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The Bounty Hunters' Guild

The Bounty Hunters' Guild is an institution that organizes, legalizes and oversees bounty contracts throughout the galaxy.

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[Faction Thread] Do you want to hunt some Sith?

Vrun Ryssic

BOUNTY: The Cult of Typhojem.

Using one of my Alternate Characters, I have listed a Bounty specifically for the Bounty Hunter's Guild and Friends alike to participate in a friendly rival hunt for NPC Opposition!

  • Capture the Leader Alive! (See here).
  • Exterminate the Cultist Zealots! (See here and here!).
The hope of posting this Bounty was to give us all something to take part in as a group, a chance to develop some character progression for all Bounty Hunters involved and to aim for a good number of targets that can be brought down as a team.

Let's show some solidarity as the active Guild of the Galaxy, as well as including some friends of the Guild who may wish to compete with us and try to prove who're the better hunters!

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