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Character Khama Fett



    • Faction: Independent
    • Species: Human
    • Homeworld: Kestri
    • Gender: Male
    • Age: 29 GSY
    • Height: 1.83 Meters
    • Weight: 78 kg
    • Hair: Black
    • Eyes: Brown
    • Skin: Medium Tan
    • Face: T.K. Tuhaka
    • Voice: Doug Cockle as Geralt

  • Khama Fett was born into the Mandalorian Enclave on the snowy planet of Kestri, a world known for its harsh conditions and fierce warriors. He was born into the same lineage as the infamous bounty hunters Jango and Boba Fett, being born of a Fett clone whose descendants eventually reclaimed their heritage. He was given the traditional upbringing expected of a Mandalorian child. In a way, there was potentially more expectations given such an infamous bloodline that he came from. Even more so, his particular branch of the family were orthodox adherants to the Way of the Mandalore, wherein young Khama swore the Creed and was forbidden to remove his helmet in front of another living being.

    Khama was trained in the ways of the Mandalorian warrior from a young age, learning how to fight with a variety of weapons and mastering the art of combat. He quickly proved to be a skilled warrior, but his ambition soon grew beyond serving as another of the Mandalorian Enclave's Karjr marshals. He sought to make a name for himself, both to become as well-known as his forebears, and to make his own chapter in the tapestry of Clan Fett.

    Inspired by his ancestors and his kinsman Koda Fett Koda Fett , Khama decided to strike out on his own as a bounty hunter. He spent years honing his skills and building his reputation after joining up with the Bounty Hunters' Guild at the age of 18. Although he is a new blood to the scene, he seeks to build his story with one assignment at a time. He currently offers his trade to anyone willing to offer their credits.

    • A Warrior's Skill: Having been trained in the traditional ways of Mandalorian culture, Khama has a great understanding of combat. From martial arts to melee to ranged combat.
    • A Hunter's Instinct: Thanks to training by his kin, Khama knows how to conduct himself wwhile hunting. He knows how to track, stalk, and keep a patient head when hunting his quarry.

    • Adherent: As one induced into the Way, he refuses to remove his helmet in front of anyone. In addition, he finds other Mandalorians who do to be, at the least, odd or peculiar.
    • Pride: Like many Mandalorians, Khama is very prideful of his ancestry. He does not take insults to his Clan lightly.



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[color=red]”I’m a simple man making his way through the galaxy. Like my father before me.”[/color]

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