Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Korribean's New Flavor "Democracy"(Republic Invasion of Sith Empire) OOC

Darc Xavior Talus said:

Judas has pointy ears, we're all doomed.

In more important matters, I'll be at the Sith Academy. Come get me.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Tamara"] - Philip took a chunk outta the rest of Greece, but left Sparta alone. It wasn't forced to join the Corinthian League for another fourteen years.

I would like to try a fleet battle against someone on the Republic...even if it doesn't count as it seems it won't.

No maps or anything like that if that's what's wanted, I just want to actually do a fleet battle which A) Makes it to the second round and B) Doesn't end with squabbling.

Eh, I guess it's hopeless. What are we up to now? 5th time lucky? If you need me I'll be in the corner crying.
@[member="Rasho the Hutt"] Yarp. But we could combine our forces...if you have any.

Well if anyone is interested let me know. I'm not sure what @A'donari Cinn means, so I'll just nod and smile?

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Darth Shadow"] - Sadly, my position with the Empire is secondary. And I'm too new to Black Sun to drive up in a Star Destroyer fleet. I fear I must settle for humiliating Jedi in the Valley of the Dark Lords.
@[member="Darth Shadow"]
Hahaha I meant that everyone wants to get planet side and start punching each others faces repeatedly.

@[member="Rasho the Hutt"]
What will I win if I can somehow legit ride you during this battle?


Came in like a wrecking maul
@[member="Darth Shadow"]

@[member="Karen Roberts"] is if she joins the fleet commander of the Republic. For the most part as it was talked about this is the sith dreadnaught vs the fleet. Since there is few things that can match it and 5kms of death and destruction with some back up is a powerful sight.


Disney's Princess
Saki said:
@Karen Roberts is if she joins the fleet commander of the Republic.
I don't Fleet. I just pick up my feet, and do the rock away. I lean back. I lean back. I lean back. Cause dats whack. ...I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite thread on the Citadel. Herpy Derp Derp! XOXO :p


I would totally be reading this Invasion if I wasn't so busy clicking on the all Youtube Music Links that you people forgot to Spoiler Box. O.O''

*jams out*
@[member="Karen Roberts"] doesn't fleet, she just likes to make snarky comments about it. Like everything. :p

But I'll join in a fleet action if people don't mind. Not like it matters, since the outcome's been pre-determined it seems.

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