Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Looking For Criminal Buddies

Finally got down what I want with this guy, and I think being an enforcer-type for a criminal group would be pretty cool. I now about Black Sun and the Hutt Cartel, but I don't know much about who's active and all the factions to make a call like that. So what are some good criminal factions, but more importantly, who needs muscle to pad out their ranks?

I've been off and on with Chaos for a good few years, and I've never really done a good non-force user character. I've made plenty, but never been satisfied with all done with them. I've also never made a proper bad guy and always worry that I'm writing them too cringey. The closet I got was this morally dubious Jedi, but he just ended up being a grumpy old man. While this character isn't a bad guy, he's a good step in the right direction.

So I'm looking for a style of RP, and some RPers to do it with.
Rel Dyri Rel Dyri

Welcome back to the website, first all of.

In regards to criminal buddies I am also looking for a criminal buddy! I am running a minor faction called the Order of the Sith Lords. In story the organisation has no name yet, but I have been writing the recruitment of spies, informants and associates from across the Galaxy to work for or with me for the agenda of the OSL. If this is something that interests you please respond!
Alicia Drey Alicia Drey

That totally interests me! I can see my guy working for you but not like totally understanding what he's getting himself into, would make for some great stuff. Plus never actually done stuff with the Sith, so that's awesome.

My discord is goon8276 if you'd rather talk there.
I too was looking for a good criminal faction. I don’t think Black Sun is active. I was told on Discord it wasn’t and the owner hasn’t been on in a while. I did poke him on Discord but no response yet.

Someone did mention that Darkwire is still around. They are like cyberpunk type criminals.

Maybe we can get a band of pirates together or something. The Hutts have an opening thread and the writers were nice in Discord.
Kitter Bitters Kitter Bitters

I saw you on discord. I briefly had the idea of making a small criminal group like you mentioned. I don't know enough to do something like that though, lol. I was heavily considering the Hutts, being a Boba Fett hireling type guy, sounds like some good RP. I didn't know if they were active though. Since they're bouncing around I'd totally be up for some stuff with them. That or the pirate idea.
Baradium Vrax Baradium Vrax

Foregoing the criminal stuff, I'd love to do some things with Pieter. I think that his and Rel's approaches to hunting could be very interesting when clashing on a bounty together, both of them being trophy hunters but coming from very different backgrounds. Maybe we could a 'hunter becomes the hunted' situation instead, where Rel caught the ire of a Hutt he managed to anger and Pieter takes the mark. Those are just some ideas off the top of my head, but if interested DM me and I'll see about getting something set up.
Zolxah Tyrihb Zolxah Tyrihb

I can work with that. It'll be interesting given how completely different the two are. If you want to do a thread I'm open anytime. You know, I thought I was a great writer, and I could 3 posts out in like 30 minutes. Heck, I'm having trouble managing two threads right now. That said, if I manage to lag behind and don't post in a few days don't be afraid to poke me, I might have forgotten.
Rel Dyri Rel Dyri
Sadly, I must admit to being in the same situation as you seem to be. Managing two threads would be a pain for me too. I'm either completely on fire and stellar in my written achievements, or else I'm not doing much at all, and the latter is the case, being as I just got back here today for the first time in over a year.

Provided my ocular health holds out and when work isn't overwhelming me, if you've any ideas or scenarios, I'm all ears.

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