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Approved Starship Project Revival Sekotan Starships

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  • Manufacturer: Zonama Sekot Shipbuilders
  • Affiliation: Ossus Initiative and Seed Project Members (Scar Worlds and Jedi Praxeum)
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Personal Revival Starship
  • Production: Minor
  • Material: Alusteel framework, Bora seed generated organic materials, Sekotan Biots, electronic parts
  • Classification: Fast Transport Shuttle
  • Length: Variable from 35-50 meters
  • Width: Variable between 20-30 meters
  • Height: Variable between 15-25 meters
  • Armament: Very Low
  • Defenses: High
    • High Intensity Shield Generator
    • Dovin Basal based shielding
  • Squadron Count: Very Low: 4
  • Maneuverability Rating: Very High
  • Speed Rating: Very High
  • Hyperdrive: 0.4 Sekotan Hyperdrive
  • Seed partner Force Mind
  • Life Support System
  • High Intensity Shield Generator
  • Sekotan Yaret-Kor lava cannons
  • Sekotan Dovin Basal maneuvering biots
  • Seed and Living Tissue Transportation Capability

  • Advanced navigation system (Living and Traditional)
  • Advanced hyperdrive system
  • Advanced propulsion system
  • Force Connection to the living carrier and Zonama Sekot
  • The Project Revival Sekotan Ships boast an advanced Sekotan Hyperdrive and engine system, making the ship very fast
  • The Ships are designed to be a very effective transport for living tissue, including larval stage species, eggs, and seeds
  • The ship is a blend of living biots and traditional construction pieces
  • The ship has very limited offensive capabilities
  • If the ship is used for any purpose that goes against the agreement with Sekot (the assistance of healing worlds and locating new worlds that need assistance), the ship will no longer work for the pilot and will return to the carrier, or to Zonama Sekot itself
  • Each ship is unique and bonded to its pilot, while it may take direction from another pilot, the further you are from the bonded pilot, the less responsive it is (i.e. a ship's bonded pilot's child will have better results than even a close friend)
Following Coren Starchaser's trip to Zonama Sekot in 874 ABY, with several Jedi from various Orders but centered around the goals of the Ossus Initiative of the Scar Worlds, Sekot allowed many Jedi and other capable pilots to construct and 'birth' specialized Sekotan starships for the purpose of assisting in the recovery and rebuilding of worlds devastated by war. In all, a total of 24 of these Project: Revival ships were birthed over the course of several months.

Built to standards similar to the famed Sekotan Personal Starships, each ship is unique, as they are living entities, and are formed with a varying degree of traditional and biot construction. Based on the seed partner, some ships may have more Yuuzhan Vong inspired but Sekotan born biots, others may have more traditional electronic components, but all have a living core in the ship that is charged by photosynthesis, and has a unique Force connection to the planet Zonama Sekot, the living carrier New Dawn, and its own seed partner. Even for non Force sensitive seed partners, this connection is innate for the vessel.

While most Sekotan ships are used as exotic and very fast shuttles, the Revival ships are designed to be light transports, able to assist in helping safely deliver a wide array of organic tissue, ranging from living beings in young/larval stages, to seeds of numerous species and planets.These vessels are tougher than the average Sekotan ship, designed for entering and exiting harsh planetary and stellar environments safely.

This submission is designed to provide a baseline for those who want it, or a jump off point for those who want to design their own version of this ship.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser

Intersting one, I really like it. However I found two problems:
  • Production: Limited; you need to change this. This means 1 single minor faction, you mentioned two. So please delete one of the factions or increase the production scale:
    Production: Limited (Only one small group of characters. IE: A Single Minor Faction, Company, or Group within a faction.)
  • Your ratings are underpowered (-3), if you want, you can edit this.
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