Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Noble Intentions


"...right." It slowly came to her the realization of her future. This would be an endeavor. But...

"I could set up a repuslor-lift tram. Something that would lead all the way down, but would still leave the cliffside untouched. Keep it in memory, and allow those wishing to make the climb able to."

"I would happily offer you both a tour of the larger temple if you would like to comfirm the safety of the interior."

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble




Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

"I'll leave that up to you. My only responsibility is that Jedi who visit will be able to reach the Temple safely. How they get there... that's up to you." She wasn't going to micro-manage Jonyna and her plans for the Temple. But she would enforce the same standards that other Temples were held to.

Safety for the Jedi who stayed there was top priority.

Valery then turned to the Cathar Master and nodded, "I'd love a proper tour. Not just to inspect the Temple, but to familiarize myself with more of it."


"Then let us begin." The master nodded. "This of course is the Tree of Life. The source of our ability to persist. This chamber allows us to rejuvenate our ability within the Force. The tree can also heal those wounded in the Force, if need be. Would you like to go to the archives next, or see the dojo?"

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble




Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

"Perhaps this room could be used for meditation?" Valery looked at Jonyna to get her thoughts on the matter, but it seemed logical. The spirits would obviously continue to regain their livelihoods here, but many others could make use of the serenity of this Tree of Life.

But that was something for Jonyna to judge.

"I'd like to see the archives. A dear friend of mine might be interested in a mutual transfer of knowledge between this Temple and others. Perhaps it has information that we do not yet have elsewhere." Valery thought of Efret Farr Efret Farr for a moment and smiled to herself.

She was certain her friend would be fascinated by this Temple.


"Of course." The master nodded, leading them out of the chamber, back into the crystal room. "Of course, as you saw, this is our room of crystals. It acts as both a defense against the darkside for the temple due to the crystal's properties, and a place for padawans to find easy access to their first crystals. We used to encourage those of Cathar to eventually find a crystal of their own, but starting with the Tiger's Fang allowed those to study the lightsaber without having to venture into the jungle when Ilum wasn't an option."

Back into the hall, and into a massive open archive room. But, it wasn't the digital room Val was accustomed to. It was...

A library. With books.

"This is our archive. It might be a bit...archaic, but it allows us to honor nature as the people of Cathar prefer. Knowledge stored not in files, but on pages."

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble




Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsabers

"Interesting," Valery said while she looked at the crystals around her, "This Temple is quite self-sufficient when necessary." A strength during hard times, but something to be mindful of as well. She wasn't going to allow Jedi to acquire a crystal here without a proper Gathering when Ilum, Ossus and other crystal caves were available.

That journey was important for young Jedi. It was often a first confrontation with their fears.

The group of Jedi then reached the archives, and Valery's smile grew wider. Actual books, rather than digital files. It would make knowledge transfer a little harder, but any true historian would love the chance to go through the material available here. Who knows what they had knowledge on?

"For the sake of sharing knowledge, would it be okay if we digitized what you have here? That way, nothing will ever be lost, and we'll be able to share it with other Temples more easily. I'd rather not move these books around."


"Of course, Master Noble. We only ask you keep the original copies here. Many of these are first editions, acquired through trade with planets from across the galaxy. Everything from historical records, to books written by our own order on techniques of the Force long forgotten. I believe there is one you might find interesting even."

She held out a hand, and a book from deep within the shelves floated to them. It had a marking of the jedi order of old, and the cover in aurebesh read 'Shii-Cho, A Comprehensive Guide to the Blade of the Jedi'.

"This one is from an era where we hadn't yet invented the other forms."
The woman smiled, offering it to Valery.

Tag: Valery Noble Valery Noble


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