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Work In Progress Sanctuary City, Alderaan


"True strength is being crushed underfoot, and finding the will to stand again." - Alicio Organa

  • City Name: Sanctuary City
  • Classification: Refugee City
  • Location: Sanctuary Coast, Alderaan
  • Affiliation: Noble Houses of Alderaan, Galactic Alliance
  • Population: Heavy- ~3,000,000
  • Demographics:
    • Human- 65%
    • Other- 35%
Due to Sanctuary City's nature as a refuge for those fleeing war and oppression, it's citizenry comes from all across the galaxy, mostly from the Scar Worlds and the fronts devastated by the Brotherhood of the Maw. Sanctuary City's population is always in flux, as families move in when their livelihoods are destroyed, and some are able to leave as their homeworlds are reclaimed. Generally, the city is always expanding.
  • Wealth: Low- Most residents of Sanctuary City are refugees escaping danger and hardship. But the systems put in place to get them back on their feet ensure that most people have livable salaries.
  • Stability: High- The crime rate of Sanctuary is technically higher than many places on Alderaan, due to so many low-income, desperate people mixing, but the same systems help negate much of the need for crime. Similarly, the City Council's focus on unity and cultural exchange keeps lines from being drawn between ethnic groups. As far as refugee cities go, Sanctuary City is incredibly safe.
  • Freedom & Oppression: Free- While falling under the laws of Alderaan and the rule of the planet's monarchy, Sanctuary City runs it's own democratic elections. Elected officials join the City Council, a political body tasked with city maintenance and self-governance. The average citizen is free to do or say whatever they wish, and build a life for themselves and their kin that they may have lost before.
  • Description: Sanctuary is a large, populous port town on one of Alderaan's many large seas. Boasting a cosmopolitan seaside industriousness, but also heavily entrenched in Alderaanian nature-incorporating design philosophies, Sanctuary City is a charming mix of modern white spires, and beautiful verdant gardens and forests. People from across the galaxy come here for a second chance at life, and that energy is felt in every cobblestone and soaring skyscraper.

City Center - Considered the beating heart of Sanctuary, the City Center is where many of the municipal buildings lie, including the council chambers, the courthouse, and various embassies. If someone wants to make a difference, this is where they would go.

Thranta Street - The market district of Sanctuary runs along a winding, seaside road, named Thranta Street both for the view of the inland sea, where wild thranta can sometimes be heard, and for the similarly named Thranta Park. This park is a secluded area with low benches and bushes, and features a tall fountain depicting thrantas in play.

Sanctuary Harbor - As a port town, Sanctuary boasts a large harbor, where many of the city's refugees find work. Ships both aquatic and space-worthy dock here, to trade with Sanctuary City, and drop off relief supplies. The view over the harbor at night is truly something special, and during festivals, it's a common location to hold firework shows.

Memorial Holographic Gardens - A personal project of Alicio Organa, the Memorial Holographic gardens are dozens of shining domes, varying in size from a small garden, to a full city block. Using native flora and soil from around the galaxy, and fancy holoimaging technology, the insides of these domes simulate the wilds of various worlds across the galaxy, giving the refugees a taste of the homes they had to leave.

Castle Bastion - A contingent of Alderaanian Knights from the Order of the Shield have taken up residency within the city, inside a white-stone fortre
ss next to the harbor. Sworn to protect the people of Sanctuary with their lives, the Knights are a welcome sight, tasked by the City Council to deal with threats both from without and within. While it began as a purely Alderaanian group, Castle Bastion has slowly grown to accept members from the refugee population themselves, proud of the fact that they are the most diverse sect of Knights on Alderaan.

Starblossom Temple - In addition to the Order of the Shield, there is a small Jedi population within Sanctuary. Rarely boasting more than ten knights and/or padawans, the Starblossom Temple is a small, yet welcome presence at the edge of the city. Named for the various starblossom trees that grow around it, the temple's caretakers fulfill their role as peacekeepers, solving disputes between refugee populations. If a Jedi ever needed training in diplomacy, here would be an excellent place to do it.

Medium - As far as cities go, Sanctuary City is middle of the road, in terms of protection. While boasting Castle Bastion, and being directly supported by House Organa, this city was not built to withstand invasion by an occupying force. It is far more adept at rooting out clandestine operations, but aside from one well-defended shield generator in the center of the city, and reliance on the Alderaanian Royal Navy, Sanctuary is defenseless.

Sanctuary City began as a dream.

Receiving it's name from the Sanctuary Coast, the landmark the city lies on, Sanctuary City began as the brainchild and passion project of then-Queen Faith Organa Faith Organa . Under her careful guiding hand, the refuge began construction. But Faith was pulled so many directions, and realized the need to delegate. So she enlisted the help of her long-lost cousin, Count Alicio Organa Alicio Organa . Instated as Liason to the crown of Alderaan, Count Alicio diligently continued Queen Faith's work, up until the city's completion. Both are honored as founders of the city, and are held in high regard by the populace.

Finished just in time for the worst of the Second Great Hyperspace War, the city's infrastructure was immediately put to the test. It survived it's growing pains, and over time, stabilized it's economy, and found it's footing, so to say. House Organa was a constant guardian and guide, but soon enough, the city began to take on a life all it's own.

Now, Sanctuary City is a bustling port city and trade center on Alderaan, with many sights to see, and many opportunities for those who have lost all hope.
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