Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Paddies Havin A Good Time!



The outing on Coruscant was at night time, Syrilla and some of the other Padawans at the Jedi Padawans were conducting a hazing ritual. This was to consist of sneaking out of the temple at night and going to the lower city to visit cantinas and have fun. It was a celebratory rite of newly minted Paddies to participate, which meant Mara Palpatine was woken up and surrounded by four girl Paddies and one boy Horatio who was baffled by why the girls all had little glitter on their cheeks. One was Narla Su, a Kaminoian with a long white neck and those swirling galaxy of Star like eyes. There was Tziva who was Tuskan in her deijab that covered her form head to toe in tan robes, her face obscured with metal headress. Then there was Shalanie, a Cathar who had a grumpy expression as pink glitter was put on her cheeks.

Syrilla laughed, “you look amazing Shal!”
The Cathar grumbled with her deep tone.

Mara was blessed with the sparkling rock colors beneath her eyes with blues. She was surprised to be included, she was old for a Padawan. Something she brought up,

Don’t you all feel weird? I am much older than all of you.

Syrilla laughed,
“Who else would buy the drinks?” She giggled. “Kidding! Everyone stuck to Jawa Juice and Blue Milk or you’ll get punished! Punished! Agreed?! Hmmm?!”

They all agreed, though due to the manner of jest happening Mara did not know for sure if this was a true honor code moment or not.

Syrilla places hee index finger over her own lips.
“We are gonna meet other Paddies outside the temple. Steal a few speeders.”

Narla interjected, “steal? That is against the Jedi Code!”

Syrilla sighed,
“Borrow.. I meant borrow. We will bring them back.”

Narla added, “in the same condition we found them.”

Syrilla sighed and rolled her eyes, “In the same condition.. yatata! Lets go! We are gonna be late to meet the others!”

Sneaking out of the Temple was not easy, there was Temple Guards in the spooky white armor and masks that made them look like ghosts. Syrilla pointed her hand and it made a sound in opposite direction as two guards turned and the pair of them made there way down the great stairs and outside. Mara was stunned by the sights at night, what had been stunning in the sunset now was a glowing world of lights of all colors and skyscrapers that sparkled like the stars in sky, creating sn effect of heavens coming down.

Ahead was circles of Padawans who were meeting up with Mara’s group. They all looked rather excited and jittery. She was the oldest but it did not seem to matter, she was after all only twenty, and it was refreshing to be experiencing this ritual. She only hoped the antics would not get her in too much hot water with her Master Jax Thio Jax Thio .
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Cordelia had slipped into this gathering of rule breaking Padawans. She had been on world, flying by when she noticed a bunch of young girls outside the Jedi Temple. In her ship she gave a devilish smirk as she set down a distance away and skulked here way over to some Paddies who were telling stories.

“No way Ayanna, the dark side is bad! Just say no!” said Tsara who was an Ithorian.

Cordelia stepped into the circle and they all looked at her in her black dress and red eyes.

“Oh the dark side is not so bad when you try it.” The Marr was beaming with elation at this scheme.

One Padawan said, “Who are you?”

Cordelia smiled and replied,
“My name is Cordelia Navarr, I am an enclave exchange student from..” she tried to think of somewhere real remote.
“Jakku.. yeah Jakku.”

Another Paddie replied,
“There is no enclave on Jakku!”

Cordelia’s eyes flared like flames,
“You calling me a liar?! I mean it’s new, started by Master Bullkiff.”

Ayanna, a blond Sephora smirked,
“Well welcome! We are about to hit the clubs and get our freak on and I told these babies that the dark side is not as bad as they say, in small doses.”

Cordelia bore her teeth with glee, when that prude Padawan said, “Anyanna you sound like a Sith!”

Ayanna giggled,
“You have never even met a Sith Ushikki!”

Cordelia decided to interject,
“The dark side is awesome. The Masters on Jakku let us use it a lot.”

Ayanna retorted, “See!”

Ushikki, “But Master Boko says that the dark path leads to suffering!”

Cordelia held out her hand, a red pyramid was in it glowing.
“That is just stuff they tell you to scare you.”

The Paddies in Cordelia’s Circle looked at the Holocron like it was forbidden fruit. The Cousin of Malum handed it ot Ushikki,

“Come on.. touch it.. find out what the darker side of life is like!”

Ushikki shirked away at first before touching it with her pinky. When nothing happened, she then held it in her hands, the glowing red and hypnotic pulse coming from it.

“See! There is nothing to be afraid of!” Said the Jakku Exchange Student.

As they passed it around, each felt that pulse which made them feel all kinds of feelings, those forbidden in the Jedi Order.

“That’s it girls! Passion is strength! Let’s go bust up this town!” said Cordelia.

They all threw their hands together in a high five as speeders of yellow arrived. It was time to unwind and lead some sheep astray…
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By the Force. Shan groaned to himself, holding a hand to his head as he had been woken from what he had considered was a good night's rest. Braze Braze had came running into his dorm room, talking about some kind of rulebreaking going on. Normally Shan would have just headed back to sleep, but considering Ko Vuto Ko Vuto 's recent knighting, Shan had decided that it was up to him to be the most...responsible of the padawans. It was a strange thought to say the least, but it made sense as he was amongst some of the older Padawans.

Either way, the Mirialan followed his little buddy off outside of the temple. Giving a small little wave to the guards, and jabbing a thumb towards Braze. "He's with me...We're going to get some medical equipment for the halls of healing." Which technically wasn't going to be a lie. Shan was going to get some supplies...After they had dealt with whatever situation was going to be going on. A small frown on his face however as he stepped out of the temple and tried to focus.

There was an alarmingly familiar sensation that he could feel nearby. Last time he felt something like this, he had well...been captured by the Sith and acted as a waiter for them at one of their parties. That was not a fun time to say the least. But with that feeling came a somewhat protective feeling over Braze, as Shan put his hand on the young lad's shoulder. "...Be careful. I sense the Dark Side...Huh. Never expected myself to actually be saying that. I'll check it out. Keep an eye on me." There was a small sense of pride in his chest before shaking his head and carrying on.

“The dark side is awesome. The Masters on Jakku let us use it a lot.”

"I highly doubt that." The Mirialan cleared his throat, folding his arms along his front as Shan raised an eyebrow at all of the younger Padawans. Hm...Valery and Kahlil would probably want to hear about this later. "No self respecting Jedi would support using the Dark Side. They'll always suggest an idea on how to use it through the Light instead." That was at least what Shan had learned from Kahlil's use of turning Sith Runes into Jedi runes instead. "What exactly ar-..." The Mirialan's eyes narrowed in on the Sith Holocron for a moment. That was the main feeling he was getting of the dark side. His hand hesitated for a moment, debating whether or not to contact a Knight or Master...before shaking his head. He was experienced enough to deal with something like this himself.

"What in the Force's name do you think you're doing with that? Do you know what those can do to someone?" He raised his voice, mostly trying to get a crowd to form and look near them. The more attention there was...Well, the harder it would be for some people to escape.

Mara Palpatine Mara Palpatine Cordelia Dimitte Cordelia Dimitte

Braze nodded lightly at Shan and let him move ahead.

Braze was no stranger to mischief; indeed, he was known as one of the more extreme troublemakers. However, he was eager to shed this reputation. With his friend, Ko Vuto, recently knighted, Braze found himself among the last of the older students he had grown up trying to keep up with, including Shan Pavond. Deciding to confide in Shan, he shared details of the latest escapade that had caught his attention.

A familiar object was being passed around among the group—predominantly girls. It was something Braze recognized, something he knew the padawans shouldn't possess.

Having arrived at the scene, he was masking his presence. With a swift, acrobatic leap, Braze snatched the object. Despite his challenges—a brace now supporting his once paralyzed arm and another brace on his right wrist—he managed the feat effortlessly. He landed on a small duracrete wall and quickly tucked the object into his jacket, concealing it from view.

He tsked with an almost smug grin on his features.

"Ah... ah... ah... There's just no way I'm letting you all make fools of the Order. " Braze stated simply raising his right hand and pointing on index finger up which he waved from side to side in a taunting gesture.

Having arrived at the scene, he was masking his presence. With a swift, acrobatic leap, Braze snatched the object. Despite his challenges—a brace now supporting his once paralyzed arm and another brace on his right wrist—he managed the feat effortlessly. He landed on a small duracrete wall and quickly tucked the object into his jacket, concealing it from view.

Jalen casually leaped up beside Braze, reaching into his coat and taking the device from him. Where he came from? The shadows, mostly. It was easy to get around at night when you didn't need the lights to see. He didn't need to tread the lit path of the streets of Coruscant.

"Yeah, I'll be taking that," Jalen remarked, examiling the holocron. "I've been cleared to work with artifacts."

He was a special case, Jalen. He was more experienced than the typical padawan, and his previous encounters with Sith made him pretty experienced when it came such matters. The padawan felt the device through the force, grimacing as he examined it, feeling the darkness of its design. There was no way this object just stumbled into the hands of a padawan, especially not at the Jakku Enclave.

"The Jakku Enclave gave you this?" he noted with a frown. "Interesting. I'll have to speak with Lossa Aureus Lossa Aureus about the matter. I'm sure the esteemed temple of Romi Jade Romi Jade falling to the use of the dark side is an embarrassment to the history of that enclave."

TAG: Shan Pavond Shan Pavond Braze Braze
Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el

Mara Palpatine saw a commotion happening, a circle of a Padawans seemed entranced and then she felt it.. that chill that had been in her blood all her life and yet she had found a way to neutralize it reading the texts of Noomi Sunrider, a Great Jedi Master old.

She walked up and saw two others appear separately, then a third, not Padawans. One of them snatched what appeared to be a glowing red pyramid and quickly hid it. However, the presence of the Darkness was not abated, it was emanating from a person, a young girl in black with eyes of blood. She looked into her eyes and there was a spark, as if there was some connective link, this roused her attention and so quickly Mara shut it off, all of it. Her presence in the Force was gone, not a trace of Midi-chlorian count. They were not gone, dormant, the cell as if in cryostasis. She then approached the Miralan Jedi and said,

I see someone had some sense to seek chaperones. While I may be the eldest till you arrived, I am comforted that you are here.

The Speeders were humming, and the rest of girls looked downcast as if they were going to be confined to Temple Grounds. Looking at their sad faces, The Palpatine made a plea,

Would you not accompany us to the lower city, keep the mischief to minimum. Tradition is very important, and with you both there, surly we can make sure it’s Jawa Juice and maybe a little of fun.. a little bit..” She squeezed her index and thumb finger together with a smile, “like dancing for instance.”

The Paddies all gave sad faces, and put their hands together as if in meditation, entreating as one.
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Cordelia found that her work was stifled as Jedi seniors appeared to spoil the fun. Worse they snatched the Sith Holocron away. She locked eyes with one who tried to salvage the whole night adventure and when their pupils both met she felt a shock, there was something there, something powerful.. darkness. Then in an instance it was gone, which made the whole thing even more curious to this Cousin of Malum.

A Third Jedi took the Holocron, and mentioned an enclave on Jakku and some Master named Jade. That was bad luck, she had tried to pick the most barren and remote place, forgetting Jedi haunted such places. Directing her words to Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el she said,

Master.. uh… Jade knows nothing of this. I took it without asking. I was curious. We are always told ‘beware of the dark side’ which makes it all the more tantalizing.. alas now that you possess it, no harm done..”

She was trying to think how to manage an escape, hee blood eyes darting to the two speeders. She had been wise to leave her Sith saber in her ship far away. The Marr was uncomfortable surrounded by so many Lightsiders, she grew pale and almost Ill, but she fought it lest they take her to those Force aweful healing rooms. With their tranquil gardens and hours of meditation.. oh she’d rather cut her arm off than spend a second in there. Yet she did not slip away, that would encourage suspicion. She would pretend to be a good Jedi Padawan who is misled by passions. Though she wondered how she was going to get out of this. She considered triggering a distress signal on her onyx ring with its blood diamond in the shape of an eye, it would tell Cousin Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr she was in need of assistance. But first things first, see how the wind blows.
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Master.. uh… Jade knows nothing of this. I took it without asking. I was curious. We are always told ‘beware of the dark side’ which makes it all the more tantalizing.. alas now that you possess it, no harm done..”

"Yeah, Master Jade has been missing for some time now," Jalen scoffed. "And no harm done is really ignorant. My guess is you haven't felt the life be drained from a planet."

This was goofy. She was very clearly had no idea what she was talking about. Jalen could feel her anxiety swirling around her. It was hard to deny that this person was very clearly trying to cause some problems. A sigh escaped his lips as he stuffed the holocron in his coat pocket. He furrowed his brow.

"If you were really from the Jakku Enclave you would have known this," he added, "But hey, our first infiltration attempts can't all be perfect. So, y'know, obligatory we won't fight you unless you fight us, you're free to head home or whatever, try to be smarter about this next time, and so on and so forth."


"Yeah, Master Jade has been missing for some time now," Jalen scoffed. "And no harm done is really ignorant. My guess is you haven't felt the life be drained from a planet."

This was goofy. She was very clearly had no idea what she was talking about. Jalen could feel her anxiety swirling around her. It was hard to deny that this person was very clearly trying to cause some problems. A sigh escaped his lips as he stuffed the holocron in his coat pocket. He furrowed his brow.

"If you were really from the Jakku Enclave you would have known this," he added, "But hey, our first infiltration attempts can't all be perfect. So, y'know, obligatory we won't fight you unless you fight us, you're free to head home or whatever, try to be smarter about this next time, and so on and so forth."

The adage Jedi have no fun was proving true. Grown up always have to make everything so serious…

Infiltrator? That is quite an accusation..” She tried hard to figure out a way to work her way out of this one, “You say Master Jade is gone, how do you know she simply has not gone into a self imposed exile? Things have changed on Jakku, and yet you here in your cradle of power point the finger. I suggest you contact the enclave on Jakku.” It was a bluff that she hoped would work. The truth is she was not armed, and that was her next point, “you mention fighting.. but I am not armed..” She showed that hee belt was empty.
I thought as Jedi we are suppose to seek a peaceful resolution and yet you make threats.. maybe you are really the infiltrator.. they say those who point the finger are often the one with guilt and besides you snatched that Holocron of darkness real fast.. like you want it for yourself.”
The others Padawans looked at Jalen and it was clear she was swaying opinion among them.
Then she decided to pull out the big guns, history.
For is it not written Master Jedi, that Exar-Kun fell by studying Holocrons of the Sith? I fear for you! I took it out of mere curiosity, but I see covetness in your eyes..”
The Paddies began to draw closer to her. The Cousin of Marr had woven a web.
After all no Jedi is beyond the danger of falling, not even a Master, for lest we forget Master Jedi Dooku who led The Separatists in The Clone Wars .”
The effect of her words was bearing fruit. How could one argue against truth? It turned out all those history lessons she had dreaded were paying off.
"...Who the hell is Dooku and Exar-Kun? Aren't they from like nine hundred years ago?...Also, you're talking about seeing the "Covetness" in his eyes...Jalen is blind."

Shan said rather matter of factly. The fact those other Padawans were believing this nonsense...By the Force, Shan thought he was the gullible one. Resting a hand to his face as he dragged his hand down it in frustration.

"Also last time I checked...It's pretty difficult for anyone who uses the Dark Side to heal. And Jalen is one of the best healers in the Order. Plus he's one of the only Padawans that is proven to be capable enough to handle a Holocron like that."

Of course, with the Padawans all crowding around the suspected girl, it had made Shan's opinion on the idea of going clubbing and dancing further solidified and he shook his head in the direction of Mara Palpatine Mara Palpatine , a small frown on his face.

"With how all of these other Padawans are acting, I think it's best to get some of the Masters to check over you...and maybe have some strict lecturers over the allure of the dark side...alongside how to stop being gullible. Any Jedi who's opinion changes like the tide isn't safe to be let out alone."
"...Who the hell is Dooku and Exar-Kun? Aren't they from like nine hundred years ago?...Also, you're talking about seeing the "Covetness" in his eyes...Jalen is blind."

Shan said rather matter of factly. The fact those other Padawans were believing this nonsense...By the Force, Shan thought he was the gullible one. Resting a hand to his face as he dragged his hand down it in frustration.

"Also last time I checked...It's pretty difficult for anyone who uses the Dark Side to heal. And Jalen is one of the best healers in the Order. Plus he's one of the only Padawans that is proven to be capable enough to handle a Holocron like that."

Of course, with the Padawans all crowding around the suspected girl, it had made Shan's opinion on the idea of going clubbing and dancing further solidified and he shook his head in the direction of Mara Palpatine Mara Palpatine , a small frown on his face.

"With how all of these other Padawans are acting, I think it's best to get some of the Masters to check over you...and maybe have some strict lecturers over the allure of the dark side...alongside how to stop being gullible. Any Jedi who's opinion changes like the tide isn't safe to be let out alone."

Cordelia looked a Green Skinned Jedi, hee eyes sparkling,
Dismiss history? They were famous fallen Jedi, and now these fellow Paddies have been educated about them. You would deny them a night on the town and have dark side lectures when I just shared two lectures that you didn’t even know about? But since I must be a pariah for bringing it up.. I am willing to leave if you will let these have some fun. I brought the Holocron and I bear the responsibility..
She turned to the others who looked at her with sad faces.
You all remember to have fun.. The Jedi Path is a ‘serious commitment’ and a ‘hard life..’ you deserve some recreation before you end up in the great conflicts facing the galaxy.”
She turned to Miralan and bowed, then bowed to the other senior Jedi. She began to walk towards the bridge that would lead to her ship, her face beaming, she had sowed seeds.

Braze decided that this was perhaps the point at which an actual adult should be notified. He pressed a button on his comlink and quickly typed out a few simple notes before sending them.

"By the light, she's an idiot, She doesn't even know WHO Romi Jade Romi Jade is!" Braze remarked, amazed at how she just started fabricating things. Everyone here heard what Jalen said.

So, y'know, obligatory we won't fight you unless you fight us, you're free to head home or whatever, try to be smarter about this next time, and so on and so forth."

"He said you could go, you deflicticated nitwit," Braze added, but he had felt the sensation before, and he knew it well.

"Run home to your Sith Master and quit spitting your nonsensical poison. You're not fooling anyone."

Braze said hopping down and moving to put himself between her and the group of girls. He was only 14 but he certainly seemed ready to defend his brothers and sisters of faith from this gutter snipe. So much so that a quick flash went off- he had taken her picture.
The Palpatine listened intently to this Dark Jedi weave a tapestry of history as rebuttal. She was a clever girl, clearly the dark side was her ally because she was even making the chaperons unnerved. When Shan Pavond Shan Pavond denied her entreaty for the girls to go to lower city she understood that it was because of this Girl, and the effect she was having
, but then she owned it and took responsibility? More then that she was leaving to give them all a chance to have a good time.

Whoever this blood red eyed Girl was, she could use words like laser swords and parry and thrust into every conversation gaining some ground with the group. Mara agreed with Shan that there was great danger, but she also agreed with the last words of this Shadow Girl, that soon the Paddies would be facing turmoils that were besetting the galaxy, and joy was not antithetical to the Jedi, passion was.

As The Tempestress began to walk away The Palpatine decided to speak up, directing her words to Shan Pavond Shan Pavond
I will respect your decision, however I agree with Her, these girls need some recreation before.. we’ll you probably know better than I what is out there in the wide galaxy.
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Also, you're talking about seeing the "Covetness" in his eyes...Jalen is blind.

"Astute observation, thank you."

Jalen gave a sigh. This was really quite foolish. He didn't have the patience for a rant about 'oh, so you're going to attack me?' while he clearly had said they would not fight, not to mention whatever dark side ideology they were clearly ready to pedal.

"This really is stupid," Jalen remarked with a frown. "You can have fun without corrupting yourself. And come on, 'have fun by giving into your darkest perversions?' Recruitment is really on the nose there. You can debate all you want, but it won't change the truth."

He sighed, hanging his head.

"And for the love of the Force, please don't start ranting about how 'you can't love without the darkside' or some other 'darkside good' spat," he groaned. "Just take the hint and call it a day."

And then some other girl saying she was right? What was with these people.

"Yeah, they can do recreation like normal people." Jalen snapped. "She's right in the same way telling someone else breathing is good is right. I don't know, go to a movie or something."


The sudden realization that a Sith had infiltrated their group sent a wave of alarm through the Padawans. Amidst their night of revelry, a mysterious girl with blood-red eyes attempted to blend in, subtly wielding a dark side artifact. The chilling reminder of the recent Sith's attack on Tython heightened their fear. Many had lost friends and family in that brutal conflict, leaving them deeply scarred and wary of any hint of the dark side.

As the truth of her identity emerged, a collective shiver ran through the group. Cordelia, with her unsettling presence, was no longer seen as just an oddity but as a stark embodiment of the danger they all feared.

The Padawans recoiled, driven by instinct to protect themselves from the sinister influence she represented. The memory of Tython's horrors loomed large, turning her poorly executed attempts at sowing discord into a glaring threat. It just added insult ontop of injury in an insensitive tactless manner. In an almost instinctual response, they shunned her, treating her like the pariah she had proven to be, eager to distance themselves from the danger that so vividly echoed their recent trauma.


"Astute observation, thank you."

Jalen gave a sigh. This was really quite foolish. He didn't have the patience for a rant about 'oh, so you're going to attack me?' while he clearly had said they would not fight, not to mention whatever dark side ideology they were clearly ready to pedal.

"This really is stupid," Jalen remarked with a frown. "You can have fun without corrupting yourself. And come on, 'have fun by giving into your darkest perversions?' Recruitment is really on the nose there. You can debate all you want, but it won't change the truth."

He sighed, hanging his head.

"And for the love of the Force, please don't start ranting about how 'you can't love without the darkside' or some other 'darkside good' spat," he groaned. "Just take the hint and call it a day."

Turning around she regarded The Blind One,
You all call people stupid a lot.. is this what has become of The Coruscant Jedi?! Insults? What happen to the honor and majesty? I suppose it has eroded. Shame..”
She looked back at the sad Paddies,
Let no one ever get you down. No one is stupid, All have worth! The Force is alive and it is in all things and that makes everything sacred! You are sacred!
She turned to the Healer,
Even you,” and she turned to Braze Braze , “And you..”
Cordelia did not respond to the dark side and love. That was a trap and she had no intention of taking the bait. Rather instead she resumed walking away. The Paddies clapping.
"I mean, yeah. Jalen is right about the love part. My master is married to another Jedi. And I'm dating one of our fellow Jedi."

Shan wasn't going to go into detail about how much he cared about Colette. That would just make people get sick of all the lovey dovey stuff. Instead he was going to be responsible. That was what Shan was wanting to do. Nodding at both Jalen and Braze...Even though Braze's use of words wasn't quite the most...elegant. It was true, all the same.

"You don't need to go to some bar for recreation. There's the trips to Ukatis for the festivals, the trips to crystals caves, all of the different training expeditions. I got to go on an archaeological expedition as well. Plus the "Jedi Path" isn't that serious. Hell, I plan on taking a break from the Order once I'm knighted, to focus on getting a doctorate. I mean, unless I happen to get a padawan before then...but eh. Too soon." He waved his hand dismissively at that thought, breaking out into his own little smile.

"Also. If you're judging the Jedi Order off a bunch of Padawans...Well, I don't tend to use this word lightly. But you are a complete and utter fool. I've entertained this long enough. I'm going to see if I can get a Jedi Master, or Knight. I'm trusting you to keep an eye on them Braze, Jalen."

Braze Braze Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el Cordelia Dimitte Cordelia Dimitte


TAGS: Cordelia Dimitte Cordelia Dimitte Shan Pavond Shan Pavond Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el


Braze couldn't help but stick his tongue out at her. "You're just upsetti spagetti because your plan was extremely foolish, and not only did we catch you trying to sneak a Sith artifact among us, but we also called you out and confiscated your dangerous toy!" he retorted, snapping a few more photos to document the encounter.

"That's right, keep walking! Go back to those who indulge in murder, torture, enslavement, and other vile acts. No one here wants anything to do with someone like you!"
His words followed her as she retreated, his camera clicking continuously, capturing her departure.

Braze nodded at Shan. " You got it boss. "

"Just let them go," Jalen sighed. He'd turn to the present padawans, examining them in the force before giving a sigh, hanging his head. "Jeez, disrespectful to call out a stupid recruitment ploy. But the minute you can't back up your claims you can only jab at the 'honor of the order.' What a waste of time..."

He frowned, feeling the aura of the holocron. It was potent. Who knows how much exposure they would have had to whatever spirits lie within by the end of the night. The pipeline of extending your life by feeding on the lifeforce of others or some other terrible thing always started at little stuff like this.

"All of you, have fun legally, like normal people," he sighed. "You can just do recreational things. You don't even need the force for that. The last thing you all need to do is wind up in a cell for doing something reckless. Jeez..."

Mara wanted to say it, that this display was bad form. Calling someone stupid, an indiot and fool was only proving the Dark Jedi’s point. Deciding it was necessary to salvage some good will, even though only a Padawan, she walked up to Cordelia Dimitte Cordelia Dimitte as she was now on the bridge.

Wait.. please wait.” The Palpatine’s Force Signature was stilled, but she still could use words. “Tensions are high over Tyrhon, so please forgive their harsh words. We are Jedi not saints.”

The Palpatine smiled,
I do not think you are a fool, but the power you wield does lead to a painful road.. I felt it when our eyes met.”

Mara knew the shadow caste on this Hirl well, it circulated in her cells and yet she had fought it. What the Padawan Learner wanted was to sow her own seed, that there is hope even for dark bloodlines to rise into the Light.

I know not what dark plan lies within you, what I do know is one is within me too, and I have chosen to make a new one. We all have a choice.. and I am sure this all has not swayed you to our ways, I would not blame you to entrench yourself in prejudice. But I wanted to let you know I agree with what you said, ‘everything is sacred,’ including you.”

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