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Approved Tech KRW-07 | Kiss of the Red Witch

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S



  • Manufacturer: Ingrid L’lerim-Vandiir | Rocksolid Arms
  • Affiliation: Ingrid L’lerim-Vandiir
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: KRW-07 | Kiss of the Red Witch
  • Modularity: Average
    • Ammunition, cartridges and energy cells are easily switched in the gun.
    • The scope is changeable.
    • It can be easily taken to pieces so that it can be transported more easily.
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Druetium | Nightshadow | Blaster components | Kickback Damper | Silencer

  • Classification: Sniper Rifle || Ratings
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Average
  • Ammunition Type: Slugs | Power Cell
  • Ammunition Capacity: Average | 20x Slugs | 100x Power Cell
  • Effective Range: Battlefield
  • Rate of Fire: Low
  • Damage Output: Extreme
  • Recoil: Low

  • Kickback Damper: The weapon is equipped with a suitable kickback damper so that the recoil is as small as possible and only disturbs the user minimally, who can already search for a new target.
  • Silencer: The weapon is equipped with a special silencer system, thanks to which it makes almost no sound when fired, making it much more difficult to find the user by sound source.
  • Nightshadow: The weapon also has a nightshadow “system” that makes it nearly impossible to detect the weapon with sensors and radars.
  • Kiss of the Witch: This system is the same as for DC-19 "Stealth" carbine, in which case the weapon adds refined tibanna gas mixture to the shot, making the laser bolt invisible to the naked eye.
    • This feature is optional and must be turned on before shooting.
    • This use heats up the gun a lot, so the user has to wait for the system to cool before shooting again.
    • If the user still reuses the gun before it cools down, it will likely be completely unusable until it is fully repaired.
  • Easy to Use: Ammunition, cartridges and energy cells are easily switched in the gun. It can be easily taken to pieces so that it can be transported more easily.
  • Modularity: You can easily put a strap on it to hang it to the back, or you can change the scope on the weapon to whatever the action or situation requires at any time.
  • Long Rage: Since it is a sniper rifle, it is perhaps not surprising that it can be used over very long distances where it is accurate and deadly.
  • High Damage: It is designed to maximise the damage and injury caused by both laser projectiles and slugs. Thanks to this design, the weapon is extremely deadly.
  • Not too Heavy: Unlike most sniper rifles, thanks to the materials used to make it, the weapon is not as heavy as other similar weapons.
  • Hard to Hide: The dimensions of the weapon are large, so it is difficult to hide when assembled. But even when disassembled, it needs a separate container because otherwise it could be damaged. But even on the battlefield, it’s striking when someone moves with a big sniper rifle.
  • Short Range: The weapon is designed for long distances, even accurate in such a distance, however, if the opponent is close, it is no longer advisable to use it. Not to mention that it is useless in melee or normal firefight range.
  • Overheat: The gun can overheat, after which it has to wait for it to cool down. This is especially true after using the Kiss of the Witch feature. If the user uses the gun in an overheated state, it can be completely destroyed or even explode in the user's hand.
  • Slow: Not a traditional blaster or a weapon like this, its user can only shoot with it slowly. This is why the user need to shoot judiciously, if someone misses a shot, may not have a chance to shoot at the target again.
  • Single Target: Because the weapon is slow and unable to fire a series of shots or fast consecutive shots, it can't really be used against many targets. An excellent choice against a target, on the other hand.
  • Limited Ammo: Because it is a sniper rifle, it does not have nearly as much storage space for ammunition as conventional weapons. True, if the user is lucky, he doesn’t even need it.

Ingrid designed and made the sniper rifle, it was manufactured by the company owned by L'lerim House, Rocksolid Arms.

It’s been a long time since Ingrid was able to use a sniper rifle somewhere, but the second battle at Ziost broke the long series of deprivation. Since the woman had been using the same weapon for many years and had not developed it, she decided that she would make and design a new weapon for herself. So when she wasn’t dealing with her usual business, she was working on it.

She wanted to make a weapon worthy of the weapons the Shadow Company also uses, silent and hard to spot, and as light as possible, given its size, of course, and she wanted to meet these criteria. That is why she has studied countless sniper rifles so that she can take over the best qualities and of course be able to implement her own ideas.

Ingrid designed, drew, and experimented a lot with everything, systems, raw materials, accessories. Six guns were carried in the trash, by the time she managed to model the KRW-07. As Ingrid is a maximalist, so it’s not so surprising that the rest wasn’t good for her. She didn’t really throw everything out, but gave it to MANIAC MANIAC to get them to the engineers to see if the HPI Consortium could still use them somewhere else.

Of course, it didn’t go far for production and he made the prototype with her own company, and then after a short testing and repair phase, the KRW-07 was completed as the perfect sniper rifle for the woman. Since she now wants to spend more time as an actual ranged assassin anyway, hopefully she will be of great use to the weapon for a long time to come.

After all a good assassin needs a good weapon.
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