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The Bounty Hunters' Guild

The Bounty Hunters' Guild is an institution that organizes, legalizes and oversees bounty contracts throughout the galaxy.

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Guild Ranks & Apprenticeships

Vrun Ryssic


Guild Apprenticeships
For all fledgling Bounty Hunters to get a head start in their career!​

Guild Ranks:
Below here, titles within brackets (such as this) are to be considered comparable to Force User ranks. These are optional comparisons and not to be considered Chaos/Site approved, but rather Guild/Faction Lore if desired.
  • Fledgling - (Initiates).
Fledglings are newer recruits to the Bounty Hunters’ Guild and are most usually inexperienced Hunters with much to learn in the career of Bounty Hunting. All Fledglings are eligible for becoming a protege, providing that both the Adept and the Fledgling consent to the partnership.
  • Protege - (Padawan/Apprentice).
The Protege is the Apprenticeship rank for those in the Bounty Hunters’ Guild and is then taken under the wing of a qualified Adept or Apex Bounty Hunter to be shown the ropes and taught the ways of the Guild and Master the craft set out before them.
  • Adept Hunter - (Knight).
Adept Bounty Hunters are individuals who have proven themselves worthy of striking out on their own following their time as protege. While a Fledgling may choose to remain independent and not take the course of the apprenticeship, Adepts are qualified to take on a protege of their own and have already earned the respect of the Guild and Bounty Hunters therein.
  • Apex Hunter - (Master).
Apex Hunters are truly experts in the craft and are Bounty Hunters to be feared by all with a price on their heads. An Apex Hunter may take on more than a single Protege and are also more commonly requested for contracts involving advanced Force Users.

Vrun Ryssic

Guild Roster
The following list is composed of The Bounty Hunters' Guild members.
This will be updated regularly.

All ranks are free for writers to choose from!​

Apex Hunters:
  • To be added.
Adept Hunters:
Protege Hunters:
  • To be added.
Fledgling Hunters:
If you are looking for an Apprentice or for a Mentor (Trainer), please fill out the following section and respond to this post.

Guild Rank:
Looking For:
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