Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private If we must... [Jax Thio]

The chamber stretched wide, its expanse accommodating the imposing presence of Jax Thio Jax Thio who loomed before Balun Vale. Within this expansive arena, there lay ample space for fluid movement, ideal for the rigours of combat training. With a firm grip, Balun wielded his lightsaber, its blade ablaze in a vibrant hue of deep blue. The radiant glow cast a halo of light around his feet, pulsating with the palpable energy coursing through the hilt of his Jedi Weapon.

Facing him stood a man unfamiliar to Balun, yet one whose dedication to imparting knowledge was evident. Despite the absence of prior acquaintance, the Jedi Master assumed the role of mentor in the art of lightsaber combat, a skill essential for a runaway Jedi like Balun. Though the realization brought a pang of discomfort to the young Jedi, he understood the necessity of mastering the techniques required for self-defence in his precarious circumstances.

Unlike his fellow Jedi students, Balun possessed a distinct aversion to the anticipation of lightsaber training. The notion of engaging in combat, even within the confines of practice, failed to ignite any semblance of excitement within him. The thought of inflicting harm upon another, even in simulated combat, felt gratuitous and unnecessary to Balun. He harboured no innate inclination towards violence; rather, he exuded an aura of self-awareness, often second-guessing his actions in any given scenario. While not lacking in courage, Balun's discomfort stemmed from a reluctance to assert himself at the expense of others' well-being.

"I am ready when you are, Master Thio".


Location: Jedi Training Room
Equipment: Jedi Robes, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Third Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Balun Vale Balun Vale

Jax was mediating in the middle of the training room utilizing the music to help him connect with the Force. He was scheduled to do a one-on-one session with a Padawan named: Balun Vale. He hasn't heard much about him only that he was seeking guidance in the art of the Lightsaber Combat and Jax had plenty of experience in that department having mastered all 7 forms including specialized fighting styles.

He sensed Balun's presence and he opened his eyes seeing the young kid before him. "Ahhh Balun," Jax said turning off his Holoradio with a snap of his fingers. "Welcome! I'm Jedi Master Jax Thio and I'll be your teacher for the day."

Looking over the Balun, Jax gave a smirk. "Wasting little time are we?" He said bemused. "Before we spar, we need to get to know each other first let's see what's your philosophy on life and the Force."

It was evident that Balun had jumped ahead, bypassing the expected formalities of introduction before delving into the training session. He had hoped to expedite the process, eager to conclude the lightsaber practice swiftly. Unlike many of his peers, Balun found little allure in the art of lightsaber combat. While other Padawans reveled in the opportunity to showcase their skills, engaging in spirited duels to assert their prowess, Balun remained indifferent. He harbored no inherent inclination towards violence or competitiveness; his motivations were rooted in a pragmatic desire for self-defense.

For Balun, proficiency in lightsaber training was not a matter of personal achievement or superiority. Rather, it was a means to an end—a necessity to ensure his survival in the face of potential threats. He held no aspirations of outshining his peers in combat; his primary concern was the ability to protect himself and others should the need arise. In the direst of circumstances, where lives hung in the balance, Balun was prepared to set aside his reservations, drawing upon his training to ensure that another dawn would grace the horizon.

"My apologies, Master Thio," Balun conceded, acknowledging his misstep. With a fluid motion, he deactivated his lightsaber and inclined his head in a formal display of deference to his superior. The question posed by Jax Thio Jax Thio regarding his philosophy on life lingered in the air, prompting Balun to delve into introspection.

Raised within the sanctum of the Jedi Order since infancy, Balun grappled with the notion of individuality amidst the collective teachings of the Order. He had absorbed countless theories and strived to fulfill the expectations set forth by his mentors. Yet, when confronted with the question of what life truly meant to him as an individual, uncertainty gripped him.

"I don't know..." he began tentatively, his voice betraying his lack of conviction. "I suppose... I want to hone my connection with the Force and to ensure my ability to defend myself..." His words hung in the air, tinged with uncertainty.

"I am a Jedi, aren't I? I don't know how to be anything else," he confessed after a moment of introspection. "I've spent my entire life within the confines of the Temple, adhering to the directives laid out before me," he continued, his gaze shifting back to Jax Thio, a silent plea for validation evident in his eyes. Balun lacked a definitive reason for his commitment to the Jedi path; it was simply the course that life had set him upon.

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