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Junction Cleansing Wave | Panatha Burns OOC | EE & AC & Kainate

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S



The Third Civil War was over, almost all Sith factions collapsed. At this time the Maw rose; although this story has nothing to do with them. The Eternal Empire avoided attacks by ending support for the Sith Empire before the end of the war, even ending the war with GA. Nevertheless, many in the Galaxy believe that there are Sith in the Eternal Empire and that the imperial court may also be under their influence.

They really couldn’t be wrong about anything bigger than that. One thing, however, is true, Panatha is the vassal state of the Eternal Empire. And what is this planet known for? It was the centre and home world of the Zambrano family, they came from here and the ruler of the planet was also a Zambrano. Exactly cousin of the former Sith Emperor Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex . Although the man was not a Force User, the question may be legitimate as to how much the man was a puppet in the hands of the former Emperor.

And Ashlan Crusade, led by Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson , has decided to exterminate the Zambrano family and kill everyone under the purge. That is why they came to the planet with a larger army. The case is very delicate, as the Eternal Empire and Ashlan Crusade have had quite good relations with each other since the last siege of Ziost. Grayson managed to get Empress L'lerim to stop supporting the Sith Empire.

And Empress Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim is well known for not wanting the civilian population to be in danger, but because of the AC's current actions, Panatha's population was also in danger. Last but not least, it was one of the planets of the Eternal Empire that the empire wants and will protect, as they know for sure that there are no Sith here.

The biggest question is whether the whole conflict will eventually turn into a war between the two factions, or is there any chance that all this will be settled peacefully?



Objective 1: Under Siege
The Ashlan Crusade besieged the capital of Panatha, as the royal palace is also located here. Their plans include killing or arresting all Zambrano loyalists, probably even if they are just civilians. As it is a warrior people, they can expect more resistance in the city. Of course, the Eternal Empire does not want to let these deeds happen. As in the Third Civil War, every effort is being made to ensure that the population does not suffer. Even if it all involves armed conflict.

AC objective: find all Zambrano loyalists in the city at any cost and capture or possibly kill them; in light of the command they received from their superiors.

EE objective: to protect both the civilian population and the city itself from AC; and organize and assist evacuation.

Important Locations: spaceport, government building, noble district, city hospital.

This is basically the PvE objective, but if anyone wants PvP here, feel free!

Objective 2: Downfall
The biggest battle is at the royal palace, where the Zambrano family also lives. The huge palace has plenty of gardens, with numerous protected secret tunnels leading into the building, the palace is protected by walls and shields. Probably even the largest forces will besiege this place. The Empress of the Eternal Empire is also present in the palace in person, hoping that they could resolve the situation more peacefully than a total war. Meanwhile, the goal of the Ashlan Crusade was to get in and to have the largest Sith dynasty permanently disappear from the pages of history and the ranks of the living.

AC objective: get into the palace where the members of the Zambrano family live on the planet, and possibly capture and then kill/execute them.

EE objective: to prevent members of the AC from entering the palace at all costs and to protect the ruling family.

Important Locations: Royal palace, gardens, corridors, secret tunnels.

Objective 3: The Blockade
Fighting takes place not only in the capital but also in space. The Ashlan Crusade took the planet under blockade. Their plans did not yet include orbital bombardment, the blockade was mostly for the purpose of being able to control all ships entering and leaving the planet. Of course, the Eternal Empire didn’t all like it, so they’re planning a response, too. Despite the blockade, they are constantly sending units to the planet and are doing everything they can to lift the AC blockade. For the time being, so as not to cause an even greater war conflict.

AC objective: to prevent Zambrano loyalists from fleeing the planet, and to slow down, to prevent the military units of the Eternal Empire from reaching the planet.

EE objective: preferably by avoiding total war, to achieve the end of the blockade. To assist and support evacuation and their own units, and to prevent AC from reaching the planet.

Objective 4: BYOO
There are many more ways to interact with Panatha and by extension, the locals or others, than are listed here. Not to mention, there is an entire hex worth of stories to be told. Have fun in any way that you please!


Important informations:
  • Junction will begin on August 16, 2021. at 6pm (CEST). Here you can search for dance partners.
  • It is basically an AC-EE junction where Kainate members also join as they are also affected by the plot.
  • The AC and EE are not at war with each other, their relationship is positive neutral due to the events of the last Ziost invasion.
  • Kainate is in an interesting position, has no diplomatic relationship with any of the factions, so they are free to decide how they treat each other. Although they are on the same side as the EE, they may be hostile due to the TSE-EE mutual defensive pact's dissolve. Important: EE and TSE only dissolved the MDP, not the trade and other alliance.
  • Objectives 1 and 4 are PvE objectives, 2-3 are PvP, but you can play PvE and PvP on any objectives if you want.
  • Panatha capital's link.

The gift "banners":



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Adenn Kyramud and Clan Mortui stand ready to defend Panatha and the capital from invasion. We shall honor our family ties. (as part of the EE OOC, IC family)

If anyone wishes to duel a clan and many of its assets, or Adenn specficially, I welcome a challenge! IC Adenn's taking this as an invasion, and due to the close ties his family has with it, nothing's being held back. All the big guns come out to play today!
Isla Draellix will be holding a blockade over the planet, likely with a single command ship and a bunch of frigate sized vessels. She plans on opening dialogue with the EE captains and wants to inspect departing vessels to ensure no escaping Sith.

Hei Sogecki will be flying around on his mount probably over the city and surrounding countryside looking for targets of opportunity and maybe investigating countryside safe houses.
Artificial Intelligence
Isla Draellix will be holding a blockade over the planet, likely with a single command ship and a bunch of frigate sized vessels. She plans on opening dialogue with the EE captains and wants to inspect departing vessels to ensure no escaping Sith.

Hei Sogecki will be flying around on his mount probably over the city and surrounding countryside looking for targets of opportunity and maybe investigating countryside safe houses.
Isla, Tranquility will be leading the fleet response from the EE side unless someone from the actual navy appears. She will be there to engage the blockade as the Zwihander Union's Corporate Defense Fleet. I will aim to have an comparable fleet to your own, give or take.

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