Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private I look out on a Concrete Jungle

Good Men Don't Need Rules

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Its been a while since I have been able to focus on something other than studies. The Jedi Order has been keeping me couped up in the library and in my studies. And honestly, I needed this break. At first it was forced on me. No fighting, no conflict support or anything like that. I needed to stay back and practice. Stop my way of just jumping into fights against Sith. Seeing as how I had been doing it since the very start of my journey as a Jedi. I had picked up a lightsaber that belonged to a Sith Cultist and attempted to use it against them. All because the Smuggler who had helped me leave my planet was killed for just being in the wrong place, at the wrong time.

I had asked to be on leave. A time in which I can just focus on myself as a person. And I have bene using that time by going from place to place. Trying to come up with different speeders I can make. Different vehicles so then I can make my little company expand just a little bit. What would be the best way to do that? Visit the Junkyard, take parts and even whole vehicles and make something of it. Something more custom, and then learn to take it all a part so then I can directly make my own parts to match. With this thought, it was why I was in Corellia. A planet known for ships, speeders, and more so, scrap yards where they were picked clean an then sent off world to be sold as metal scrap for less fortunate planets for them to use.

I had been at it for about two hours now. Just getting pieces and throwing them into an open pull-along trailer. Yet I had to stop. Off to the side, it was a massive heap that I was at first, intimidated to even attempt to go near. But something pulled me there. My thoughts raced on the idea that maybe parts would be in there that I couldn't get anywhere else. Just the intrusive thought on the fear of missing out. Sighing, I made my way there. Climbing, making my way up when I stopped. My foot had landed on something hollow. Looking down, it was a door. One that led into a ship. If there was a ship underneath this pile, then maybe there were parts that had not been picked yet.

The console activated. Door sliding open. I was surprised that it was still operating. Shrugging of the shoulders, I dropped in. Landing down into the middle of the hallway that went through some of the ship, My mind was now more focused on exploring the ship before I started to pick it apart. Maybe there was something here first. Walking down the hall, i tried a couple doors, but either they were jammed shut or locked. Unsure which. Finally I came to another door. As it started to open, I smiled.

Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to

Corellia, Mothership Hera
Tags: Kaleleon Kaleleon


It was finally time.

Rayne walked onto the bridge of her newly completed vessel. For the last ten years she had cobbled together as much scrap as she could find, making a true abomination. She recognized as much. Using technomancy to randomnly fuse somponents of vessels, sometimes even vessels in their entirety, was no easy task. She had probably been like thirteen or so when she started this, or that was at the very least her estimate. Rayne didn't exactly know her true age.

Not that it mattered. She was finally done. Now she stood on the completed bridge, salvaged from an old Venator Class Star Destroyer. She slipped a mask onto her face, siezing control over the newly christened Mothership Hera. Slowly, it would appear as though an entire section of the junk heap on Corellia would lift up into the air, all fused together in a starship chimera. She couldn't help but feel giddy. There would be no more stowing away on random vessels to get from place to place, or the long and stressful process of bringing valuable scrap back to one spot. She was free to go anywhere she wanted in the galaxy...

In this enhanced state, as she interfaced with the vessel directly, she took note of opening doors. Strange...

Behind the door opened by Kaleleon, a droid eye would emerge from a whole in the wall. A female voice would fill the air, seemingly synthesized from an old protocol droid.

"Excuse me," the droid eye began, sounding far more organic in its mannerisms despite the synthetic voice, "What are you doin' snoopin around here?"

Good Men Don't Need Rules
I could feel the ship move. Was it leaving the ground? While the door was opening, I looked around to see what was going on. Even though there were no view ports near me at the moment, I wanted to understand why it was moving. Was someone with the tractor beams lifting it while I was in here? The thought was cut off and I nearly jumped out of my skin. A large single photoreceptor popped out of the wall. Nearly hitting me in the face. Mu jump back and lightsaber drawn from the belt, but not yet activated.

The robotic feminine voice came over the the room. Fairly loud as if the voice was in the room itself. Excusing itself before asking me what I was doing here.

"Oh uh. Hi. I didn't know anyone was in here. I was looking for scrap to make some speeders with."

There was a second before I continued with a question all of my own.

"So are you a droid in the ship? or is this a communication device you are using?"

Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to

Corellia, Mothership Hera
Tags: Kaleleon Kaleleon


"Oh uh. Hi. I didn't know anyone was in here. I was looking for scrap to make some speeders with."

"So are you a droid in the ship? or is this a communication device you are using?"

"I'm the captain," the droid eye answered. "Look, not to alarm you, buuuut, I'm kind of heading into orbit right now."

The arm of a 2-1B surgical droid came out of another opening in the wall, just to the left of where the man's head was positioned. It clicked the claw appendage to get his attention.

"So, she's not... one hundred percent complete right now," Rayne admitted. "Like... I'd say ninety percent. Don't worry, the ship is pressurized... but I'd say in about five minutes you're gonna lose gravity. I still need to get that finished in this section of the vessel." The arm would point down the hall, drawing attention to an elevator ripped straight out of an Imperial II. "That leads to the... uh... damn, what part of the ship is this? Observatory, right. That leads to the observation deck. There should be functioning gravity there... I think."

And as quickly as they came, the droid eye and surgical arm vanished back into the wall.

"So, y'know, get moving. I can't a-hundred percent confirm that there aren't any exposed high voltage wires."

Good Men Don't Need Rules
A captain that was communicating to me through the eye, and now a droid arm that popped out of the wall? Heading up into orbit as well. Looks like my little leave of scrapping was turning into a death trap in which I now had to make it in time towards the observatory hall. It wasn't even a certainty that the location in the ship would have gravity. I have had my fair share of space and dealing with it. Nodding my head, the lightsaber was clipped onto my belt once more. As I brought my hand out, I pulled down the sleeve to reveal an OmniLink. Already working on scanning the area to make a digital map so then I could read vital signs of the ship and create a map layout that I could read. More easily giving me information. While my eyes were focused on the system around my wrist, I spoke to the eye.

"Flying a non-spaceworthy vessel is a dangerous idea Captain. Or is this just a test run to see if it can even break Corellia's orbit?"

I didn't really wait to have a response. Ripping a cord from the wrist link, I attached it to the eye. Copying the signal that this individual was attempting to use and connect it to my wrist. So then we could continue to be in contact. Mentioning this to them.

"Making a sync to your onboard systems with my wrist link. So you can communicate to me through it. Should be done..... now."

A little trill of beeps confirmed that the syncing to the onboard systems was completed. Very rudimentary. Kind of like connecting to a holonet connection more than anything. Not directly tied, but connected. With that done, I reached towards my back. Underneath the poncho, I pulled from the utility belt a simple mask that I could place over my face. One that allowed me to breathe in low-oxygen or space. The hiss of a vacuum being created as it connected to me.

"On may way to the Observatory."

Turning out of the door, I jogged down the hall as wires were swinging. While I had noticed them earlier, it wasn't of note. With a ship being in a scrapheap, it made sense that it may have been picked at one point, but not enough. Instead, it was left over wires that the Captain had left open. The idea that these wires were hot, means that there is a high potential for me to be seriously injured from it. While I wouldn't mind using the force to just push them out of the way, I didn't want them to ground out and cause more problems.

Opting to just look around, I found a panel that would have been used to hold such wires in place. Pushing the wires to the side. Making sure to not place it's metallic structure against the exposed wires. Slowly making my way through, My wristlink started beeping. Indicating that oxygen around me was rapidly depleting.

"Anything else you left out I should be worried about, captain?"

Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to

Corellia, Mothership Hera
Tags: Kaleleon Kaleleon


"It's fine," Rayne assured through the communicator, still seemingly speaking through a protocol droid vocoder. "I haven't taken her to orbit yet, but I work with starships all the time. She's perfectly spaceworthy. No more problems... no, wait. Losing oxygen? Pressure was holding just a minute ago... chit, did you leave the door open?"

From the bridge, Rayne scrambled to move her mind through the vessel, locating the airlock that the man had used to enter the Hera. Sure enough, the door had been left wide open, letting out all of their precious oxygen as they began to climb towards the stratosphere. She very quickly got it sealed up, and slowly oxygen would begin to return to the vessel. She let out a sigh of relief before returning to Kaleleon.

"Everything's fine," she insisted after a moment of silence. "Perfect. I've got everything under control. Easy."

The Mothership Hera pushed through the stratosphere, her rigid hull holding firm as it lifted up through the thin air and rising up into space proper. The smoggy sky of Corellia would fall away, breaking into black void dotted abundantly with stars. There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line.

"Wow... I... this is wild... Oh, right, you're still here. Where are you, the Observatory?"

A neon street sign would lite up a nearby hallway, drawing attention to the pathway.

"Bridge is that way," Rayne stated.

Good Men Don't Need Rules
The Captain started to talk about the vessel being spaceworthy. Yet the readings I had indicated otherwise. I was about to speak up about it when the robotic female voice started to get upset about the hatch being left open. All I could do was roll my eyes, and keep going towards the observation deck. Once she had finished going on about it, I spoke up to defend myself.

"I was expecting a stuffy ship that had cobwebs. Not being taken up into space against my will. Not to mention, you told me to head towards the deck for lack of gravity. I assumed it wasn't sealed completely."

I then thought about what I said for a moment, then responded to my own comment.

"Though, assuming makes and ass out of you and me. Sooooo."

It seemed this person got everything under control. Not that the words directed at me were really for me. Seemed like it was they were hyping themselves up that they did something right and fixed the problem. Another set of shaking the head as I made my way to the door. Placing a hand on the panel, I looked it over for a moment. Figuring what switch to hit. Opening the door, a rush in before swinging around and closing the door. We started to make our way up into space when she made comments about the scene of space.

Sure it may have been a beautiful thing to look at. Yet for me, I had seen the leaving and entering planets so often, it wasn't a new site to me. It didn't hit me with an awestruck feeling like it seemed to be hitting her. After that moment of thought, her voice seemed to boom in my ear from the silence that was before. A wince in my eyes as I was led by a literal neon sign to a hall. It would lead up to the bridge.

"Yeah, I'll be headed there. By the way, the name is Kale."

Already making my way down the hall, taking it somewhat leisurely now that I didn't have to rush, and just looking around at the only "Ugly" combination like many scrap ships I have seen in the past. But it had a homey feel. So I was slowly beginning to understand why they built it this way.

Opening the door to the bridge, I walked in.

Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to

Corellia, Mothership Hera
Tags: Kaleleon Kaleleon


As Kale approached the door of the bridge and stepped in, he'd find the layout of an old Venator, one which had been heavily modified. Chairs had been replaced, graffiti covered pannels had been used to replace missing segments, and the viewport seemed to be made up of differently colored glass panes. A young woman stood looking out of the viewport, a yellow-skinned Twi'lek in her early twenties. Rayne shook her head, bringing herself back to reality before turning to make eye contact with the man she had lead to the bridge. It did not take long at all for her height to be apparent, as she stood about a foot taller than he did.

"Right..." the speakers in the bridge spoke. Rayne herself did not speak at all, still requiering the droid vocoder to synthesize speach. It's damaged head was plugged into the center consol of the bridge. "Er, Rayne... Sorry about the whole, y'know, not stopping to drop you off thing, but I've kinda been planning for this day for like ten years now. You sorta caught me mid big moment."

It hurt to not be able to actually speak, which always made her awkward face to face with people. The young woman would rub at her shoulder. She was now kind of in a weird spot. Did she offer him a way back to the surface of the planet? He did enter her ship unannounced, but it hadn't exactly been clear that it was a starship, given how amalgamous the vessel looked. Rayne probably should do something, right?

"So, uh... you probably wanna get out of here then," she noted. "I can spare some old starfighters I salvaged..."

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Walking in, the Captain turned out to not just be a female Twi'lek, but one that even from the distance we stood, was much taller than average height. Clearly standing a head and shoulders above me. It was interesting to say the least, but I wasn't really phased by it. Having met people who stood eight foot tall, and even seeing the very rare information about the elite units of the Sith Empire that stood nearly nine foot tall, A Twi'lek of this height wasn't intimidating. Just another person.

What made me really furrow my brow in confusion, was she was speaking through a loud speaker, A very quick reach with the force, showed me she was not using technology to do this, She was using the force to connect to the entire ship. Meaning she could actually speak to me through my communicator without having to be connected to the ship systems. She was A Force User. Jedi, or at least neutral due to the lack of Darkness I could feel. That made me feel a little better about the situation.

She was very shy, and almost embarrassed though. The nonverbal language of rubbing her shoulder, not really looking at me, and the slight stuttering told me she may have felt she was in the wrong or just embarrassed. More over, using the ship to speak for whatever reason, might be a point of contention for her. So, maybe just to make her feel better about the situation, I did my best to act natural. As thought this was a normal day occurrence for me.

"Well Rayne, Thank you for helping me get to the bridge. And don't worry about it. I could have done better about my awareness of the situation. Don't beat yourself up over it."

Looking around, all the tagging and the technology that had been retrofitted told me she knew her way around machinery and technology. Akin to myself and how I loved building custom speeders.

"Nah, I was actually in the scrap yard to get parts for a client to make a custom speeder. I figured with you trying to get your ship operational, I could lend a hand. But, that was after the shock of being taken into space."

A almost chuckle smile came to my face. Again, trying my best to just be easy and smooth with the current situation. A smile is a weapon against fear, and instead of it being a physical weapon against foes, sometimes it can be used to help people when in an unfavorable position.

"I mean, that is if you want or need a hand."

Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to

Corellia, Mothership Hera
Tags: Kaleleon Kaleleon


"I mean, that is if you want or need a hand."

"I should be okay," Rayne assured. "It's just the one section."

He was... surprisingly chill about all of this. The sudden expedition into space should have, if anything, been a rather stressful point of contention, but the man seemed to take it in stride. Rayne couldn't help but... well, she didn't know how she felt about it. It was admirable, but at the same time it really confused her more than anything. At the very least it was much easier to work with than anger. This Kale guy was looking for speeder parts, he repeated. Well, if she had caused him this much trouble, the least she could do is perhaps part with some of her own scrap.

"I've got a store room full of junk I salvaged that I never ended up using on the Hera," she noted through the loud speaker. "You can feel free to grab what you need for a speeder."

That seemed fair.

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Considering she had done all of this herself. I figured she probably didn't want an extra hand. That's all fine. I understood that idea where if there was a job you wanted done, you did it on your own. Instead of having too many hands touching the project. Where there is more variables, and opportunities for mistakes to happen. Shrugging my shoulders, The voice came over the speakers again to mention she had a storage of parts she hadn't used. So I had free pickings from that. I nodded my head with a smile as it was given to me.

"I appreciate that. Might be something useful there."

While I wouldn't be going and just exploring around her ship without permission, I kind of just stood there awkwardly for a moment. Just letting my eyes play over the walls and the construction of this almost junker ship. Sure, it was made of junk, but there was so much... character? built into it. This was not just making a ship, it was a labor of love. Something she wanted to do for a long time. Making much more sense why when she was already lifting off, she didn't cancel it when I had interrupted her. So, I decided to go from there.

"How long did it take for you to build her? Hera you said was the ships name. It's clearly something you have been working towards for a while. All of the integrated systems from various ships to fit together and work is not an easy task. This is some serious knowledge on ship building and tunning."

While I mostly worked on speeders because they were much easier to build, and thus easier to produce and sell a profit on, Ships were clearly not that far off. I could see work, and technology infusing one another when it happened. I wasn't blind to the amount of work, blood sweat and tears that was put into this.

"This is a personal project of yours. Not something for fun."

Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to

Corellia, Mothership Hera
Tags: Kaleleon Kaleleon


"It's a bit of a... passion project, you could say," Rayne relayed through the ship's loud speaker. "I've been working on this for ten years now? It's been a long time. Probably longer than that. I was only a kid when I started getting her grafted together. She's... ugly, but I kind of like it that way. It's unsuspecting, and more armor than anything else."

She could take a beating. That was really all Rayne needed to get out of dodge. She wasn't a fighter after all, at least in the regards of naval combat. The young woman was strictly focusing herself on defense, not wanting to have to kill. Not if she could avoid it, anyways.

"So, you're... Jedi, yeah?" the Twi'lek asked. "I've met a few of your kind."

And maybe got a little intimate with one. Not that it went anywhere. It was a one-night thing, and who knew where that guy had ran off to. A part of her heart broke a little about not being able to keep in touch, but that was life.

"I believe we are in good standing, me and your order," she noted. "I even helped a real famous Jedi once. Not like a mission or anything. That isn't my sorta thing. I prefer minding my own business and inventing stuff."

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Personal project. One she had spent years on completing. That much was very clear. Personal touches here and there that did portray such a feeling of the ship. Rayne seemed to be not on edge really, but more so just not sure what to do. Even when the speaker opened up about seeing that I was clearly a Jedi, I stood a little straighter and gave more attention to her. She was right. I was one. However, there was much more than that. So much more I didn't want to get into.

"Having more armor is good. Means you can keep going."

My eyes wandered, but I had to eventually answer her about the Jedi business. Sighing, I did so.

"Yeah, I guess you could consider me a Jedi. But right now, its just a title. I kind of do my own thing right now. Sure I help where I can. I Just have been dealing with a lot on my plate. Which is why I was working on speeders."

Shrugging, I decided I would finally ask the question that has been on my mind since I walked into the bridge.

"The speakers, are you connected to them through technology? I'm not trying to um... what is the right word. infringe? I am just wondering how you have the speakers linked up to you without audibly speaking?"

It was a little forward, but I was being honest. I wanted to know how the tech worked. if it was some kind of implant that could read the mind just enough to produce sound through the speakers. Also, the voice that had been chosen as well.

"Like, can you change how you sound? can you increase the volume upon the speakers to be much louder?"

Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to

Corellia, Mothership Hera
Tags: Kaleleon Kaleleon


"Oh, that?" Rayne mused with a tilt of her head. "I've been interfacing with the technology directly with my mind. I believe the Jedi I spoke to called it Technomancy. If my mind can reach it, I can take control of it. It's sort of something that comes naturally to me. It's the reason I've gotten so good at ships... but admittedly it caused me to have a bit of a lazy streak."

It couldn't be helped, really. Rayne was just really good with tech. Her biology was seemingly optimized for this sort of thing. The Lekku were an extention of the brain, and that seemed to help her process all of that technological data without her mind being overloaded. Her network of control was much larger because of it. Of course, being so good at controlling tech had made her lazy, but now Rayne was going to set herself on a path to get her life in order and make something of herself. She was done sitting around listening to holodramas in her pajamas all day.

"I'm not good at much else 'force stuff' I think," she noted. "I did train with someone for a little bit, but I think my natural affinity lies in tech. But hey, doing your own thing is cool. I can respect a Jedi with some independance. I'm sure folks like you are cut from a better block then the really fundy guys."

She wasn't an idiot who thought the Jedi caused everyone's problems, but she understood that all organizations had their flaws. Rayne had lived in the aftermath of it after all. The Silver Jedi had rolled over when faced with the Hutt Space Consortium. That had a pretty notable impact on her youth no doubt. Still, Rayne wasn't one for grudges, and she had seen the good of the Jedi in those she had met. The young woman was open to seeing new perspectives.

Or at least she hoped she was. Maybe it was just too much energy to hate and she really was as lazy as she had always been.

"Oh, right," the Twi'lek began again, palming her face. "Sorry, I kinda stranged you up here, huh? We can find something you can use to get back down to the surface. I'm sure I got an old junk fighter lying around I can fire up for you."

Good Men Don't Need Rules
She was very casual about my question. As if this had come up before. Technomancy. An aspect of the force in which one could impose a will over machines, and technology. She did mention it came with a lazy streak in which I could only assume, would mean she went relaxed on things that she could have easily done by physical means. A shrug of my shoulders, was what I came to her with. Making a quick comment.

"Just means you were practicing on using that skill instead of a different one."

She did make mention of other "force stuff" that she was not too great at. Which was understandable. Considering she seemed to not be a Jedi, or a Sith, I could only assume she was just a force sensitive that was nearly self taught. Maybe a few teachings here and there with her proficiency, but not much more. What got me to think, and take a moment to make a mental note, was that she mentioned I was likely cut from a different block than other Jedi. Did she have bad instances of Jedi around her? Was there something done by a Jedi that impacted her negatively? I let it slide away for now, but kept the note to the side.

She then slapped herself in the face. Mentioning that I had been stranded here and she could provide me with a ship to go back down to the surface. I smiled lightly at her, and was starting to take her up on the offer.

"Yeah that would be fine."

As I was about to start walking, I stopped. Looking at the ship once more, I decided to do something else instead.

"You mention Force stuff, and Jedi differently. I know that not all Jedi are... of sound mind, But was there something that I did that might have... opened old wounds? I don't want to leave feeling like I was stomping all over what you have here."

A quick once over of the taller woman, as well as the ship, I decided to also voice a personal feeling of my own.

"Plus, I kind of want to see this through. Its special to have a personal ship make its maiden voyage. Very rarely does one get to see, let alone, take part in it. I'm also interested in you and your Technomancy."

Again, I was putting myself into someone's way. Quickly throwing out after that.

"I mean, if that's okay. If you just want me to leave I can. I honestly have no reason to be here other than personal desires."

Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to

Corellia, Mothership Hera
Tags: Kaleleon Kaleleon


"You mention Force stuff, and Jedi differently. I know that not all Jedi are... of sound mind, But was there something that I did that might have... opened old wounds? I don't want to leave feeling like I was stomping all over what you have here."

"Huh?" Rayne reacted, rubbing at her neck. "No, you're fine. No old wounds or anything like that. Sorry, this stupid thing doesn't really have good tone indication."

It was true. Synthetic voices seemed to have a limitation about them, or at least they did for the way that she interfaced with them. It wasn't like it was a proper prosthetic, it was only temporarily under her control. That made trying to keep up the inflection of emotion a little difficult for her. She did take note of his interest in her abilities. That was... new? Rayne had certainly found people who were curious about what she could do, but this wasn't something she had encountered before.

"Her maiden voyage is just gonna be to Coruscant and back," she noted. "At least for now... So, uh. What do you want to know about my ability?"

Good Men Don't Need Rules
No old wound she said. Apparently there was no animosity towards the jedi. However, I still felt a little responsible for such actions. Considering Jedi are supposed to be peacekeepers. Servants of the people of the Galaxy. To help in any way. Be it fighting for their justice, or even a simple hug to brighten their day. So to learn that Jedi had wronged others, always upsets me. Its those few bad eggs, that ruin it for the rest of the Jedi orders who genuinely want to aid others. For now though, I let it go. Instead focusing on her question.

She wanted a simple jump to Courscant, and back. Just to test it. That made sense. In case something were to go wrong, never hurts to have an extra hand. However, her question of wanting to know how she operated Technomancy was what piqued her. Nodding my head, I went ahead and just asked questions one at a time so she could answer them.

"You said its rather natural to you, but what is the extent of what you can control?"

Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to

Corellia, Mothership Hera
Tags: Kaleleon Kaleleon


"I think it has a radius," Rayne stated, "But I'm not quite sure what it is yet. The Hera is well past it's limits, so I have a mask..." she took a moment to pat the mask on her hip, "...that helps me reach further. Uses a force crystal I picked up from a trader on Taris. Thankfully as long as I can interface with the main control index of a piece of tech I can take hold of the whole thing."

Rayne moved her way towards the window, plopping down in the captain's chair. She spun idly in the seat as she collected her thoughts. This was the most she had really thought about her ability before. It was really an instinct more than anything by now.

"If I'm really wanting to be fancy I can change code," the Twi'lek noted. "But that takes a lot of energy. It's super fine details like that that make me super tired. Finding the right 1 or 0 to change is a lot of effort."

Good Men Don't Need Rules
The speaker came up again. Projecting the voice of not knowing the true fullest extent of her radius. She knew she had one, but not sure how far. So she had a special mask that allowed her to tap into such powers. Increasing the capability of such things. A smirk came to my face quite easily. Knowing all too well how crystals and artifacts could affect the force in others. I had seen both sides of the force affected by this. Nodding my head, She moved to sit in the chair. When she did, I moved closer but just to stand towards the viewport.

However, what surprised me, was that the mention of binary code allowed her to change things within computer processing. Meaning she could alter droid functions on a computing level if she really focused hard enough on it. This was a very cool thing to hear. Just mostly because I had never in all of my studies, heard of someone being able to do this to such a degree.

"Woah. So you can alter how computer functions operate? Damn."

Taking a second to look out the viewport before turning to face her again, I continued.

"I am not going to lie, I am a little jealous you can do that. Like, if I had the ability to do so, I could build better speeders, tech or lightsabers. The capabilities of Technomancy in a world full of it is.... nearly limitless."

A chuckle escaped my lips. When another question formed on my lips. It was if a filter had been taken off of me.

"So when you don't have technology to speak for you, what do you do?"

When I realized that filter came off, I tried to speak again but came up short.

"I mean, Not like that, but just-"

Damn am I too awkward and so hung up on trying to be kind.

Rayne Lo'to Rayne Lo'to

Corellia, Mothership Hera
Tags: Kaleleon Kaleleon


"So when you don't have technology to speak for you, what do you do?"

When I realized that filter came off, I tried to speak again but came up short.

"I mean, Not like that, but just-"

Rayne gave a mute laugh, her chest moving in a way that would typically be indicative of producing sound. None emerged, of course.

"Sign language," she answered plainly, speaking through the ship and signing with her hands at the same time to demonstrate. "It was my only way of communicating for some time before I understood my abilities better. Most people don't know it out and about though. It's fine to talk through tech, but after prolonged use it starts to drain you a little."

That was life, unfortunately. She was in a position where convenience was not really something she could get. If she wanted to maintain connections, she had to strain herself a little bit. It was fine. Just a little irritating if nothing else.

"It avoids confusion on most days at the very least," Rayne shrugged. "I don't typically forget to bring a vocoder... well, not on a good day anyways."


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