Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Jedi looking for Jedi stuff (or maybe something else)

Rhys Halcyon

Hello Chaos, I humbly request threads for my new Jedi Padawan character.

Rhys is a kid who has only just ascended to his padawanship. He is currently without a master, though I'm not sure I'll do anything about that just yet. I'm mostly looking to start with light and easy RP like private threads. The slice of life stuff seems popular and fun. Basically anything that isn't the "high fantasy hero working to save the galaxy with his wordy posts" type stuff that I do all the time is welcome.

I would love aswell the chance to write with some people who I haven't much or at all before (which happens to be a lot of Jedi, but this is definitely not excusive to them)

Rinoi Ssiv

I volunteer my boy Rin. I've got big hero plans for him, so I'm in need of some light and easy threads to balance him out.
Let me know what you think.

Rhys Halcyon

Rinoi Ssiv

I would definitely be down to have Rhys be introduced to the rebellion in some way, even if its a simple encounter with one of their operatives.

Tamiko Sabo Tamiko Sabo

I've had a few ideas for stuff on the Coruscant streets where Rhys and Tamiko could totally meet.

Xarielle Pavanos

I'll be throwing up a jedi stuff thread with Valery Noble Valery Noble soon, I can tell you more about our idea over discord or we can come up with something else completely.

Alana Sunrider Alana Sunrider

I think we've written briefly before on other characters a few years back, and I would definitely like to write with you again.

Thank you all for the interest. My discord is TheReal_McChicken#0204 for those of you who want to add me and get cooking some threads. I plan to throw up posts this weekend once I've sorted out dominion posts that I owe.
Rhys Halcyon

Can do a separate thread with Xarielle as well. She and I did a thread on Ilum already, where she got a crystal from the caves. XD So it'd kinda be the same thing for her to jump in on what we have planned. You can either plot something with just her but if you two would like Valery to be involved, I'm down to plot something!

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