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Approved Tech Carthus' Sith Sword

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  • Classification: Sword
  • Size: Average
  • Weight: Average
  • Serves as a focus and enhancer for the wielder's powers, as is typical for a Sith blade.
  • Carries and transmutes various diseases.
  • Can be used to steal the life from anything it slays.
  • Enhancing: While on Carthus' person, the blade focuses and strengthens his power in a manner similar to a Sith Amulet.
  • Plaguebringer: The blade's foul, rusty surface is often used for grotesque tasks in laboratory conditions, and thus carries various unpleasant afflictions, most notably an innate ability to inflict Force Plague.
  • Hungering: Should the user wish it, any living thing slain by the blade immediately rises as a zombie under his control, and its life force is snatched away by the blade. The user can use the stolen energies to greatly strengthen his own power, albeit temporarily.
  • Double-Edged: The sword is as much a parasite as its wielder, and must be regularly fed a diet of life energy. Should he fail to do so, it can attempt to consume the wielder's own life instead, or even turn against them.
  • Force-Based: As its abilities arise mostly from Sith Magic, any force-nullification areas or effects will render the blade simply a piece of sharp metal.
  • Bloated: Should the user attempt to fill the sword past capacity (roughly one to ten doses of stolen life, depending on the individual strength of its victims) it can be damaged, or potentially even destroyed, releasing the energies in a burst that can harm the user.

First forged by Carthus Sett after his exile, this blade is unusual for its kind. Somewhat simple in appearance and make for a Sith blade, its user rarely upkeeps it, causing spots of corrosion and rust to appear liberally across its surface. Additionally, the weapon is often still coated with dried blood or rotting ooze, and even a scratch can prove quite dangerous. It is seldom seen apart from its wielder, if ever.

Despite being simply a sheet of metal with a wooden handle, its appearance belies its terrible power. Like most Sith swords, it is a creation of Alchemy, and thus fully capable of cleaving heavy armor or deflecting small arms fire. When carried, it strengthens its wielder's Force abilities greatly, an effect that can be compounded even more by its ability to steal the life from those it slays. While this latter effect is short-lived, a great number of victims in a short period can render the wielder incredibly dangerous, for a time. Worse still, those whose lives are claimed in such a way rise as undead slaves (equivalent in ability to Korriban Zombies), turned upon their former allies.

As a result, the wielder can quickly become a major threat on the battlefield, growing in both personal power and undead retinue the longer a fight drags on. Unfortunately, the sword exacts a terrible price for its services. Like the man who wields it, it must be fed, and it will not tolerate starvation for long. Additionally, the blade can only hold a limited quantity of stolen energies, and should it exceed its capacity, it can be damaged, weakening it until such time as it can be repaired (a lengthy process that can't usually be performed under battlefield conditions).
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Carthus of House Marr Carthus of House Marr

Nice sword!
  • I would like to ask you to link the Force Alchemy and Sith magic to the Material.
  • About the Hungering, what is the limits of this? How much health can the sword "store"? What happens if the sword exceeds the limit? Here, please write in conditional mode, because it is not you who decides on the use of your opponents' units, but the opponent (so in PvP). What are these zombies like? Sentient or non-sentient?
  • Because most of the abilities based on the Force, what happens with the sword under Force suppression/Force nullification effects?

1. Force Alchemy and Sith Magic are now properly linked under the weapon's construction materials as asked.
2. Added more context about the limitations of the lifesteal, and clarified that it can be damaged or destroyed if it attempts to contain too much. Linked Korriban zombies in place of the generic zombie article, to more clearly show the limits of the undead it creates.
3. Added a bit under weaknesses to state that none of the sword's special properties function under force-blocking effects.

Let me know if I need to make any other edits.
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