Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply For Future Study

universe entire with-you
The Jedi Archives were even quieter than normal. That much Efret didn't need to ask the Force to listen for her to know.

There were still plenty of Jedi at the Temple, waiting for the Dark Empire's presence in the Core to make a move—any move—but most of them did not spend their time in the library. For the most part, the time for learning had ended and the time for practice, specifically of Force and lightsaber skills, had come. It would extend far, far into the future as well, surely. This war was bound to be especially long, difficult, and costly; Efret could feel that in her bones.

Most of the archive shelves were empty, dull grey voids normally glowing the calm blue of data. Likewise, uncountable electronic tomes had been physically transferred onto the Prosperity and Vonnuvi Enclave's herdship. What knowledge remained in these aisles were copies of archives elsewhere in the galaxy, the originals safe for the time being from Sith and Dark Jedi siege.

With such a great physical absence was nestled unusual silence. No longer did an iconic humming ambience greet visitors. The choir of millions of small computers running constantly at once had been effectively silenced. One who could hear could still seek it out between certain aisles that stocked the few copied datatomes, but it'd quickly fade from one's ear as they moved away from the source.

She smiled shyly at one of the remaining librarians as she put her things down at a table. It wasn't that she wasn't supposed to be here, but she did feel a twinge of guilt about it.

Nirrah hopped off her shoulder onto the tabletop and cuddled against the closest lamp. Efret's smile grew as she stroked the convor gently between the eyes with one finger before getting back to work. The first thing she did was spread out her things: a ragged, leather-bound journal; a stack of flimsiplast and a pen; a datapad; and a self-standing magnifying glass.

<This take long,> she signed at her friend and sat down. <You should take nap.>

Outfit + equipment; lapel translation clip (currently switched off); lightsaber (green blade color)

OPEN to one Jedi
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Good Men Don't Need Rules
The looks received with a blackened hound walking beside me was not normal within the confines of the Library. The Carhound was walking beside with no real interest in other things. Just merely being near it's owner. However, I made sure to keep the physical notebook of my own away from the beast. Sure, the parchment wouldn't ignite into flame just by being near him, but it was just a precaution. He laid at my feet. Keeping them warm among the almost colder atmosphere I had been used to for some time. Breathing lightly as if attempting to take a nap.

In the mean time, I took notes from the holo-projection of a video playing. Specifically notes of older trials that had been done by Jedi many years ago. The purpose was to just discover any avenus in which I could finish my own trials once more. Proving to the New Jedi Order that their accepting me into the Order after being an Oathbreaker, was not without merit, or a lack of trying.

Hearing softer footfalls within the library pulled my attention from the video as it continued to play. Seeing a woman enter and sit down by her own self, along with her own pet. A smirk rose to my face for a moment at the thought of another jedi having one within the library. Mostly due to the idea of Jedi being taught not to have personal possessions to some degree. To be without desire of the material.

I continued to work for a moment, but my mind kept being drawn to the other Jedi. So I decided to interact with them. Standing up, I left my materials, paused the video, and made the small walk to where she was. Hrolf stayed where he was, but lifted his head to keep an eye on me.

"Do you mind if I ask of your friend's name? never seen a creature like this before?"

Efret Farr Efret Farr
universe entire with-you

Before she was interrupted, Efret begun to copy each unique pictogram from the journal onto one of the flimsiplast sheets, using the magnifier on the former. She kept track of where she was in the journal with one finger and drew with her other hand.

Then, feeling a presence standing over her, she glanced up just in time to see what he asked. She smiled up at her fellow Jedi, began signing with the pen in-hand, and suddenly stopped. Her free hand went to the high neckline of her tunic, where a small, grey translation unit was clipped to the lapel. As Efret began to sign again, including repeating the ones she had made a moment before, the unit scanned over the movements with a fine grid of green light.

"Her name's Nirrah," the unit said in a warm if not still somewhat stilted feminine voice. "She's a convor. Wait." She straightened in her seat, reached into one of the pouches on her belt, and pulled out something bumpy, tan, and dried. She offered it to the man. "Here. She likes these. You'll make fast friends."

The owl opened her eyes. Her attention would be immediately drawn to Kaleleon should the little morsel change hands.

Kaleleon Kaleleon
Good Men Don't Need Rules
It seems this is the second time in a short span of my life that I have encountered an individual who was either Deaf or Mute. I had been shown a little bit in the past about the language. Just basic phrases or words. Things that I probably would not use around others very often. However, I was enjoying this interaction right from the start. Knowing that this could be another learning opportunity for me. The translation unit around the woman's neck. I picked up "Her name" in the signing, but failed to understand the actual name. That was, until it was projected by the mechanical voice. A Convor. The name sounded familiar, but I couldn't place it. The species was not one I had personally interacted with so I knew even less.

The hands began to fly again in sign language. She was way too fast for me. So I only caught "Her, These, and Friends." But when the voice once more spoke for her, and a hand presenting treats, I understood. I opted to just sign. Placing the open hand close towards my chin and bringing it down. by pulling it away from my chin, it was indicating "Thank you."

I gently took the treats and left them open in my palm. Extending it slowly to the bird as I could feel the woman's eyes on me. Making sure that her pet was well taken care of, but also that I was being sincere and just inspecting how I interacted with Nirrah. Once the creature had plucked the treats from my hand, I turned to face her.

Methodically i was going through my head of what the correct signs were, Trying my best to sign, while also speaking normally. Specifically signing the individual letters of my name. As I did not know if there was a sign for my name. I know some special and well known individuals were given such because of their prevalence, but I was not.

"My name is Kale."

I tried to think about it a little on how to sign it, but just couldn't remember all of what I needed. So I just continued with basic non-verbal hand movements.

"I learned a little bit of Sign language, but I still have so much to learn. I am just kind of excited to be able to use it. Since not many here require it."

I did sign a little. Specifically spelling out GBSL or Galactic Basic Sign Language in its short form. However, I slowly was realizing that it may seem like I am trying to show off how well I can sign with how little I know, to someone who would be considered a native speaker. Dropping my hands to my side, I just kind of stood there awkwardly unsure of what to do next. Considering the only other time I had been near someone who had been mute, I wanted to learn how to sign just because it was good to know, but also because I thought it would be worth having that knowledge.

Efret Farr Efret Farr
universe entire with-you

"But we appreciate when hearing people learn," she offered quickly, noticing the change in his demenor. She was definitely one of few who communicated in Sign at the Temple, all of whom she didn't even know because of how rarely she stayed here. Still, she was comfortable speaking for them.

Slowing her signing speed in case he wanted to learn more, she added with a smile, "It's nice to meet you. I'm Master Farr." Then she motioned to an empty chair beside her and in front of him, pushed up under the table. As she was about to ask a question of her own, she didn't want him to feel that he had to continue standing. "What brings you to the Archives, my dear? It seems to be an unusual stop for most these days."

Kaleleon Kaleleon
Good Men Don't Need Rules
She showed appreciation in my attempts to learn part of a culture of people who couldn't speak, or hear. This made me feel a little better about the situation, but it wasn't something I was used to at all. So I would do my best to continue signing what I knew, but also speak. I had learned that many of the deaf could read lips to a degree. So speaking normally would help. Exaggerating my vocal movements could mess with what I was saying and come across as though I was lowering myself to allow her to understand what I was saying. It would be like speaking cave-man basic to someone who didn't understand basic to begin with.

"I'll try my best. So if I sign something wrong, please let me know."

As the offer for a seat beside or in front of her was given, I opted to sit across from her. One, it would mean I could more accurately sign to her, also seeing how she was signing. Secondly, I still didn't want to invade her personal space. We had just met. Master most of all. The was a respect I wanted to present about myself towards her.

"Thank you."

Speaking while signing something simple such as a thank you was easy. It was the remembering other signs while speaking that caught me up. Even noticing she did slow down her own signing, which I appreciated. I picked up some more signs now that they were being "annunciated" at a slower pace and slightly more open. Asking me what I had been doing here. Before I answered, I quickly turned around and ushered a command toward Hrolf. pointing down to my side. The hound then picked himself up and move over to sit rather politely to my side. Turning back to Farr, I answered.

"I was here doing some studying on Jedi Trials. Long story short, I did them years ago, but have been demoted to apprentice by the Order due to some actions I took. So I need to retake them again under their rules. Instead of that of my master before."

Efret Farr Efret Farr
universe entire with-you

"I see," Efret replied with a nod before falling into silence. She was embarrassed by where her mind wandered. If she was to retake the Trials now, would she be able to pass the first? Her skill with the Force had only grown with age and experience, but she had let her ability to competently wield a lightsaber slip through her fingers over the last few years. Though the muscle memory was coming swiftly back like it had never left now that she was practicing again, she was still struggling with the extra considerations that went into lightsaber skills for her with her physical shortcomings.

Master struggle allow, Efret, she thought in handshapes rather than in words.

She smiled at Kale, hoping that her pause had not come off as rude. "A very important course of study. Would you like any help?"

Kaleleon Kaleleon
Good Men Don't Need Rules
It seemed the aspect of the Jedi Trials were something of contention in the woman. Almost a blank stare for a moment before coming back to reality. I wonder what her thoughts were on the subject itself, but that was a personal thing. Something she had within herself. Not something I would be privy to, unless she shared it with me. Either way, she offered to help. Shrugging my shoulders a little, I did my best to sign again while speaking.

"I have done a couple of the trials already. Its the others that I am having problems with. So I am not sure how much there is to help. More so, I was doing research on ways to fulfill those trials either by doing them outright, or just accidentally completing them I guess."

As much as I would have wanted help with this. Part of the reason for the trials was to prove that one individual could perform such tasks. It wasn't really a group effort of something to be done. Honestly, some of them could have been completed at the same time. Even the most well known Jedi had to deal with the trials in their own ways. Some happened accidentally as well. Such as Anakin Skywalker completing Trial of Flesh by having his arm cut off by Count Dooku. Even though it had not been the current era's way of performing said trial.

"Performing these trials is something most are expected to do alone. Other than the trial of skill which could be performed really at any time, not much can be done for me. Unless you know a better way to perform the trial of Flesh."

Efret Farr Efret Farr
universe entire with-you

Efret nodded again, this time with her hand. Of course, he was right. The Trials were test of the individual. She hadn't meant to offer physical help during any of his, but advice or another form of support in his preparation for them. She clarified as much. "My help would only go towards your preparations." She smiled, attempting to make her intended non-verbal tone evident on her face; she didn't correct in the spirit that some masters tended to, by talking down to apprentices.

Then he asked about the Trial of Flesh. "Better how?" she mused semi-rhetorically. "Pain extends beyond the body. To the mind, to the heart." She frowned and shook her head. "But it is all pain." Next, she shrugged. "The Trial of Flesh may be performed at any time as well. For some, it's duration can be... extensive."

Her smile came back, filled halfway with sorrow. "Mine was. I was born profoundly Deaf, so I don't know what it's like to understand verbal language. To me, this is not upsetting in and of itself because I have lost nothing in that regard, but... my sight is a different story. I was born with full vision, which I began to lose when I was a padawan. My second master decided that my ongoing loss of sight satisfied the requirements of a Trial of Flesh." The degeneration had never been physical painful, but the loss of the ability to do things as she had one done them caused much emotional distress.

She held up her hand in a simple gesture rather than a sign. The anecdote hadn't been meant to make him feel sorry for her. "Never mind about my past. I only share it to illustrate. I'm rather surprised that whoever is overseeing your Trials—" she didn't know a newly-assigned master or the High Council itself was responsible for defining Kale's new tests, "—does not consider your demotion a fulfilment of the Flesh." Efret pursed her lips thoughtfully. She didn't know how the situation had, or still was, effecting him, but she imagined that it could by a cause of intense shame, sadness, or regret. "How long has it been since it happened? And how have you been dealing with it, emotionally, if you don't mind me asking?"

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Master Farr corrected her question towards me. I was still learning much about signing towards others and how someone could add emotion to such signing. I know signing fast and clearly with an "angry face" was just like any other, but with how almost casual we were, and her slower movements, the miscommunication could have also been on my end. Assuming she would physically help me. I appreciated that. Trying to actively help instead of just doing whatever she may have wanted.

What surprised me, was her answering about the trial of flesh. Namely how it has to be a loss of a kind. Not physical like in the older eras, but just a loss of something. As well as asking me about who was overseeing the current situation of my trials. I chuckled lightly as it was a rather complicated situation. So I took the time to answer her in detail before she continued.

"In the Galactic War a couple years ago, I had gone against orders by the New Jedi Order to stand down and not join forces with the New Imperial Order to fight the Sith Empire. A rather large group of Jedi all sought to take the fight to the Sith. Because we left the order, believing in our hearts that we were doing the right thing as not just peacekeepers, but individuals wanting to protect others. Many of us were considered defectors. In my attempt to return to the Order, the trials I have to perform is not really a test of my knighthood. I had already faced the trials under my previous master, Romi Jade Romi Jade . I am actually a Jedi Knight in everything but title. I have to prove that I can be a Jedi again by going through the trials. Only then will I be allowed a full member of the Order. So I have no direct master who oversees my trials. Its the Council as a whole. I am expected to do them on my own, and present it to the Council myself. Like I said, I am a knight technically."

Breathing in deeply, I eased myself into answering her other questions posed before me. Even after she had shared with me her own trial of flesh. What she had gone through.

"Part of the stipulation, is that any previous trials I had, are considered voided. So I have to treat this as if I were a brand new padawan. I can't use an existing condition. So no. My demotion would not be considered a trial of Flesh. As I whole hearted accepted those terms. I was guilty of going against the Orders ruling. That was my price. However, I am not ashamed, nor regretful of those decisions I made. They turned me into someone who is far stronger, wiser, and greater because of that. These trials, will only enhance this effect."

Looking to her sincerely, I found myself unable to speak. Not for a lack of trying, but what I had faced. Another deep breath and relaxing my mind a moment before I continued once more.

"I had a pet companion who died due to my lack of judgement. I was forced to kill my half-sister as she was a Sith and wouldn't allow me any chance to bring her back to the Light. I had brothers in arms perish to the Sith, The Brotherhood of the Maw, and the New Imperial Order. I have been injured and wounded more times than I can count. Even having my own saber taken from me and destroyed. To say this bluntly, I have had many things that could be potentially considered a trial. However, they will not count as it has to take place after my demotion. I may be young in years compared to the Masters or other Knights of the order, In fact, I first became a Knight only a year after I joined the order. I was very likely the youngest knight they have had in years. Yet, I have had enough conflict, war, battle, and loss than anyone should endure."

I felt a pain in my chest. One of true conviction of my words when I said it. My signing, even what I knew sped up on accident, but it was filled with a fury of knowing how I feel. Knowing the truth of myself.

"Yet every day, I would still gladly fulfill this job, this duty without regret or guilt. Because that is who I am."

Efret Farr Efret Farr
universe entire with-you

Efret furrowed her brow during Kale's explanation of the circumstances that had gotten him into his current predicament.

"I see," she said first to communicate that she understood. Then: "I see great determination in you, my dear. I'm confident that you will pass all of your Trials once again. On that day, the Order will gain back a very competent knight."

If he was receptive, she sent some warm, empathetic energy out towards him. She could feel parts of his pain without his permission—though not all of it because she remained somewhat guarded to the emotions—but she wouldn't try to calm that pressure on his chest without consent.

She smiled somewhat bittersweetly. "I'm sorry that I can't do more for you."

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Her response to my tirade was not unexpected. I mean, I just let everything out. A woman who I had barely met, and who I knew little of. I feel part of this was my lack of... friends? Acquaintances? to have the ability to speak of this. She just happened to ask the right questions to break the reservoir that I had been holding back for some time. Yet there was so much more that wanted to spill out. Realizing this, I stopped myself. Breathing in for a moment with her words of wanting to help, but not able to do so. My lip curled with a shake of my head. Quite adamantly I signed with a little extra force.

"No, you can't."

My hands held up, wanting to figure out what else to say. Finally finding the words in my head and how to sign it for her. Still with the same force as before.

"This is a test of personal strength, skill, sacrifice, knowledge, and bravery. Its a test to see how well an individual can act, so that when they are on a team, or leading, the order knows that it can be taken care of with whatever their belief's are aligned with at the time."

I stopped for a moment. Really thinking hard. Really wondering if this was worth it.

"I have been a Wayseeker. A Jedi that doesn't hold to the council, yet I am beholden to the counsel for my Knighthood. It seems counter productive."

Efret Farr Efret Farr

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