Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Farpoint Justice


Valery's Ship
Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt

"Thank you both for coming."

Valery looked at the two she had invited to her ship with unusual intensity in her eyes. After not one, but two assassination attempts targeting her daughter, she had finally been able to track down the group responsible. Most of them were former Imperial military and now worked as mercenaries for the Empire to take down targets even far beyond their borders. One such target was the daughter of the woman they really wanted to get to, and it was time to put a stop to it. She knew it to be a risky mission, as it involved the protection of her own daughter, and the last thing she wanted was for this to be about revenge.

But it wasn't like that to her. Perhaps she took this more seriously on a personal level, and it surely deepened her focus, but she knew how to keep her emotions in check for this to go well.

"As my mission report explained, we'll be going to Fhost and, in particular, to Farpoint. It's the largest hub on the planet and was built on the ruins of a large spaceship. Plenty of dangerous types there, but I'm quite sure we'll manage." She then looked at Iris and offered a softer smile, "Iris protected my daughter against these people not long ago, and there are few people I trust more, so I asked her to join..." she trailed off and looked at Kayl, "She recommended you to help as well when I asked about a slicer who can protect themselves."

"Farpoint has a lot of open areas, such as the Black Hole Cantina built on the bridge, but I expect them to have their own section somewhere. It'll be closed off, so we're going to need the slicing skills to get inside."

She paused for a moment and looked between the two. "Any questions before we get started?"

"The Misfit. One and only!"


Casually sat atop a crate, The Misfit listened to what The Sword had to say with half an ear, barely even registering what was being said at the moment; to those unfamiliar with his uncanny hyper-focus, one might naturally assume he appeared to be uninterested with the subject at hand, as a large portion of his attention was occupied with fine tuning the parameters of his highly modified piece of his gear on his lap.

A preparatory hurdle for the mission ahead of him, casually passing time doing something useful while they were in transit to their area of operations.

The Jedi in question he was with had hired his particular skill set to assist with locating and neutralizing a covert ops group affiliated with The Empire. He didn’t think for a second that this was going to be a simple job; the people they were going after were highly trained professionals. That was a fact, even though their assassination attempts at the child of the client were foiled.

Not to mention their operations would take place in the largest population center of Fhost. That in and of itself, from the young man’s perspective at least, complicated things.

But regardless of the several favors stacked against them, he had faith the mission would go relatively smoothly; he had the opportunity to work with Aurorae prior. He had seen her abilities first hand; and Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan -his one and only- had told him about The Sword’s capabilities, on top of what he know of her which would be considered common knowledge at that point.

He was tagging along with quite the capable people for this contract.

She paused for a moment and looked between the two. "Any questions before we get started?"

At The Sword’s inquiry he half registered in his near hyper-focused state, The Misfit would finally look up from his left vambrace mounted terminal, meeting the woman’s gaze; he would only then notice the near glower in the Keshian woman’s eyes, burning intensely.

With a gentle, inward flick of his left wrist the young man closed the touch screen of his vambrace mounted terminal before he spoke. ”What is our RoE?” the young Mandalorian asked her as he slipped on his modified comms backpack onto his back. ”Do you happen to possess the general description of the ones we are looking for?” as he tightened the straps of his chest rig over his chest plate, and went about checking the remainder of his web gear and equipment, the young man would ask her another question that would follow in the wake of her response of the former.




Usually, no. She wouldn't cross streams between her identity as Aurorae and Iris. But this wasn't usual. Vera had been targeted for the second time, and that meant it was time for action. Bring in who she could trust to help. Kayl was that. She sat in silence, glancing over her lightsabers. Piecing them together, making sure they were completely operable. There were no margin for errors here.

"No risks. Unless it's clear you can take them out nonlethally, lethal is permitted."

She snapped closed her saber. Stood.

"Where to first?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt


Valery's Ship
Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt

"She's right," Valery said with a nod in Iris' direction. "While most people on the station won't get in our way, those who will are ex-military, so all of them are trained and properly equipped. Don't take any unnecessary risks just to be non-lethal." Ideally, they could pressure the mercenaries into surrendering but realistically, Valery believed it was going to escalate, and people were going to lose their lives trying to fight the three of them.

An unfortunate but unavoidable consequence.

Valery then turned back to Kayl and shook her head, "All we know is that they use this station as their primary hub, but we have no specific individuals we're after. The attackers were all taken care of by my Padawan and I during the first attack, and by Iris during their second attempt. But... I don't believe it will be very difficult to find a group of ex-military on a place like that." Most people there were either simple civilians or complete thugs, so military folk stood out.

Looking at Iris again, Valery answered her final question as well. "We'll head to the station and either try to access the station's databases for information on inhabitants, or we'll have to look around, ask around and figure things out the old fashion way. I'm sure we'll manage." The look in her eyes made it very clear that she wasn't going to rest until these people were brought to justice. They should have known better than to provoke the mother in her.

"Anything else? Now is the time," Valery stressed as she turned to her instruments and got ready to bring them to their final destination.

"The Misfit. One and only!"


"No risks. Unless it's clear you can take them out nonlethally, lethal is permitted."

The answer to The Misfit’s first inquiry would be voiced by Aurorae herself, only to be reaffirmed by The Sword shortly after. The young man would spare a curt, yet a regarding nod of his head at the both of them, confirming the rules of engagement set by the client. The young Mandalorian would voice a protest not, quite complacent at the set parameters for the mission at hand; no unnecessary risks.

Valery then turned back to Kayl and shook her head, "All we know is that they use this station as their primary hub, but we have no specific individuals we're after. The attackers were all taken care of by my Padawan and I during the first attack, and by Iris during their second attempt. But... I don't believe it will be very difficult to find a group of ex-military on a place like that."

Mildly perplexed, he couldn’t help but tilt his head to the side ever so slightly when the woman answered the second inquiry he had voiced out regarding the gig; he had expected the client would possess the general description of the group of gunmen they were after. The point of interest in which they would be conducting their mission -although not exactly a criminal hotspot the likes of Mos Eisley in Tatooine- was host to all sorts of shady characters; after all, the near barren planet of Fhost was a backwater planet at that.

They were looking for a proverbial needle in a proverbial haystack, then, with not a whole lot to start off for their search.

Said proverbial haystack, was quite out of sight, and out of mind; in the grand scheme of things, at least. The planet's unimportant nature alone made for a good place to hide for someone seeking to lay low, that was for certain.

She snapped closed her saber. Stood.

"Where to first?"

Looking at Iris again, Valery answered her final question as well. "We'll head to the station and either try to access the station's databases for information on inhabitants, or we'll have to look around, ask around and figure things out the old fashion way. I'm sure we'll manage."

But, never minding the odds stacked against them, he wagered they would see the mission through, and to nothing short of a success at that; the fire in the client’s eyes was unmistakable. It easily stood out from the peculiar, Keshian amber glow of her eyes as her gaze lingered over Aurorae.

"Anything else? Now is the time," Valery stressed as she turned to her instruments and got ready to bring them to their final destination.

Retreating to silence in response to the client, the young Misfit muttered not a word as his gaze shifted back on to his kit, returning to tending to his gear, shortly after slipping on his helmet; his mind would be busy just as his hands were, as he casually screwed on a suppressor onto the barrel of his particle blaster carbine. As he silently waited for their descent on to Farpoint to come to an end, the young man’s mind would be quick to occupy itself with finding a swift and efficient way of seeking out the group of mercenaries they were after.

Assuming Farpoint would be their rendezvous point to regroup upon carrying out the attempt at the assassination of the client’s child, he wagered the mercenaries would have contacted their own client, -their Imperial handlers- and report back to them, informing them about the outcome of the hit job; finding a terminal to slice into, and through it, slicing into the primary communications array of Farpoint, and monitoring the incoming and outgoing communications traffic, would undoubtedly be the most logical first step in locating the hideout of the mercenaries.


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Iris fitted on the mask and shook her head. No. No questions. Better, no reason to question. They had this. But right now, it was time to focus. Time to not let emotion rule. They were Jedi, first and foremost. The fact it was Vera that was their target shouldn't govern their choices. In reality they probably shouldn't be the ones doing this.

But there wasn't anyone else.

"Let's get going."

Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt

"Let's get going."

That's all Valery needed to hear before she guided them both back into the cockpit and initiated the final jump to reach their destination. After returning to real space soon after, Valery guided the ship down through the atmosphere at a very steady pace so they didn't stand out. Ships visited Farpoint all the time, and there was no need for anybody there to be suspicious. Until the trio had made their first aggressive move, they would meet no resistance.

On approach of the station, Valery transmitted clearance codes in exchange for a docking port, and within a minute or two, they had hooked up to the station and were ready to get going.

"Alright, we have options for where we want to start," Valery began as she stood up and began to walk away from the cockpit and towards the docking tunnel. "We can head up to the cantina. It's likely that some of the people we're after will be there, but it's a risky place to be."

"Alternatively, we can try to access computer systems and go through arrival logs and personal files. The risk here is that if we're caught accessing terminals, we'll alert station security, who can make it very difficult for us to get out."


"The Misfit. One and only!"


Gestured to follow her, the young Mandalorian hopped off the stack of crates and followed her into the cockpit; the carbine in his grasp crisply crackled as The Misfit inserted a fresh power-cell into the side-mounted mag well. Putting it on safe with a flick of his thumb on the fire selector switch, the young man clipped the weapon to his belt before he found a seat inside the cockpit, and waited patiently for the landing procedure to conclude.

Following an atmospheric entry onto the planet Phost, it did not take long for the craft to tenderly judder upon docking into one of the vacant ports of the station; he could hear the droning whine of the engines winding down with each passing moment. With a sleight of his hand the young Mandalorian unfastened his seatbelt as The Sword began, standing up from her pilot’s seat.

Traversing the umbilical at a brisk pace, the young man would not be far behind the client as she spoke of their options, regarding where to begin their search for their targets.

"Alright, we have options for where we want to start," Valery began as she stood up and began to walk away from the cockpit and towards the docking tunnel. "We can head up to the cantina. It's likely that some of the people we're after will be there, but it's a risky place to be."

"Alternatively, we can try to access computer systems and go through arrival logs and personal files. The risk here is that if we're caught accessing terminals, we'll alert station security, who can make it very difficult for us to get out."


<”I am in the opinion of starting off from the Black Hole Cantina,”> The Misfit would speak his mind at the wake of her words. <”Although more than likely off limits to the patrons of the Cantina, the aforementioned point of interest most probably inholds a functioning terminal that monitors communications traffic,”> Kayl continued with a mildly jovial manner. <”The Cantina’s situated in what used to be the bridge of the ship, afterall,”> he explained further, throwing in a small bit of trivial information in between.

<”If you could patch me into said terminal, I could attempt at finding the mercenaries we’re after with a slice,”> the young man stated afterwards, producing a small datastick from one of his empty magazine pouches on his chest rig. He would briefly flash it for them to see it if they would spare him a glance. <”It only needs to remain inserted into the GIB port of a terminal for no more than five seconds; it would be slaved to my wrist mounted computer afterwards, granting me remote access.”> he finished, wondering what Aurorae would have to say, and whether the client would agree with his proposed course of action or not.

Without putting it into words however, he had suggested at least one of them to stealthily infiltrate the premise that would be off limits to the patrons of the Cantina; although he himself was competent in the art of stealth, he’d need more experience to rival that of Aurorae’s, or The Sword's for that matter.

And seeing as this mission was of the utmost importance to the client, he wished not to be caught in the act due to a lack of experience in the art of infiltration.

If he would be granted the option to do so, he would leave that to the more qualified ladies here.


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Aurorea nodded slowly in Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt 's direction. If there was one thing she could count on, it was his skill at slicing into a terminal and turning the very systems a group would use to defend themselves against them. Five seconds was all it'd take? Then five seconds were what she'd strive to buy him. She turned her masked gaze to her Master, nodding once.

"It's a sound plan. Lets go with it. Get out foot in the door that way, rather than in a fight right away."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt

Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt

Valery listened to Kayl's proposal based on what she had offered and found nothing in his logic and reasoning that she could poke holes into. It was a sound plan — still with the natural risk of getting caught but of everything they could attempt to find these mercenaries, this was their safest option. Aurorae seemed to agree as well, so Valery wasted no more time and opened the sealed door to lead them into the ship.

To make sure she wasn't easily recognized, she wrapped some long robes around herself. Both to conceal her identity but also to keep her lightsaber out of sight.

"Play it cool," she then reminded the two as she finally entered Farpoint, where other ships were continuously docking as well. It kept the area where they landed rather crowded, but it also meant that nobody was really focused on them. So without any prying eyes, they were able to reach one of many elevators leading up to the top deck. After it opened, everything seemed and felt normal — people were sitting at tables or standing around with drinks to socialize.

There were definitely groups here and there, but it wasn't easy to tell what kind of groups they were. Farpoint was visited by all kinds of people, from simple workers who wanted to enjoy a drink after their shift, to criminal gangs conducting their business on the outpost. Others were simply looking to cause trouble, and some distanced themselves from it the best they could.

"Alright, see what you need?" she asked with a friendly smile to make herself seem less serious and on the job. "Let's first get some drinks, though." They'd have to play the part a little, after all.

"The Misfit. One and only!"


"It's a sound plan. Lets go with it. Get out foot in the door that way, rather than in a fight right away."

With a synthesized, near-distorted intonation of her voice, Aurorae would be the first to express her agreement to the plan The Misfit proposed; although the client’s back was turned against the both of them, as they drew nearer to the airlock opening up to Farpoint at the wake of each step, the young man could tell she was giving his idea a moment’s silent consideration in her mind.

He deemed it safe to assume the client was also on board with his suggestion as their first step to locate the group of mercenaries they sought after; she had not voiced an objection at his plan, afterall.

Reaching the end of the umbilical bridge that connected Farpoint and their ship, the sealed airlock that stood before them granted them undisputed access at the press of a button. As the client pulled a long robe over herself in an attempt to conceal her identity, the young lad couldn’t help but come to a halt, as a strong sense of perturbation settled into him for a moment; the warble of the crowd, walking the large halls of the massive ship ran aground, voices and shouts of the street sellers and the likes, voices of dozens of different intonations all blending in together into a cacophony…

He was not fond of crowds; far too many variables to take into account for his taste.

"Play it cool,"

The young man’s gaze underneath his helmet would shift from the crowds of people and onto the client; at a faint precipitance in his steps, the young man would follow The Sword’s lead on their way to the Farpoint’s bridge, despite the the sense of anxiety starting to manifest within him.

At least they did not stick out amongst the crowd; not at a first glance, that is. He did feel people’s gazes wash over him from all directions, but in the state of mind he was in, he could not determine whether it was a mere casual glance thrown their way by a pedestrian or two, or the paranoia settling into his mind.

With no time spent dawdling, it would not be long before they found themselves inside the Black Hole Cantina, after a quick lift up to the bridge; the heavy smell of tobacco and cheap, bootleg booze hit him like a proverbial tidal wave.

Never minding the smell of unpleasant, nearly intoxicating and acrid mixture of cheap smokes and alcohol wafting in the air, the young man’s gaze shifted from one corner of the cantina to the other, taking in his surroundings; the establishment appeared quite busy today. The young man could make out the backgrounds of the patrons inside the establishment, at a moment’s attentive glance at spared at them ; ordinary folks, traders, spacers, smugglers, bounty hunters, outlaw and mercenary types…

"Alright, see what you need?"

<”Negatory,”> with a mutter The Misfit answered her inquiry, after toggling off his helmet annunciator and switching over to their private comlink frequency instead; a good way of making things a tad bit harder for someone attempting to eavesdrop on them, as much as they would have issues doing so over the cacophony of voices akin to that reached his ears in the halls of Farpoint down below.<”I believe my theory appears to be correct; the terminal must be inside a room on the bridge, that once served as the ship’s communications center,”> he muttered to them, as his vigilant gaze swept from one corner of the cantina onto the other.

"Let's first get some drinks, though."

<”Ah none for me, please,”> the young lad implored to her kindly, as a small group of patrons just appeared to have stood up from their seats at a table to leave after closing their tabs for the day. <”I rather not drink while I’m on the job,”> he said as he made his way towards the table recently left unoccupied; settling down at his seat by the table before another group could, the young man assured they had a place to sit at the Cantina, and act casual to blend in with the environment around them.

A few moments after they’d taken a seat at the table, the young man’s head would inquiringly tilt to the side as he’d pay a glance at the both of them. <”Well..?”> The Misfit muttered his inquiry; the datastick he had mentioned from before was still in his grasp. He expected one of the Jedi to take the device in his hand, and locate the terminal he needed without getting detected.

All they needed to do, to allow him remote access to the aforementioned terminal -after locating said terminal, that is- was to insert the datastick into one of its applicable ports, keep it there for just a little over five seconds, and pull it out.

The script inside would handle the rest in a mere moment afterwards, slaving the terminal onto his vambrace mounted computer, establishing remote access between the two devices -and undetected at that.


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A snide remark?

Aurorae turned her helmed gaze towards the Misfit just for a moment. No, not snide. Honest. Maybe snide. Hard to tell here with all the overwhelming colors around them. She reached a hand up, taking the datastick to tuck away in her pocket. "Right, right. I'll be back in a moment." Valery probably could use the drink, anyway. In a way she felt bad for the Mandalorian.

He could handle himself, at least.

Datastick in pocket she slipped away, melding into the crowd. Not fully stealthed or invisible, but her sight in the colors made it easy for her to just.. Not be noticed. Blend in with the others, be looked over with ease. Not stand out, more or less. She just needed to find a way to get to the back.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt

Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Aurorae Aurorae Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt

"I'm sure they have fruit juice as well," Valery told Kayl with a slight roll of her eyes to imply that they didn't need to get something alcoholic. Valery could easily filter alcohol from her blood and be unphased by anything she chose to drink, but she understood that Kayl likely could not, so no booze on the job for him.

The Mandalorian then offered the data stick and before Valery could even reach for it or respond, Iris already had it covered and walked away to blend into the crowd and find the communications room. At a first glance, it likely seemed strange — the entire bridge around them had little in common with the bridge it had once been outside of floor and wall panels still existing. Consoles had been replaced with tables and furniture, and the bar stood exactly where the commanding officers would have been.

However, at the very back of the bridge, there was a set of doors that were guarded by two station security officers. If there was any place where something of importance was still kept, it would have to be there.

"I'll get a drink so we don't just sit here without ordering, but you best be ready to assist her," Valery said before she got up and walked over to the bar. Casually, she leaned forward onto her elbows and looked at the man who was serving people their drinks. "A glass of Corellian whiskey and some Muja Fruit juice, please," she said, and of course, the combination surprised the bartender for a moment. But he offered her a charismatic smile and turned away, "Coming right up for the lovely lady," he said, drawing a smirk from Valery.

Meanwhile, Kayl would have been sitting alone, but likely without feeling too alone — some patrons were glancing his way occasionally, but especially a Zeltron woman seemed to be very focused on him. After a minute or two, she stood up and began to walk over to him. Much like other women of her species, she was beautiful and wearing the risque kind of dress that one would expect from a woman looking to impress.

"Such a handsome man sitting all alone?" The woman asked with a bright smile, her eyes shifting to the empty seat on the opposite side of the table for just a moment. "Care for some good company?"

"The Misfit. One and only!"


"I'm sure they have fruit juice as well,"

An innocent smirk pulled at the young Mandalorian’s lips behind the faceplate of his helmet; the implication behind her words did not elude him. Although he preferred not to consume any sort of sustenance while he was on the job unless he absolutely had to, he’d be lying if he said a glass of juice wasn’t appealing.

"Right, right. I'll be back in a moment."

The Misfit’s helmet visor would shift onto Aurorae, as she gently snatched the datastick he had offered at the both of them, and stood up from her seat. His gaze trailed her for a moment, until she disappeared amongst the crowd of patrons in the bar; he could make out her silhouette he came to recognize, albeit very faintly could he see her amongst the crowd.

Her talent in the art of stealth was rather impressive.

"I'll get a drink so we don't just sit here without ordering, but you best be ready to assist her," Valery said before she got up and walked over to the bar.

In response to her, the young Misfit gave The Client an acknowledging nod of his head as she stood up, and headed towards the barman behind the lavish counter on the other end of the establishment to order something to drink for them.

Left to his own devices for the time being, the young man slightly leaned forth towards the table; his hands clasped together right underneath the chin and his elbows resting on the table, the young man casted a vigilant glance at his surroundings, his helmet unmoving. He could feel people’s gaze wash over him; whether out of interest -be it malicious in nature or otherwise- or a casual glance thrown at his way, he categorized it all as “unwanted attention”.

He spotted a peculiar glance thrown his way amongst the crowd; a Zeltron woman. With quite a revealing attire, her already beautiful nature of her species were only amplified; her outlooks, as beautiful and temptatious as it were, failed to spark an interest within The Misfit, as he momentarily held her glance with his own behind the unmoving, emotionless helmet visor.

He only had eyes for Ara Sheridan Ara Sheridan , and none other than her.

With a vexed sigh -muted, confined only in the interior of his helmet- the young man’s gaze shifted away from the woman after a while; he didn’t like being in crowded places such as this. If he was in a more casual attire, out of his armor, he would’ve been more relaxed for certain, for he could blend in quite well with a crowd that way, but that was not the case all the time when he wore the beskar‘gam.

Though it was not at all an uncommon sight for the people in the cantina, as this place and Farpoint in general was host to all sorts of characters, unsavory or not, but the establishment’s residents familiarization with the general outlook of a Mandalorian did not stop them from casting a glance his way.

Deciding against sitting idle for the Jedis’ return, the young man leaned back on his seat as he flipped open the touch screen of his left vambrace mounted terminal with a precise outward flick of his wrist; via his untraceable and anonymous connection to the HoloNet, the young man began searching for the schematics of the massive ship turned into a city known as Farpoint, all the while keeping an ear on their comlink to spring into action in case something went south.

His surroundings, and many auditory cues -aside from his helmet comlink- soon became little more than background noise as he searched what he sought after to make their jobs a tad bit easier here; he would not see the Zeltron vixen approach him, nor hear her attempts at initiating a conversation with him at that moment.

He’d be mildly taken aback, and very much surprised once he saw a pink appendage gently pushing down the screen of his terminal, closing it; shifting his gaze upwards, the young man saw a bright smile looking back at him. It was the woman from before, the Zeltron. Her features and demeanor suggested she was expecting some kind of response from him.

Puzzled for a moment as to what she may have said or asked, the young man would toggle on his helmet annunciator before speaking. <”I’m afraid the seats are taken,”> he said to her kindly and in a reserved manner, unsure if that was an answer enough to satisfy her inquiry he had not heard.


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Getting to the back was easier than she figured. Slip through the crowd, fade from view. Walk behind the counter and just step through the door. Just find a terminal and plug in the chip. Then dip. Sneak her way back to the others to let the Misfit know the datastick was in place. Or he already knew. Didn't matter. She just started her way back from the back to check in with the others and just..

Well, wait, probably.

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Kayl Krayt Kayl Krayt

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