere to, which are listed in this section. It is the job of the branch commanding officers and executive officers to ensure that these laws are followed, and anyone found breaching them is reported.
      • Absence Without Leave
      • Assault of a Superior
      • Desertion
      • Disrespect Towards a Superior
      • Improper Conduct
      • Insubordination
      • Intoxication Whilst On Duty
      • Mutiny
      • Non-compliance with Sith Eternal Law
      • Unauthorized Dissemination of Classified Information
  • Precept IV: High Crimes
    • High Crimes include crimes committed directly against the Sith Empire which threaten the stability and security of the government.
      • Acts of War
      • Aiding the Enemy
      • Assassination
      • Breach of the Imperial Oath
      • Cloning
      • Conspiracy
      • Crimes against the Emperor
      • Engaging in Subversive Activities
      • Espionage
      • Harboring/Aiding a Fugitive
      • High Treason
      • Impersonation of an Imperial Official
      • Obstruction of Imperial Justice
      • Refusal to Cooperate with Imperial Authorities
      • Resisting Arrest
      • Sedition
      • Spying
      • Subscription to Dangerous Ideologies
      • Terrorism
      • Treason
  • Precept V: Punishments
    • A criminal who breaks Sith Eternal Law is to expect their apprehension and punishment.
      • Censure
      • Demotion
      • Detention
      • Execution
      • Exile
      • Fine
      • Forced Labor
      • Freezing of Assets
      • Reprimand
      • Severance/Dishonorable Discharge
      • Suspension
  • Precept VI: Application of Sith Eternal Law
    • Sith-Imperial Law is applicable to the entire territory of the Sith Empire. All members of the Sith Empire, and citizens within its borders, are subject to these laws. The only exceptions are their Supreme Excellencies, Dark Lord Braxus Zambrano, and Empress Joycelyn Zambrano. Some of these laws are non-applicable to members of the Imperial Crownguard.
    • Should an individual that has violated any number of Sith Eternal Law flee to a foreign government or territory, the Sith Empire reserve the right to extradite the violator back into the Empire's borders for trial through any means necessary. The Diarchy's permission is required for the arrest of members of the Empire's upper echelon unless the matter is of the utmost urgency, after which the Diarchy's permission must be sought for the continued detention of the individual.
  • Precept VII: Reporting a Crime
    • Members and Citizens of the Empire are obligated to report any violations of Sith-Imperial Law.
  • Precept VIII: Droids
    • All droids must be registered with local Sith Eternal authorities, and are subjected to a set of provisions:
      • Droids must not possess weapons or long-range sensors.
      • Droids may not contain long-range transmitters and/or receivers.
      • Droids specifically designed for combat, assassination, sabotage, and other malicious activities are prohibited.
      • Droids designed for medical use or heavy labor are strictly regulated and must be reported to and scanned by local authorities.
      • Authorities may scan droids at any time for illegal modifications.
    • Droids with specifically authorized programming may be allowed to act autonomously from organic beings.
  • Precept IX: Weapons
    • Privately-owned weapons without a license are banned under Sith Eternal Law.
    • Licenses may be requested from Imperial Authorities.
  • Precept X: Culture and Media
    • Artistic expression will be monitored and evaluated by the Pillar of Unity under the sub-department Ministry of Culture.
      • The Ministry of Culture evaluates material and determines whether it is suitable for publication.
      • The Ministry of Culture monitors these areas and can authorize punitive actions to protect the interests and cultural hegemony of the Empire and its citizens.
      • The Ministry of Culture may remove content evaluated as a security risk.
    • Media and HoloNet publications will be monitored and evaluated by the Pillar of Unity under the sub-department Ministry of Truth.
      • The Ministry of Truth produces and disseminates state-approved media through the Sith-Imperial News Network and affiliated organizations.
      • The Ministry of Truth reserves the authority to ban and censor HoloNet material considered inappropriate to cultural standards.
  • Precept XI: Trials
    • All criminals charged with these laws will be put on trial.
    • There are three types of tribunals within the Empire; civilian, military, and grand.
    • Civilian tribunals are categorized based on territory, ranging from planetary, system, sector, and oversector; and deal with breaches of civil law.
    • Military tribunals are categorized along branch lines and deal with breaches of internal law.
    • The Grand Tribunal deals with high crimes and other similar violations.
    • During a trial, should the accused fail to appear, they are to be judged as guilty in absentia and sentenced to an appropriate punishment.
  • Precept XII: Maintenance of Sith Eternal Law
    • The Sith Empire reserves the right to alter, add, remove, and otherwise edit these laws as it sees fit. Notice may not be given.

Sith Diarchy is the terminology for the joint leadership of the Dark Lord of the Sith and the Sith Emperor in the Sith Empire.

Dark Lord of the Sith is the spiritual leader of the Sith Empire and the ultimate authority in matters of faith. The Dark Lord of the Sith rules for life or until abdication, and they share their responsibilities and powers with the Sith Emperor.
Sith Emperor is the political leader of the Sith Empire and the ultimate authority in matters of state. The Sith Emperor rules for life or until abdication, and they share their responsibilities and powers with the Dark Lord of the Sith.

Grand Vizier is the leader and speaker of the Imperial Diet. The Grand Vizier holds their position through appointment by the Sith Diarchy and held the position for life, until abdication, or until removal.

Pillar is the term for one of the eight leaders of the Sith Council, the leading bureaucratic body which oversaw the Sith Empire's government and military. The Pillars were appointed by the Sith Diarchy and subject to ceremonial approval by the Grand Vizier, and held the position for life, until abdication, or until removal.

Sith Paragon is the term for one of the six leaders of the Sith Order, the Empire's Force Sensitive religious organization. Each Paragon embodied a specific aspect considered foundational for the Sith; Darkness, Devotion, Knowledge, Power, Strength, and Truth. The Paragons were appointed by the Sith Diarchy and held the position for life, until abdication, or until removal.

Grand Moff is the term for one of the four divisional governors of the Empire's four oversectors. Grand Moffs were subject to the authority of the Grand Vizier and were appointed directly by the Grand Vizier, holding the position for life, until abdication, or until removal.

Moff is the term for one of the sixteen regional governors of the Empire's sixteen sectors. Moffs were subject to the authority of the Grand Moffs and were appointed directly by the Grand Moffs, holding the position for life, until abdication, or until removal.

Governor is the term for one of the Empire's systems overseers. Governors were subject to the authority of the Moffs and were appointed directly by the Moffs, holding the position for life, until abdication, or until removal.


The Sith Council, also known as the Pillars of the Empire, was created to oversee and maintain the vast bureaucracy apparatus of the Sith Empire. Each Pillar holds many responsibilities, including:
  • Upholding the Sith Mandates
  • Prosecuting Enemies of the Empire
  • Ensuring the Empire's Defense
  • Managing the Empire's Resources
In accordance with the Mandates of Sith Supremacy, the Sith Council's composition can be altered in accordance with the wishes of the Sith Diarchy. Currently, the Sith Council consists of eight Pillars:
Pillar of Advancement
  • Purpose: Overseeing the Empire's scientific ministries including Medicine, Technology, and the Survey Corps
Pillar of Commerce
  • Purpose: Maintain the Empire's trade networks and balancing the treasury including the ministries of Trade, Transportation, and the Sith Banking Clan
Pillar of Education
  • Purpose: Educating the Empire's future generations including the ministry of Education, Sith Youth, and the Vocational Career Institute
Pillar of Influence
  • Purpose: Maintaining diplomatic relations and spying on foreign governments consisting of the agencies of Civil Intelligence, Foreign Intelligence, and the Diplomatic Service
Pillar of Justice
  • Purpose: Upholding the Empire's laws and prosecuting criminals directing the Detention Force, Grand Tribunal, and the National Police
Pillar of Production
  • Purpose: Controlling the Empire's agricultural and manufacturing power alongside the ministries of Agriculture, Energy, Labor
Pillar of Unity
  • Purpose: Upholding cultural standards and disseminating propaganda underneath the ministries of Culture, Imperialization, and Truth
Pillar of War
  • Purpose: Prosecuting armed conflicts and garrisoning Imperial worlds are the Sith Legion, Sith Armada, and Military Intelligence


The Imperial Diet, also known as the Chamber of the Meliora, exists to draft and legislate new laws into existence as well as administrate the Empire's territorial divisions. The Diet was chaired by the Grand Vizier and a council of the Empire's four Grand Moffs. Beneath them was the conclave of the Empire's sixteen Moffs, who themselves oversaw the hundreds, if not thousands, of governors who represented the various planetary systems in the Empire.
The duties and responsibilities of the Imperial Diet were numerous, but included:
  • Creation of Sith Law
  • Establishment of New Territorial Boundaries
  • Allotment of Territory to Governors
  • Management of Territorial Resources
While there are no political parties due to the autocratic nature of the Sith Empire, the creation of interest blocs has become an observed phenomenon among the members of the Imperial Diet.
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[Last Updated: 12/14/20]
Note: Inactivity may result in ones removal from said position. Please notify faction staff of any LoA's being taken so this doesn't happen.

To register please post below with the indicated information. Please refer to
here for your original caste.
  • Desired Position:
  • Original Caste:


RepresentativePositionOriginal Caste
-Dark Lord-
Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe Grand VizierEnlisted
Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Pillar of InfluenceSith
Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn Pillar of ProductionEnlisted
Telis Taharin-Zambrano Telis Taharin-Zambrano Pillar of UnitySith
-Pillar of War-
TBDPillar of CommerceTBD
Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco Pillar of AdvancementSith
TBDPillar of EducationTBD
TBDPillar of JusticeTBD


RepresentativePositionOriginal Caste
Madelyn Lowe Madelyn Lowe Grand VizierEnlisted
Grand Moff Aut-XGrand Moff of HesperisEnlisted
TBDGrand Moff of TranshydianTBD
Thaelius Thaelius Grand Moff of InterviaeEnlisted
TBDGrand Moff of TransperlemianTBD
Lunafreya Solidor Lunafreya Solidor Grand MoffCabalist

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