Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Creation at Home

I'm starting up my own game at home and ran into a snag creating characters! Which dice do you use for each class to generate Reputation? In the Character Creation section of the Revised Core Rulebook it says to reference each class description, but there is no information on which die to roll for each class's reputation score! Anybody know about this?


Disney's Princess
[member="DarthGeos"] - Wrong game broski. This is a PbP Internet Forum Game. Not the pen&paper game you are playing at home. Sorry. Try another forum. Lulz. :D


Disney's Princess
[member="Judah Dashiell"] - Man, I don't even know which SW RPG the guys talking about. Isn't like, three of them in print? idk. Probably.


Yesh. So drop the rulebook and come join our website. Because awesome. :D :p

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