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The Lilaste Order

An order Based on the Premise of both Light and Dark side users working and living together in Co-existence

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Lilaste Order Military Doctrine [ground forces]

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Standard Training

Soldiers of the Lilaste Order are given the opportunity to enlist in any role as their primary specialization. They have enough training in other roles to substitute into another position should the need arise in a combat scenario where one specialist is taken out of combat.
Troopers are trained with death in mind, they are exposed to the reality of death. So much so to the point that they are used to it. Training routes employed are as realistic and as difficult training as possible. From actually being out on the battlefield to the best mock-ups and simulations possible, they are trained hard not only in their weapons techniques, but they routinely go without food, without comfort, are deliberately exposed to pain, and face physical and mental exhaustion, pushing themselves as close to the breaking point as they can. The ability to face and overcome pain is an important part of their training regimen. They are trained to also build up their physical strength in systematic exercises to improve not only their physical but their mental performance. Facing and overcoming tough circumstances in training makes the rigors of the battlefield less challenging. Training until actions are second nature or “muscle memory” ensures they can be performed when the mind is pushed beyond its normal capabilities.

Special Training

Along with standard training, each Lilaste soldier is trained in the art of force deflection, with the real-world threat of the possibility to face both Sith and Jedi in a combat scenario soldiers of the Lilaste Order are battle-hardened against most force-based attacks, more importantly, their minds are strengthened to resist mind tricks, and other force based powers that attack the mind to either disorientate or gather information. As an additional skill set Lilaste soldiers are trained on how to deal with and eliminate force sensitives in both long-range and close encounters.

Standard Military Engagement/Base line
Staring ground-based engagement. Throw in Several heavy-hitting ships to destroy orbital defenses. Once orbital supremacy is established orbital bombardments attacked low-priority targets that do not need to be captured. Or high-priority targets that need to be destroyed. Such as artillery emplacements and starfighter Facilities.

Assault ships descend into the low atmosphere Launching LAET/I and LAET/C LAET gunships clear a landing zone dropping off troopers and AT-AE walkers and/or AT-AS walkers. Once landed troopers would march ahead of the heavy walkers aided by AT-AS scout walkers. creating a screen and a safe pathway for the heavier AT-AE. As the first wave pushes forwards and clears a good enough location, the second and third waves of troops are now deployed. With first and second waves pushing forwards the Assault craft would land, unloading the rest of the infantry, walkers, and artillery guns pushing forwards in formation a distance behind the main force

With all infantry grounded LAET’s provide air support for the main force. The main force would then entrench waiting for artillery to blast enemy defenses to ruin. Once deemed broken the main force would get up and clean up what's left of enemy combatants.

Some squads could and can be used to infiltrate enemy positions and eliminate targets that might be causing the main force to not advance such as shield generators, or barrier walls

Standard Squad Structure
Standard Squad Structure
Squads of the Lilaste Order are compromised of upwards of seven different specializations with upwards of nine squad members, with equipment designed given to certain specialized roles. It is also not uncommon for some squads to include a force-sensitive team member for an extra advantage.

Squad leader
Primary: LO-18D
Secondary: LO-16D
Sidearm LO-12S
Tertiary: LO-9M
Equipment: LO-56A MKII, LO-56E, A.A.S.H Thermal detonators
Role: Gives the orders, keeps the squad in line, and is responsible to those higher up in the chain of command.

Radio/ Communications officer
Primary: LO-18D
Secondary: LO-16D
Sidearm LO-12S
Tertiary: LO-9M
Equipment:LO-56A MKII, LO-56E, A.A.S.H,Various communications equipment, Thermal detonators
Role: Responsible for keeping in touch with home base, other units, and assets like air support and artillery.

Standard rifleman x3
Primary: LO-18D
Secondary: LO-16D
Sidearm LO-12S
Tertiary: LO-9M
Equipment: LO-56A MKII, LO-56E
Role: your standard rifleman, used as filler to give an extra hand to one position or the next. Also used to fill in any holes the squad might need on special missions or to fill a location where a squad member has been KIA or wounded

Primary: LO-18D
Secondary: LO-16D
Sidearm LO-12S
Tertiary: LO-9M
Equipment: LO-56A MKII, LO-56E, A.A.S.H, various Medical Supplies Thermal detonators
Role: the squad medic is highly trained in battlefield first aid, and sometimes becomes a flat-out Combat Medic.

Explosives expert/ demolitions
Primary: LO-RPG20
Secondary: LO-16D
Sidearm LO-12S
Tertiary: LO-9M
Equipment: LO-56A MKII, LO-56E, A.A.S.H various Explosives Thermal detonators
Role: tasked with breaching doors and providing close support to the squad, genuinely used to clear close-quarters buildings or to get through walls

Heavy weapons
Primary: LO-27R
Secondary: LO-16D
Sidearm LO-12S
Tertiary: LO-9M
Equipment: LO-56A MKII, LO-56E, A.A.S.H Various weapons repair kits, ammo boxes, Thermal detonators
Role: Responsible for the heavy weapons side, tasked with laying down heavy fire to help aid the squad to fend off enemy reinforcements or lay enough coving fire to assist in a flank

Primary: LO-600S
Secondary: LO-18D
Sidearm LO-12S
Tertiary: LO-9M
Equipment: LO-56A MKII, LO-56E, A.A.S.H Thermal detonators LO-PD1
Role: focusing on precision shooting, providing cover fire from a distance as well as sent ahead of the squad to scout and set up possible crossfire locations

Standard Army composition

Systems Army—2 Sector Armies (294,912 troopers) led by a Major General

Sector Army—4 corps (147,456 troopers) led by a Senior General

Corps—4 legions (36,864 troopers) led by a marshal commander and a General.

Legion/Brigade—4 regiments (9,216 troopers) led by a senior commander and a General.

Regiment—4 battalions (2,304 troopers) led by a , regimental commander,

Battalion—4 companies (576 troopers) led by a major, and a Battalion Commander.

Company—4 platoons (144 troopers) led by a captain.

Platoon—4 squads (36 troopers) led by a lieutenant.-

Squad—9 troops led by a sergeant- Sergeant Major
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