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Marshal, Journeyman Protector

  • Organization Name: House Rodarch
  • Classification: expanded Mandalorian Clan
  • Affiliation: Mandalorian Protectors
  • Organization Symbol: Asharl Panther
  • Description: The house is a loose affiliation between the various chapters of Clan Rodarch which reside on other planets than Mandalore. This organization came about from a need to expand and establish new enclaves, so that Rodarchs might never be driven to near extinction ever again.

    Within the House, each chapter refers to itself as Clan Rodarch, while labeling other chapters with the world of origin, such as Clan Rodarch of Axxila, or Clan Rodarch of Qena. The house for the time being is only made up of the one Clan from an official standpoint, though those of other Clans are welcome to join with House Rodarch.
  • Headquarters: Mandalore
  • Domain: Based around their underground city, Rodarch Yaim, the Clan generally keeps to itself and its own lands both on the surface, and underneath. A third of the clan is traditionally dedicated to exploring this area while another third is dedicated to defending and protecting it. It's a small area on a big planet, but they look after it.

    House Rodarch has established its enclaves on other worlds of the Mandalore System, notably the base on Tracyn. In addition there are new established colonies on Qena, Krownest, Shu-Torun, and Axxila.
  • Notable Assets: Well established colonies in the Qena, Eshan, Shu-Torun, Krownest, and Axxila systems. Military bases in Keldabe and on the nearby planet Tracyn.
  • Hierarchy: The Clan operates based mainly on a mix of tradition and common sense. The Alor is the chief, with any elder, warrior, or any other adult able to speak on or raise any issue. The issued raised is usually then debated with the Alor settling anything that can't be worked out by general assent. The reality is far more democratic than the strict hierarchy practised by other Clans with the Alor role being almost but not quite ceremonial among this Clan.
  • Membership: Though much smaller than other Clans or Houses who can number in the tens of millions, there are a lot more Rodarch than might be apparent to the galaxy.

    As with most mandalorian clans, one can be born into Clan Rodarch, or adopted. Some are adopted as foundlings, some as adults, who may have lost their own Clan or otherwise. There is some mistrust of force users, with what the Sith did to Mandalore.

    Any adult, over thirteen and having been recognized as such, is considered a full member of the Clan, expected to contribute, but also respected as any other.

    With the abundant genetic and species diversity generally found among Mandalorians, there is little need to marry outside the Clan, though it is not forbidden, it is uncommon. The Clan practices a little known tradition of sha'kajir riduurok, literally 'treaty marriage'.

    This tradition weds a younger male or female to an elder male or female. It is implicitly understood that there will be no biological children from the union, which is platonic in nature. The arrangement serves primarily to educate the younger partner on the trials of running a family and raising children. In this tradition the partners will adopt one or more foundlings and provide a family unit. The children get two dedicated parents, the younger partner learns how to be part of a family, and how to raise children, and the elder has a dedicated life partner who will provide companionship until their time of death.

    Though there are no enforced marriages or anything of the sort; what Mandalorian would tolerate such a thing? the tradition is encouraged as a duty to younger members of the Clan who might wish to have a family of their own in the future.

    Though all of the Clan are united, and share a common gruff aspect, there are many types of Mandalorian among Clan Rodarch. Mandalorians being as unique as any other beings, but all are brave warriors who are loyal to their people.

    The Clan is made up of those who understand survival against all odds. These are the survivors of the purge, the cataclysm, and all the many travails visited upon the Mandalorian people. They have endured, and they have built to endure.

    Even with all that has been done to them, the Clan has existed unbroken for thousands of years. They have rebuilt and recruited well, thoughtfully, quietly, and efficiently. Though they show few numbers to the galaxy and therefore to any enemies of Mandalore, there are far more Rodarch living on Manda'yaim than any might expect or know.

    OOC : Anyone of any species can be a Rodarch character. Force user or no. This clan creation is just to serve as an idea starter for others who might want to play this kind of Mandalorian.
  • Climate: A Mandalorian not of the Clan will find a gruff welcome. Clan Rodarch makes an effort to be a good host and part of the greater vode, but they mistrust outsiders. A non Mandalorian would not be tolerated inside the clan's lands. Knowledge of their home is closely guarded.
  • Reputation: Neutral. Clan Rodarch members go out of their way to avoid courting controversy or having too close ties outside the Clan that might draw them into compromising situations.
  • Curios: n/a
  • Rules: The Resol'nare
  • Goals: To continue to grow, be part of the rebuilding of the home world, expand to new locations across the galaxy. Maintain the best traditions of the Mando'ade.
(Clan Rodarch of Mandalore)


Clan Rodarch of Mandalore

Clan Rodarch of Mandalore is the founding chapter, houses the Alor of the Clan, and watches over the ancient home world of the Mandalorians. From here come the desert warriors and cave scouts, as well as those from Keldabe and other towns.

Clan Rodarch are based as they have been for some time in the Clan's home city on Keldabe, and have long established outposts and installations all across Manda'yaim and the system. Beyond the bounds of the Mandalore System, exist multiple chapters, also known to themselves as Clan Rodarch, but designated by their system of residence.

Clan Rodarch of Axxila

Clan Rodarch of Axxila are less traditionalist to the Rodarchs of Mandalore, and more resemblent of a swoop gang with a heavily fortified headquarters. They are tightly involved with the local crime networks, and have many arrangements with local and planetary law enforcement organizations.

Their Clan Citadel 'the cube' is located at the heart of Axxila's ecumenopolis in a upper-scale district. A somewhat plain and unadorned black cube shaped building, which doesn't really stand out among some of the gaudier and more ornate buildings around it.

The building itself is a fortress, with concealed armour plating in the walls. Shield generators allow the entire building to be covered in their protection. Within is space enough to house the entire planetary population of Clan Rodarch, and then some. The citadel contains supplies enough to last years without resupply in time of siege.

Clan Rodarch of Eshan

Easily the smallest of the enclaves with a population of new recruits and survivors of the Moon Guard. They prize intelligence and knowledge, and are well educated in philosophy as well as combat; which they view as an art form.

Heavily influenced by Echani culture, they are conversely quite traditonal, though to their own traditions rather than those of Clan Rodarch or the Mando'ade. Unique among the enclaves, this chapter lives and works among the locals. Their headquarters is a simple meeting house, though it retains the usual Rodarch fortifications and siege supplies.

Clan Rodarch of Krownest

A much smaller chapter than some of the larger enclaves, this group keeps the ancient Clan Rodarch tradition of raising and training the Asharl Panthers. They have a good many other beasts among their training cadres, for use as combat mounts, or companions.

There are many outposts and settlements dotted across the world, some permanent, some seasonal, with the home base used mainly as a reserve. Most of the clan live in cave dwellings or surface villages far from the headquarters. The headquarters is located in a polar fortress beneath the southern polar ice cap of Krownest. It is garrisoned by a skeleton force, and kept hidden and preserved for when it might be needed.

Renowned among the rest of Clan Rodarch, and even among the other Mandalorians for their knowledge of ancient lore, only the desert Rodarch of Mandalore can even compare to the Krownest Rodarch's mastery of animal husbandry. On Krownest, in the deepest vaults, lay some of the most ancient and precious treasures from Mandalorian history. Relics, datacrons, and other items of note, with the history and details kept by the lorekeepers of the Clan.

Clan Rodarch of Qena

The first of the Rodarch enclaves to be established beyond Mandalore, this group are very mercantile in nature, focused on trade and legitimate businesses. They are technophiles and enjoy state of the art technology, and employ same in battle, with their heavy use of drones and battle droids of particular note.

Their legitimate status gives them a welcome home within the wealthy and prosperous and highly secure Qena System, where they function as part of the system's security reserve. They are also by far the wealthiest of the chapters thanks to their many corporate interests and love of trade, as well as their penchant for advanced technology.

While less aggressive than other chapters, they are far from incapable, training hard, and with constant opportunities for experience with their role in system security. The original enclave on one of the systems outermost moons remains active, but there are several more bases on the planet Qena itself and elsewhere within the system.

Clan Rodarch of Shu-Torun

Founded by a group of mercenaries of Clan Rodarch who were hired and then betrayed by one of the planet's ore dukes, this chapter are ostensibly a noble house part of the planet's monarchic feudal government.

Such a strange occurence came about as a direct result of a Duke's failure to pay his mercenaries. The captain of the mercenaries killed and succeeded his former employer, establishing ownership of the unfortunate duke's holdings in payment. Though suspect, this met with acceptance under local law.

The chapter makes a great deal of wealth through its industrial holdings on the planet. Over time it has used this wealth to slowly gain effective control over the rival ore-dukes, all of whom have made multiple attempts to wipe out Clan Rodarch on the planet.

As a form of defending themselves from said attempts, the Mandalorians' covert but acknowledged control grew over time to the point where the balance of power between the royal family and nobles shifted heavily in favour of the latter.

This has effectively led to a quiet and benevolent but absolute control of Shu-Toran by Clan Rodarch which makes them quite unique among the other chapters, who vary in size and influence, but do not effectively own and operate entire planets. The royal family still rules, the nobles still advise and debate, but meaningful decisions about Shu-Torun are made in the Clan's planetary headquaters.

The headquarters of this strange but loyal and effective branch of Clan Rodarch is the former ducal palace, a castle located over a giant lava waterfall. The facilities have long been converted to the Clan's use, fortified, and well equipped as a fortress redoubt. The design of which was slavisly copied for the Clan's base on Tracyn in the Mandalore System.


Many records have been lost and or destroyed, but it is known that Clan Rodarch existed thousands of years ago during the time of Valkorion's Sith Emprie. There are many known examples of Mandalorians fighting under that name during that Great Galactic War.

It was during this bygone era that the clan's residents on the homeworld separated into three disparate but united tribes. Those who protected the home, those who explored the underground, and those who served the Clan outside the home.

In modern times, Clan Rodarch resided on Mandalore, but in diaspora as well. Each group remained small, in keeping with the clan tradition of hiding their true numbers from outsiders. The Clan were present for both major cataclysms that impacted on the home world, and many thousands died in both catastrophes.

Following the Sith devastation, the Clan reunited into a single group, and relocated from desolated lands to a region in the south, far from the carnage. In time they settled on a canyon with significant natural barriers and the deep caverns beneath, as well as the area still possessing some plant life that had survived despite the travails of the world. As under any of their previous hardships, the Clan rebuilt, recruited, and adopted war orphans of which there was no shortage

Those who followed the path of protecting home became the desert Rodarch, the survivalists and sentinels. Despite the desert Rodarch's prowess in scouting, the the most intrepid and talented scouts came about of the cave Rodarch. The cave dwellers developed what appeared and sounded to outsiders as their own unique language. In fact, the monotone, soft but fast-paced speech is actually Mando'a but spoken in such a way as to make it unintelligible even to native Mando'a speakers.

Along with the desert dwellers, the cave dwellers seldom decide to live away from the Clan's home below the deserts of Mandalore. Those who went out into the galaxy became known inside the Clan as the city Rodarch. In time their numbers grew to the point that they could look to expand beyond Mandalore. Following the Battle of Sundari, this expansion became an imperative, as it was made clear that Manda'yaim was once again a target.

In more recent times with the unmasking following the aforementioned battle, Clan Rodarch has dropped its previously held public mask of being a small number of vagrants. With this the Clan has voted to establish several enclave colonies, beginning with the planet of Qena. This led directly to the expansion into House Rodarch.

With the success of the Qena enclave project, further groups were established. These new groups were named chapters, and each quickly grew their numbers, and developed within their newfound freedom to build their own rules, laws, culture and customs. The Clan has taken to using the term House Rodarch to refer to the combined strength of its disparate chapters and independent enclaves, though each is still Clan Rodarch.
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