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Approved Tech Mythosaur Axe of Furyia | Crown of The Inheritor

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Daughter of The Destroyer


The Eternal Flame Fades. The Warlords go without thrones. Surrender your fires, to the One True Heir.

Emboldened by Flames of Divine Warfare. Embrace Thy Fire O Inheritor of Mandas Majestic Flame.

Seek Power & Fire; All Else Follows.

  • Intent: To design a TRUE Mandalorian weapon from a lost Myth in a bygone ancient era. The direct counter and antithesis to the famed Darksaber created in 1050 BBY by the first Mandalorian adopted into the Jedi Order. Furyia Prime, the first Daughter of Destruction born to the unholy union of the last remnants of Taung & Sith Massassi she forged the weapon in the light of a dying star, evoking the mythic imagery of her glorious Ancestor as she attempted to carve a path through the galaxy and consume the universe in an all devouring flame! Murdered while young before her power could grow, she bonded her soul to The Axe and creating a RADIANT FLAME in the force within the blade, haunting its steel and waiting for a Mandalorian Descendant to be judged by the Mandas Majestic Flame. A TRUE INHERITOR OF THE DESTROYER GODS DREAM! To the inheritor of the key goes power long lost & withered to time, eager to feast upon the fire and flames once again if one can avoid the CORRUPTION of Furyia Prime trying to overtake The Inheritors soul & spirit should their devotion to destruction and discord ever stagnate or falter. A new GLORIOUS weapon of a Mandalorian Myth for Descendants to fight over and compete for~
  • Image Source: Ava's Demon [X] | Destiny Iron Lord Axe [X] Axe of Splendor [X]
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: Mythosaur Axe | Sith Sword | Majestic Flame of Manda | Furyia Prime

"This Fire Thirst For Sweet Songs of Steel & Carnage~"

  • Manufacterer: Furyia Prime
  • Affiliation: The Inheritor [Domina Prime] | Majestic Flame of Manda | Sons & Daughters of Mandalore
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: {Tranyc'shukur | The Sunbreaker} {Majestic Flame Key}
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: U N I Q U E
  • Material: Mythosuar/Dovahdrake Bones Reinforced with Beskar & Alchemized

  • Classification: Mythosaur Axe |
  • Size: Very Large
  • Weight: Heavy Metal


"May The Flames Guide Thy Mandalorian Soulfire~"
  • Phantom Curse: Haunted blade of a mythic age, a malignant spirit possesses the blade. Giving The Axe a will and accord all its own and will protect itself if emboldened or enraged. The Spirit of Furyia occupies the blade and acts as Judge, Jury and Executioner~
  • Explosive Pyre: Forged from the light of dying stars long withered to smoldering embers, when infused with the power of an Inheritor this weapon can deliver an oppressive explosive yield akin to that of an Ancient Mandalorian Combustion Forge~
  • Devils Deal: Hear her o worthy ones! Hear her and swear upon her radiance to be bestowed with a mighty flame! Can grant NFUs/FUs Pyromancy through ritual & consume the souls of WORTHY WARRIORS into its Eternal Flame, including Mandalorian Kin.
  • Destroyers Edge: Ever the ravenous this Ancient Mandalorian Artifact will never wither and rot. Indomitable might as is the path of the Manda, this blade will use the starforged warmth of it's flame to reshape and alter the shape of the axe to the inheritors soul. Giving the Axe a different appearance depending on it's current inheritor.
  • The Inheritor: A promise from a Mythic Age, An Age Old Bond. The Phantom in the blade seeks a Mandalorian Descendant. A WORTHY Inheritor~


"Coveted Key of The Divine Radiance of War, O Inheritor, Don't Let The Flame Die Out!"

FLAME MONARCH: Monarch of Mandas Majestic Flame, a fire representing the will of the Mandalorian Spirit in all its majesty this mythic weapon, drained of it's cosmic radiance whispers a sweet song of fire! Forged in the light of a dying star this blade like many Sith Blades has a hunger and a thirst. But unlike other Sith Blades who consume the force or the souls of the dead this blade hungers for sweet destruction. To spread it's flames of war as far and wide as it can be allowed this blade feeds from the chaos, fire, and destruction of a battlefield and uses the potent energy to only further feed the loop of madness. To scorch the earth and admire the flames only to devour those same flames and expel them elsewhere in another battle in the future. With a single swing this weapon can deliver a strike so explosive its like standing within a combustion forge, scattering the mightiest of structures and individuals to ashes and dust in mighty cremation. Sweet obliteration, with a worthy inheritor to lend her might at full potential and power the weight of this axe shatters the stones of the earth creating great craters of destruction splitting the crust and can cleave through structures with the ease as if melting through butter quite literally. It is often said that as strong as Sith Swords are, that they cannot melt through walls or dense objects like a Lightsaber can. This weapon bucks the trend. To meet it's steel is to feel the whisper and kiss of the sun as it can massive explosive oppressiveness by smelting through metal and stone alike and deliver decimation so profound it can only be described as divine. To absorb the heat of blasters, lightsabers and even devouring the light of lightning and using it to feast it's own radiance this weapon issues great command over fire in all it's forms as it seeks to consume all fire into it's eternal flame to only further spread those very same flames across the galaxy in an all consuming and purifying fire.

MAJESTIC JUDGEMENT: The Blade cast judgment upon thee! The soul of Furyia polluting the blade and casting vicious scrutiny upon those within it's sight. Heavily discriminated against is the flesh and in her judgement she searches for WORTHY CHAMPIONS to inherit her radiance. To bestow the spark of her mighty flame in the hearts of others is something only Furyia can gift upon her beloved brothers and sisters INDEPENDENT of The Inheritor as only SHE can cast such judgment as the Destroyer Gods Speaker. Capable of granting protection from her vicious flames to true children of war and the sons and daughters of The Destroyer, the blade in a sense can 'choose' whose it's flames consume and scatter to ashes. While others, if bold and brave enough can earn not only protection from the Flame Mother, but power from its influence. Radiant in its scorching light those who consider themselves children of The Destroyer will not only find themselves protected by the flames but emboldened by them as well. It is whispered that should a truly powerful inheritor claim The Axe, that with their powers combined they can bestow the power of Pyromancy to Force Sensitives and even None Force Sensitives by using The Axe as a conduit. A dangerous and violent flame uncontrolled and simply an ember when given, but if cultivated can grow into a mighty flame attuned to the soul of the warriors forge! The flames taking on the color of the subjects soulflame when their potential is met.

PHANTOM BLADE: In death, the Mandalorian Spirit prevails. Destined to destruction thousands of years ago the ghost of Furyia clings to the steel axe as her will permeates the weapon. Make no mistake o audience, the blade is ALIVE with an accord of its own. Defying gravity itself when not held by an inheritor The Axe levitates and drifts along as if possessed by a ghost! However, it's vicious desire for destruction will kneel to no one and should it's will not be satisfied. The Axe will attempt to scorch the earth itself, capable of expelling violent explosive power even without the influence of its wielder only for its power to be increased should it be utilized purposely this weapon will obey the call of the true sons and daughters of Ha'rangir and heed their call. Returning to it's Inheritors hand and merging their powers or, if need be, engulfing the air around itself in a scorching flame to ward off those who lack the WILLPOWER & HEART to wield it. A way to protect itself from the unworthy who wish to claim its majestic power.

THE GREAT INHERITOR: To inherit her power first and foremost and her majestic flame. Her wealth second, scattered across the cosmos smothered away in the molten core of pillaged worlds thousands of years ago. And thirdly, the spark of warrior souls judged by The Axe and sent tot he Field of Blades, an afterlife where warriors are locked in eternal battle. Mandalorian Souls deemed worthy are called upon after death, capable of re-purposing their fallen souls to serve the Eternal War once again by binding said souls to the physical realm. This Axe is a promise to any warrior vanquished in the field of battle. That in life, and in death, the war never ends. And that the truest among them will have a chance at rebirth, should The Inheritor cultivate the power to command the burning souls of the Mandalorian collective! (REQUIRES OOC PERMISSION IN PVP)


"Ash Seeketh Embers O Child of Mine. Covet thy flame~"

SOUL BOND OF THE INHERITOR: The Vow of an Age Old Bond is not so easily kept O descendants of Manda. To receive the vestige of INHERITOR is a sacred promise to the God of Destruction to bring forth a mighty flame so glorious it consumes stars. Anything less will simply not do for the spirit possessing the blade and in her vicious scrutiny potential inheritors will be put through constant trials and test of worthiness before and after The Blades Spirit has accepted them. Prodding their weaknesses, demanding test of might and demonstrations of destruction The Blade will only ask for more. More! MORE! This is a hunger that can NOT be satiated or controlled, wrangled or staved off. Mandalorians who attempt to wield the blade and not fulfill it's purpose will slowly find themselves unable to CONTROL The Axe Flame Spirit. The WILLPOWER of its INHERITOR must be STRONG if to temper the thirst for fire and flames. The Furyian Blade may reject the users call if left unsatisfied for too long but the power of a TRUE INHERITOR can sing the blade to their side if their heart and soul remain true to the cause. IF ITS THIRST IS FULFILLED of Mandas promise then the Blade would become...slightly more obedient. Even going as far as to MAYBE summon when called by its Inheritor!

MYTHIC CEREMONY: As recorded by historians The Mythosaur Axe of Mandalorian Myth is an unruly and rather obtuse weapon. Mythic in it's visage and dripping in ancient opulence this weapon can not be wielded by common Jedi or Sith, even a vast majority of Mandalorians beholden to their blasters and random armaments lack the knowledge, skill, and effectiveness to wield such a weapon. The last of which was mastered by the legendary Mandalore The Ultimate. A massive weapon, heavy in it's expectations and it's literal weight can only be wielded by TRUE Children of Mandalore of warriors of no god set upon the path of destruction who may inherit the Mandalorian Culture into their bones.

RADIOACTIVE: Permeated in the death of stars and the flaming fires of war there was once a time where this weapon and it's forger devoured the hearts of stars and attempted to bring about an all consuming flame to devour the galaxy. Noble ambitions cut short the Mandalorian Sith Spirit possessing the core of the blade and becoming a Radiant Presence in the force this weapon exudes a presence a warmth so vivid one could describe it as a ghostly embrace. Jedi, Sith, Mandalorian, even none force users can mildly detect the presence of this weapon as it's flame is vast and everlasting. There is no hiding this blade, no stealth mission or masked intent. The soul is laid bare upon the sleeves, allowing anyone to recognize the signature of it's Inheritor with incredible ease.

LIGHTBORN: To drink from the light of stars is no easy feat, and while the Flame Monarch Runes of Sith Priest from the mythic age protect the axe from total annihilation when opposed with the blistering divinity of Force Light. The blade still suffers the weakness of all it's bladed kin, if not slightly mitigated from being possessed by an infernal spirit. Direct offensive destruction directed upon the axe by the powers of Force Light or weapons Enhanced by it will cause the axe to suffer great damage of outright destruction.

WITHER & ROT: Sloth, the eternal enemy of the Destroyer God Ha'Rangir. To witness rot, wither and stagnation is to cause the spirit within the blade to grow agitated and enraged. Scorching in her scrutiny and indiscriminate The Blade will attempt to convince and whisper to The Inheritor in order to bring upon destruction of stagnation wherever it is witnessed. It takes an incredible amount of power and will to subdue and tame the blade and constantly it will whisper into the Mandalorian Inheritors ear to bring its fire upon the complacent. Peaceful species, isolationist, all must be purified and cast away beneath the destroyers radiant flame. The Inheritor must learn to perfect their judgment in order to quiet the ghostly whispers from within the blade.

CURSED JUDGMENT: Worthy Warriors need only apply, the judgment of the blades spirit can be...flawed in it's desires. Unlike similar sith blades that gluttonously devour souls to continuously fuel its user this blade seeks ONLY the WORTHY. The souls of pathetic civilians, farmers, artist, greedy pirate and criminal thugs who may be violent but lack a warriors heart are indiscriminately discarded and scattered to the flame. But true warriors? Champions to fight with the spark of Ha'rangir? It is these warrior souls The Blade wishes to devour and feast upon. Enveloping the warrior spirits of the dead into it's eternal flame to further fan the fire of chaos and war. To the LIVING, its judgement is just as hard if not slightly more lenient as the window for potential change is small, but if cultivated can be a worthy successor of the flame. Emboldening Mandalorian Descendants with a small taste of power and if disappointed cast them to complete ruin and misfortune.

VICIOUS MOCKERY: Every moment of every day the voice of Furyia Prime will haunt the senses and provoke the heart and soul. Their tongue molten and golden as the devils impish and girlish behavior can drive potential inheritors mad as they are forced to endure the constant historic exploits and warmongering rants of destruction and discord constantly preached by the Ghost Blade! However, after so many YEARS in the dark denied its hunger the voice of its will is but a whisper now. Only heard by those whom embrace it's Majestic Flame. Sons & Daughters of Manda who walk the path of fire can, when close to the axe or the flames it can project can see the shape of the spirit within it and hear her words, vicious as said words may be.

NULL & VOID: The phenomenon of things such as Void Stones and Force Nullification Fields have a strange effect on The Axe and it's power. If at a distance, these null fields can prevent the spreading of The Inheritors Majestic Flame and in many cases completely resist its radiance! In close proximity, the power within the Axe waxes and wanes, the spirit within forced into a withering ember which, if sustained for long enough can open the accursed blade to being destroyed by abilities such as Force Light.

DEAL WITH A DEVIL: Mandalorians & Warriors on the path of the Destroyer God Ha'rangir will find themselves under constant observation from the Keepers of The Flame. To receive the ember of power from The Furyian Axe is to accept an Age Old Bond which if broken can result in the devouring of the soul and the divine cremation of the physical body. Those whose devotion falters, withers or wanes will sometimes find themselves awoken with burn marks across their flesh or fires in their bed as a mere warning not to lose sight of the path and fall to stagnation and complacency. To escape this contract is to enter a battle of wills and focus! Righteous ritual not so easily overturned, to escape the contract of the Flame Monarch of Manda is no easy feat which makes potential inheritors extremely at risk to any manner of corruption, damage, or death.



A masterpiece of Sith Alchemy infused with the malevolent spirit of a Mandalorian Descendant who lived not so long after the end of the Great Mandalorian Wars and hearing the voice of a DIVINE DESTROYER whispering into her ear the girlish imp of a tyrant forged within the dying light of a withering star a weapon WORTHY of her Ancestral Heritage. INFUSED & ENCHANTED with the ESSENCE of STARS there could be no mistaking the unmissable permanence this weapon leaves as it scorches the very air with a dark side presence of an infernal nature. An Age Old Bond, the Spirit of Furyia The Destroyers Daughter occupies the axe. Life cut short in her burst violence so catastrophic it once brought apocalyptic conditions to the worlds razed by it's flame this weapon is not for the feint of heart.

The Key to Treasure Vaults long lost to the ages, hidden away in the molten cores of planets pillaged and destroyed in glorious sacrificial warfare to the divine act of war itself. A Contract to WORTHY WARRIORS who follow the true path of the Mandalorian, to bestow upon their souls an ember that if fanned in the sight of the Flame Mother could bring precious purification in power, and in some cases, grant temporary power to the powerless should those ungifted in the force touch it's steel and be deemed worthy, and lastly but certainly not least to expel flames of delicious devastation, the sweet whisper and kiss of the sun as the Inheritor of The Furyian Axe will be burdened with an incredible power that will bind them to a contract of discord and dismay or scatter them to dust.

But to inherit this weapon of myth and woe one must beware and heed warning. Once set upon the path of emblazoned blood there can be NO GOING BACK! The Spirit of The Axe will whisper and scream, squirm and squeal even ignite the very sky to make sure its cries for destruction can be heard! The Axe will actively test its potential Inheritors with constant trials of tribulation and scrutinizing their every move and word. Judgment cast upon the unworthy as they suffer the terrible burns of a disappointed Flame Mother.

But to the TRUE INHERITOR! A Mandalorian worthy of the name and a son or daughter or Ha'rangir The Destroyer a sweet promise of an Age Old Bond. A promise of PLUNDER. PLEASURE. AND POWER!


It's all yours for the taking~

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Domina Prime Domina Prime

This is quite a submission, it's easy to see just how much effort had love you've put into it and I need to tip my head to you and applaud you for that. However, there are several issues that we'll need to clarify before I can approve the submission for approval.

1) Vergence in the Force

At several points in the submission you refer to the weapon being a vergence in the force, according to Wookiepedia, a vergence is defined as "A vergence, sometimes described as a Force nexus, a nexus, or a locus," The factory does not allow nexi of any type in submissions so I'll have to ask you to please remove all mentions of vergences from the submission.

2) The Manda

In the submission, you mention "waiting for a Mandalorian Descendant to be judged by the Mandas Majestic Flame." I'm not overly familiar with Mandalorian culture but reading Wookie makes it seem like the Manda is a philosophical or religious concept of an oversoul rather than an actual entity capable of passing judgement. Is the Manda supposed to represent the Force? Or do you mean judged by the religion?

3) Manufacturer

Who is Furiya Prime? The template asks that you " Please ensure you link these accordingly." So please provide a link to the manufacturer.

4) Affiliation

"The Inheritor [Domina Prime] | Majestic Flame of Manda | Sons & Daughters of Mandalore"

Who are the "Sons and Daughters of Mandalore"? Does this mean that anyone who identifies themselves as a Mandalorian will be able to use this weapon?

5) Phantom Curse

What does it mean to give the axe "a will and accord all its own and will protect itself if emboldened or enraged" Cursed or possessed weapons are a common fantasy trope, however, they're not really a thing in Star Wars as far as I'm aware, we do know of cursed locations that cause possessions for example the Jedi Temple on Yavin 4 and Exar Kun. However in that case the spirit was tied to a nexus, which if we have said isn't an option for a weapon. Do you have any canon sources showing a possessed weapon?

6) Starsmelted Solarblade/Destroyers Edge

The idea of a weapon that can change its form according is very much a fantasy concept and not in the spirit of Star Wars. An axe can be a very cool and amazing axe, like this one, however, it can't shift forms to another type of weapon nor to a different style of axe.

7) Devils Deal

As far as I'm aware there is no way for a NFU to gain the use of a force power. While a very cool concept this is something that has it's grounding in fantasy rather than the spirit of Star Wars. Do you have a canon source for this kind of power? We could perhaps say that only the willpower of the user restrains the axe from unleashing it's flames? Rather than the axe grantin the power it's constantly trying to burn those around it, and that way even a NFU can restrain it?

8) Runic Woe

A weapon created by Sith Alchemy can not, be protected from the lightside of the force, which is the inherent weakness of sith alchemy. The same is true for something created by Alkahest (lightside alchemy). Please remove this strength.

9) Flame Monarch

Can you please clarify what you mean by the following sentence, " To meet it's steel is to feel the whisper and kiss of the sun as it can massive explosive oppressiveness by smelting through metal and stone alike and deliver decimation so profound it can only be described as divine."

10) Majestic Judgement

Ok, so choosing who gets hit by the flames seems to be a basic use of pyrokinesis but who is choosing who gets hit, the weapon or the wielder? Also, what do you mean by "A Vergence in the force those who consider themselves children of The Destroyer will not only find themselves protected by the flames but emboldened by them as well." As I've previously mentioned the axe can not be a Vergence in the force, however, it appears that you're saying that the weapon can grant the ability to manipulate flames to people other than its wielder. If this is the case then that's again a fantasy concept and not a Star Wars one, and as such I'll need you to remove it.

11) Phantom Blade

I'm going to need you to either rewrite or remove this entire intrinsic trait, even the Spirit of Exar Kun didn't have that much power in the temple on Yavin where he was bound. A weapon possessing a mind of its own, that can float on its own, and unleash powerful force-based attacks is not in the spirit of Star Wars. An alchemized weapon can not duplicate itself either. A potential way to rewrite this section would be to say that unrestrained by a user's will the axe will float in place and unleash gouts of flame until someone of sufficient willpower can restrain it. Not really floating around seeking targets but more of an uncontrolled release of its power until it falls into the hands of a wielder, a middle ground.

12) The Great Inheritor

"And thirdly, the spark of warrior souls judged by The Axe and sent tot he Field of Blades, an afterlife where warriors are locked in eternal battle."

You mention the above in your submission, however, I don't believe this is canon, is it? Sith and Jedi spirits do exist, however, I'm not sure Mando or NFU spirits exist in the same way.

Additionally the axe is imbued with the power of pyrokinesis not necromancy, which while it exists is a sub-branch of sith magic that uses rituals and as such can't really be used through an artifact. What exactly are you trying to achieve here? If you can clarify that then we can see if there's a way to achieve your purpose.

13) Soulblade of the Inheritor

As mentioned above in the Phantom Blade section the Axe can't have a will of its own. It's entirely possible for it to be difficult to control a powerful weapon, to have it constantly be fighting to unleash the flame that is its calling and to have to be held back by its user's will. Please rewrite this section with this in mind.

14) Lightborn

As mentioned in Runic Woe, there is no way to protect an artefact of sith alchemy from attack by the light side of the force. It is the one thing guaranteed to destroy such an artifact. However, in a PvP setting, of course, hits and damage are called by the defender.

15) Wither and Rot

The blade can't have a mind of its own, however, it is entirely possible for a sith artefact to corrupt, and the wielder to hear the whispers driving them to attack those around them. Combined with the user's natural antipathy towards those peaceful and isolationist you describe in this section it could well lead for the whispers and desire to attack them to increase. A small rewrite of their section would bring it much more into line with the spirit of star wars.

16) Vicious Mockery

I love the way that the corruption would constantly be whispering in the wielder's ear, however the axe can't reach out to those who aren't holding it, that shows a level of sentience and power that is beyond the spirit of star wars.

While I know this seems like a lot, several of these points are just asking for clarification. The main issue is that the axe is more akin to a weapon from a fantasy story than Star Wars. It's an easy remedy that requires some rewriting of sections to fit the Star Wars aesthetic.

Please read through my notes and then let me know what thoughts you have and we can work on polishing the sub into a state where it can be approved.

Daughter of The Destroyer
(This is quite a submission, it's easy to see just how much effort had love you've put into it and I need to tip my head to you and applaud you for that. However, there are several issues that we'll need to clarify before I can approve the submission for approval.

While I know this seems like a lot, several of these points are just asking for clarification. The main issue is that the axe is more akin to a weapon from a fantasy story than Star Wars. It's an easy remedy that requires some rewriting of sections to fit the Star Wars aesthetic.

Please read through my notes and then let me know what thoughts you have and we can work on polishing the sub into a state where it can be approved.)

OOC: Thank you for the words! And sorry about all the WEIRDNESS in the sub i uhhhh...NEVER EVER make factory stuff literally because i don't know star wars and the crazy lore that most the FUs on the site know. I've not written a force character in some years so i basically wrote all this madness BLIND with the wookie pulled up and looking MAINLY at like...CHAOS SUBS and RPS just to even get an IDEA of how i could make stuff. I referenced Dimas fathers weapon a lot and tried to make something similar but for Mandos and give it like...ya know, a MOOD? I dressed it all up fancy and nice but i think that just made it kinda CONFUSING but i was going for like an Elden Ring or Dark Souls VIBE.

Like you say tho the 'spirit of star wars' so i tried to keep it cool but not boring. The fantasy stuff i'm hoping we can work the details of since Star Wars kinda...IS FANTASY lol. Just as much as it's Sci Fi these days especially on Chaos where people just come up with the most ABSURD MADNESS that i have a hard time deciding what i'm allowed to do and not allowed to do >_>. I gotcha tho big dog lemme go through all this in the same order you gave them. I deleted the no gos, edited what you needed refined and tried to clarify what i could sorry if i missed anything!


1) Vergence in the Force

At several points in the submission you refer to the weapon being a vergence in the force, according to Wookiepedia, a vergence is defined as "A vergence, sometimes described as a Force nexus, a nexus, or a locus," The factory does not allow nexi of any type in submissions so I'll have to ask you to please remove all mentions of vergences from the submission.


Oh oops. I knew a Nexus would be like….too much since those are like planets stained in bad juju so i tried to ask around the Force Peeps if there was something smaller that could just…stain the weapon in the 'remnants' of power that need to be gained over time. Is a Vergence not something different than a nexus or is it just a nexus with another name? XD I REMOVED IT ALL THO my bad i thought it was a completely different thing lol.

2) The Manda

In the submission, you mention "waiting for a Mandalorian Descendant to be judged by the Mandas Majestic Flame." I'm not overly familiar with Mandalorian culture but reading Wookie makes it seem like the Manda is a philosophical or religious concept of an oversoul rather than an actual entity capable of passing judgement. Is the Manda supposed to represent the Force? Or do you mean judged by the religion?


SORRY NO NO NOT THE LITERAL MANDA! Lol, i tried writing this weapon like a spooky lore sub i don't mean it is literally the will of The Manda. The Ghost inside the blade acts as like…a 'speaker' of it's will since The Manda is basically mandalorian oversoul god so it's just the object of their 'Faith' it does not actually like…speak to them or judge them or any of that its the Axe doing the judgment based on what the ghost, in its previous life perceived to be.

But yeah, The Manda is weird i don't think i fully understand how its supposed to work either exactly i just mention it a lot since it's word and belief most Mandos know and understand aside from the 3 deity people. When you say 'The Manda' everyone understands instantly the 'basic idea' .

3) Manufacturer

Who is Furiya Prime? The template asks that you " Please ensure you link these accordingly." So please provide a link to the manufacturer.


It is? At the top? In the Primary Source i made them a Lore sub and a religion sub just for this axe. FURYIA & MAJESTIC FLAME

4) Affiliation

"The Inheritor [Domina Prime] | Majestic Flame of Manda | Sons & Daughters of Mandalore"

Who are the "Sons and Daughters of Mandalore"? Does this mean that anyone who identifies themselves as a Mandalorian will be able to use this weapon?


Yeah, the ghost inhabiting the blade allows any true warrior to hold the weapon, but only if they commit to The Destroyer God Kad Ha'rangir who is a mandalorian deity. So non-mandos who are willing to convert to 'become' a descendant or literal Mandalorian descendants who prove themselves as children of The Destroyers Path. I wanted to make it a thing mandos kinda fight over and such. But since Mandalorian Culture is a 'creed' that warriors of any species, affiliation and nature can abide by The Axe is the 'birthright' of anyone calling themselves a Mandalorian.

5) Phantom Curse

What does it mean to give the axe "a will and accord all its own and will protect itself if emboldened or enraged" Cursed or possessed weapons are a common fantasy trope, however, they're not really a thing in Star Wars as far as I'm aware, we do know of cursed locations that cause possessions for example the Jedi Temple on Yavin 4 and Exar Kun. However in that case the spirit was tied to a nexus, which if we have said isn't an option for a weapon. Do you have any canon sources showing a possessed weapon?


Ahhhh, well i know star wars tends to be tame but CHAOS is just…full of such absurd madness that i figured this wouldn't be too jarring lol. Basically The Axe if approached by like, we'll say a sith lord just sith guy who wants the axe. The Axe will like…erupt into flames and scorch the air to chase the Sith away but Sith are Sith so they'd just protect themselves. So if they try and touch the Axe the Axe can like, turn into smoke and embers or something weird to keep from being grabbed by the 'unworthy'. Or maybe the steel just burns real hot and makes the holder uncomfortable i don't want it to be SUPER INSANE just…weird and spooky if that makes sense.

As for possession of things. I don't know about a 'weapon' but I tried to base it off SOUL SNARES but…not just a stone? If that makes sense lol. Since the axe has a crystal in it's core I imagine i tried to homebrew it into something cooler than just a rock. That way it's like a weapon with a NPC inside it thats mad all the time and telling people to just burn stuff fffffff.

6) Starsmelted Solarblade/Destroyers Edge

The idea of a weapon that can change its form according is very much a fantasy concept and not in the spirit of Star Wars. An axe can be a very cool and amazing axe, like this one, however, it can't shift forms to another type of weapon nor to a different style of axe.


Yeah honestly i felt like i was reaching with this idea i'll scrap it since i kinda wanted to just make a hammer anyway i just wondered if i could make it a two in one sorta deal. Removed xD

7) Devil's Deal

As far as I'm aware there is no way for a NFU to gain the use of a force power. While a very cool concept this is something that has it's grounding in fantasy rather than the spirit of Star Wars. Do you have a canon source for this kind of power? We could perhaps say that only the willpower of the user restrains the axe from unleashing it's flames? Rather than the axe grantin the power it's constantly trying to burn those around it, and that way even a NFU can restrain it?


Oh no no, it does not give NFUs The Force Power. It just allows them to USE the axe, the Axe will project it's flames on the NFUs behalf and not KILL THEM like a normal person. Ya know i wanted it to do something nice for the Mandalorians who don't have powers to still swing it and make it do the boom boom stuff. FORCE USERS however who already have it will over time as they feed the axes hunger for fire be granted a small ember of their own. That the FU will have to train and work on like any other force ability its MAINLY just a OOC Story Development kinda thing that people can have fun writing not meant to be a combat thing to be abused and what not.

8) Runic Woe

A weapon created by Sith Alchemy can not, be protected from the lightside of the force, which is the inherent weakness of sith alchemy. The same is true for something created by Alkahest (lightside alchemy). Please remove this strength.


Oh really? Dang i thought it existed i tried basing it off Dimas fathers sith sword since it had the same ability i did not know it was a thing either xD. THIS Thing called Derriphan The Devourer, Carnis sword

Removed tho!

9) Flame Monarch

Can you please clarify what you mean by the following sentence, " To meet it's steel is to feel the whisper and kiss of the sun as it can massive explosive oppressiveness by smelting through metal and stone alike and deliver decimation so profound it can only be described as divine."


It is sparky sparky boom boom axe. I dressed up the wording nice and sweet but basically it blows up with fire when you swing it, melts through stuff (depending on the FU using it of course) since the axe itself is super weakened by itself and can only 'defend itself' but yeah it SOUNDS more Op than it really is. It's like a big axe with the heat of a combustion forge or something just smelts through stone and metal pretty easily. At least the basic ones don't worry tho it won't like vaporize beskar or the 'special metals' and stuff.

10) Majestic Judgement

Ok, so choosing who gets hit by the flames seems to be a basic use of pyrokinesis but who is choosing who gets hit, the weapon or the wielder? Also, what do you mean by "A Vergence in the force those who consider themselves children of The Destroyer will not only find themselves protected by the flames but emboldened by them as well." As I've previously mentioned the axe can not be a Vergence in the force, however, it appears that you're saying that the weapon can grant the ability to manipulate flames to people other than its wielder. If this is the case then that's again a fantasy concept and not a Star Wars one, and as such I'll need you to remove it.


The Wielder can choose who gets HIT. The Ghost in The Axe whom it bestows an ember (giving FUs pyrokenisis) will basically be 'marked' as a 'child of it's flame' and through the force…not accidently cremate them or something.

And i can remove it but if i can i'd like to work to keep it? It does not let people just lift their hand and start throwing fire around it is just an ember, a spark. The character it is given to is basically the equivalent of 'taking an apprentice'. It's up to the character to fan the flame, practice, and hone it into something that can ACTUALLY be used. Still kinda fantasy i understand but…star wars IS fantasy as much as it is sci fi these days especially on Chaos >_>.

11) Phantom Blade

I'm going to need you to either rewrite or remove this entire intrinsic trait, even the Spirit of Exar Kun didn't have that much power in the temple on Yavin where he was bound. A weapon possessing a mind of its own, that can float on its own, and unleash powerful force-based attacks is not in the spirit of Star Wars. An alchemized weapon can not duplicate itself either. A potential way to rewrite this section would be to say that unrestrained by a user's will the axe will float in place and unleash gouts of flame until someone of sufficient willpower can restrain it. Not really floating around seeking targets but more of an uncontrolled release of its power until it falls into the hands of a wielder, a middle ground.


Ohh i see. I don't know who Exar Kun is most my 'star wars' knowledge comes from Chaos, the games, or like…the shows. I mainly look at things people do or make on the site and try to get inspired by that lol. But i gotcha i can edit this to not be too off the rails for ya. Floating axe with the embers of an ancient will slumbering in it. Scorching those unworthy and such until someone tames it.

12) The Great Inheritor

"And thirdly, the spark of warrior souls judged by The Axe and sent to the Field of Blades, an afterlife where warriors are locked in eternal battle."

You mention the above in your submission, however, I don't believe this is canon, is it? Sith and Jedi spirits do exist, however, I'm not sure Mando or NFU spirits exist in the same way.

Additionally the axe is imbued with the power of pyrokinesis not necromancy, which while it exists is a sub-branch of sith magic that uses rituals and as such can't really be used through an artifact. What exactly are you trying to achieve here? If you can clarify that then we can see if there's a way to achieve your purpose.


I think its actually a Chaos Sub made during the nether event cause i was googling it before and could not find it till it linked a chaos post xD And i'm not sure about mando souls but i figured they had to go somewhere so why not direct them to a place where they can fullfill their ancestral purpose? I can gut it if need be, or write a new location lore sub to make a custom place if need be?

But basically the IDEA is that mandalorians will undoubtedly be fighting over this thing OR dying in its service and i thought it would be nice if The Ghost kinda just…instead of ABSORBING the soul like Carnifexes Sith Blade it just…re-directs them to an afterlife where their eternal war continues on since why dont viking style warrior people like mandos have like...a Valhalla of sorts? Field of Blades is all i saw while looking around. And then, in the future with other subs i wanted to make maybe do some spooky necromancy stuff. NOT WITH THE AXE mind you the axe kinda just opens the door for the warrior spirit to continue its battle so LATER i can potentially do fun stuff with it. Making the Axe kinda like a key?

13) Soulblade of the Inheritor

As mentioned above in the Phantom Blade section the Axe can't have a will of its own. It's entirely possible for it to be difficult to control a powerful weapon, to have it constantly be fighting to unleash the flame that is its calling and to have to be held back by its user's will. Please rewrite this section with this in mind.


Well it's mainly the ghost wanting to feed its thirst for fire and if people who get the axe don't quench said thirst the ghost gets…agitated. Starts to radiate and demand tribute to its flame and if rejected it too will reject the user, making it's flames smaller, resisting the user and all that jazz i edited to something worded a little different for ya!

14) Lightborn

As mentioned in Runic Woe, there is no way to protect an artefact of sith alchemy from attack by the light side of the force. It is the one thing guaranteed to destroy such an artifact. However, in a PvP setting, of course, hits and damage are called by the defender.


Yeah whoops I removed xDD. I was mislead by other chaos subs lol

15) Wither and Rot

The blade can't have a mind of its own, however, it is entirely possible for a sith artefact to corrupt, and the wielder to hear the whispers driving them to attack those around them. Combined with the user's natural antipathy towards those peaceful and isolationist you describe in this section it could well lead for the whispers and desire to attack them to increase. A small rewrite of their section would bring it much more into line with the spirit of star wars.


Ok i tried to write some of this to be less COMPULSIVE with the 'taking over the user' and all that stuff. It just whispers and tries to egg on now!

16) Vicious Mockery

I love the way that the corruption would constantly be whispering in the wielder's ear, however the axe can't reach out to those who aren't holding it, that shows a level of sentience and power that is beyond the spirit of star wars.


Oh wow really? Dang. Uhhhh…i can delete those parts if ya want! Would it be ok if like, instead of being able to talk to others instead it can speak through its flames? Maye when there is a fire made by it's user the small shade of a ghost can appear to speak? Maybe only to those who have touched the Axe or The user? Limiting its function since i would like it to be able to communicate with the Mandalorians around it in order to propose challenges to them. Like if 4 mandos are standing around the fire it emanates and thus being able to hear it? I dunno SW stuff is hard to figure out on chaos everyone does so much stuff. I'm trying to find the happy medium to fulfill the VIBE i'm going for with this thing.
Domina Prime Domina Prime

I referenced Dimas fathers weapon a lot and tried to make something similar
Just so you're aware, we don't take previous submissions as precedent, each submission is judged on its own merits. There are some monstrous factory submissions in the archives that exist as event rewards which can not be replicated under the current system.

So, reading through the submission and your response, it seems to me that we're really falling foul of the difference between what's considered star wars and what's more of a fantasy weapon. To cut down on the confusion of a long post, I'm going to summarize these differences below:

1) Sentient Weapon
2) Majestic Judgement
3) The Field of battle


So as I understand it, you want to have the the essence of Furiya Prime captured in a soul snare and embedded into the weapon.

While you're right that Chaos submission to tend to be more powerful as a whole than canon, we do try to preserve the spirit of Star Wars by basing much of what we make and do in that canon. The problem is that a sentient weapon is not canon. This is very much a fantasy affection, the talking sword or the weapon possessed by the spirit of a demon or an ancient warrior. While Star Wars is science fantasy, this is a step too far from canon.

Now, spirits contained in objects do exist, such as the holocron, but they have no real ability to impact the outside world. Instead they act as a guide or repository of knowledge and training. Furiya prime could instead exist in a similar capacity, a guide to her successors to teach them about their heritage, but not able to affect the world.

As I mentioned before, the best way to handle the axe itself is not active powers, but the passive powers, no turning to smoke to flow out of someone's hand. Instead, a constant barrage of flame that only the strongest of wills can tame, be they Sith, Jedi or mando. The spirit can choose who it imparts it's information to, but it wouldn't be able to choose who wields it. It would be much like the darksaber in that way.

The final element is the ability to choose targets of the flame, pyrokinesis would allow a force user to direct the flames around their allies, but a non force user wouldn't have access to that ability meaning that they would need to RP accordingly, possibly adding more of an interesting element to using the axe's flame.

Majestic Judgement

If we treat Furiya as a holocron gatekeeper imparting their knowledge, then I see no reason they can't teach force users to use pyrokinesis.

The Field of Battle

I've included the link to the field of blades here.

There are a few things to note here. The Field of Blades is a location in Chaos, a location in the Netherworld which is only the provenance of Sith. The submission also points out that the Field of Blades Demographics are:

Demographics: Sith Lords and Powerful Dark Jedi spirits

The Netherworld is an odd location of which much isn't known, but if you want to include an element like this, then I'd suggest subbing a new location and building the ability to send souls there into another submission. Anotehr artifact of Furiya perhaps?
You should really go easy on the all caps. And that's coming from me.

I'm approving this. I didn't read any of it, but here's a caveat for anyone reading this in the future wondering why we approved this submission.

"This approval is granted on the grounds that if its ever reported for powergaming in RP, or reported for bad writing, or reported for creating an unfair, unfun environment, or reported for anything, this submission will be denied and archived."
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