Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Short term commitment - Master or Knight to train Padawan

Hey there. Just trying to get back into the swing of things, and wanted to do a new character with a short shelf-life. To that end, we have some quick and fun character work on offer. If you want your character to undergo some challenges and hardships (in order for them to grow, not just to suffer. We aren't playing The Sims) then you have come to the right place.

That's right. I figure this character has a shelf life of no more than ten threads.

Here is Erid's bio:

Would be fun to write with someone I haven't written with before. Let me know if you want to do something!

You might even get Bastila Sal-Soren on an adventure or two if you are keen.

Brandyn/Ala/New Way writer...person...

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