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Approved Tech Gumby the Glorious Jedi Clay

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  • Intent: To make a special sculpting clay for Junko
  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: To use my subs
  • Primary Source:
    • There is mention of it in Dawn of the jedi. Lenoree's father is a force sculptor among the Je'daii
    • Watcher
  • Manufacturer: Natural Resource of Atrisia
  • Affiliation:
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Production: Limited
  • Affiliation: Junko Ike Junko Ike
  • Modularity: Can be shaped to different images
  • Material:
    • Solari Crystal
    • Clay
    • Exotic Matter
  • Classification: Clay Compound
  • Weight: Weightless
  • Color: Storm Grey
  • Resistances
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • Other:
      • Sonic: None
      • Disruptor: None
      • EMP/ION: None
    • Elemental:
      • Fire: None
      • Cryo: None
      • Acid: None
    • Force:
      • Lightside: None
      • Darkside: Very High
  • Able to be made into Watcher type statues
  • Sturdy Material (strengths)
  • Lightside: Radiating the lightside of the force to those around it. The statues can cause darksiders and those who don't serve the lightside of the force to feel uneasy. it also makes it with the force infused able to be stronger and protected from a wide range of attacks.
  • Watcher: Able to be made much like a watcher statue with specialized techniques. They can serve as a sort of early warning system through force force connection with Junko.
    • Requires new submission
  • Stationary Objects: While it becomes strong it is clay, there is not much it can realy be used for aside from statues which don't move around
  • Force Beacon: Made from solari infused clay that radiates with the lightside of the force and for those who can sense it is like a beacon
  • Force Connection: The force is required for most of the defensive qualities of the clay. Voidsteel/stone, yalisimiri, force nullifying effects, vong biots anything that can cut off the force will render it into simple clay
  • Requires FOrce Enhancement: While it can be moderately strong, the strongest version of the clay and material in general requires imbuing the material with the force in the creation process. To enchant it as it were to function as intended
Designed for Junko per request, a special crystal infused clay she can work with and shape into statues and busts of friends and other jedi for recreation and meditation. THe clay itself uses the crystals but it is the jedi who is needed to really give it is power and strength. Through intense meditation and focus they can bond with it and connect to create a statue or object that holds and maintains the force allowing it to radiate outwards.

The clay can be used to make watcher statues, for temples and gardens that will alert to other presences, making a sort of warning for someone who is there and trained to listen to the force crystals within. Something small and something subtle until or if the statues are able to be bypassed. There is no real indications about how the statues sense presences but with the jedi connecting and bonding with it. THeir mind can be connected to the statue so they wil be alerted if they are close enough.

With time and work as Junko continued to use the clay to create statues across Atrisia and her own garden there was a sense that it could become more and more it did. With work that she had been doing for other materials, her palace stsrted producing the clay for her use. The clay was augmented more and more with exotic matter from the bangmangi and able to be shaped much easier while having higher resistances and losing its own weight.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Junko Ike Junko Ike

This is a cool submission! One thing only, the Restricted Missions' link is broken, but in the new template you don't need this field anymore, so if you want, you can delete this line.
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