Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Amaris Lapaz

Aramis Lapaz



Class(es)Jedi Master
AssignmentCoruscant Temple
AgeLate 30s
Personality TraitsFriendly
Education TraitsPoor Education
Lifestyle TraitsMotivated
Rank(s)Jedi Master
Faction(s)Galactic Alliance
Force SensitiveYes
Character AlignmentLight Path
WeightIn Shape

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    Well, Aramis was a young Corellian who, for his first two years, helped his parents steal jewelry to pay their debt with some criminal organizations.. Months after he passed his three years old, his parent were executed by the same organizations, making Aramis an orphan. He would then be smuggled in Galactic Alliance territories, which would lead him to be found by the regional authorities. A simple way to get an orphan in security, but long and unnecessary.
    When he was four or so years old, Aramis would be doing some wizardry stuff, and stealing which alerted the local police. Well, they found out that Aramis was on the list of the Galaxy's strongly Force sensitive kids. And really, it was kind of the time to take him to the Temple. His youngling training was firt rough, he only knew Latter Corellian so he had to learn the Galactic Basic. Aramis was later thaught to give up his old habit to steal and was then properly trained to become a great Jedi. Aramis then became a Padawan at nine years old, successfully finishing his Padawan training at his mid twenties.
    Aramis would then take a Padawan, guiding him to become a Knight over the course of years, successfully creating a new path to his journey, being a Master ready to train the newer generations of the Order.


    [I shall cite every interactions and their impact on Aramis]

    Konrad Harrsk made this div, so.. Thanks!

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    Being a Padawan, not so easy.

    As previously said, Aramis began to be a Padawan at nine years old, mainly training in the Temple for his first years. But after the fourth main years, Aramis began to assist his master in missions or the battlefield. It was a basic training where he learned from experience and training in the Academy. Even if he still gets PTSD from some moments, he tries to avoid them by meditating. And after all of that, this rewarding training made him a Knight, finally.


    Oh, so you're a Knight?

    Well, how the turntables? Aramis was now able to.. Learn from experience again! Which is still, a good step from being a Padawan. Aramis ended the Padawan training at a little age of twenty six years old. He then was able, after a few years, to train a Padawan. Aramis trained him the best he could, giving the said young one his qualities and.. Defaults. Which is great, Knight and his apprentice, helping each other in missions what-not. After years of guiding, training and pu.nitions in the archives or anything else.. The Padawan, would at his turn, become a Knight.

    He's a Master? They grow up so fast..

    [To be done, as he's still beginning to be a Master.]


    Rise and fall, all the way in History.

    [Spoiler: It's a How-did-he-die arc.]

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