Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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A Knife in their Hearts (Open to the NR and OS; others please ask)

Leos Palle

Location: Serpena, Office of the President of the New Republic

"You'll have to forgive the mess, gentlemen and ladies. Having just moved in, I haven't quite had the time to tidy up."

Raeya smiled apologetically and motioned for the members of the military leadership to take a seat. Beyond them, the few senatorial types that were somewhat interested in her first official efforts as President, were able to take a seat as well. In hindsight she probably should have planned on using a larger room, but she was a bit flustered under the circumstances, though doing a reasonable job of hiding it. She took a seat herself, smoothing out her dress, and offering a small nod to each in turn. She'd have offered a drink, but her cabinet of fine liquor had not yet been installed, and she was certain someone would find it inappropriate and make a big deal out of what she simply saw as hospitality.

"I've called you here today because it's high time that we stopped sitting on our hands. We have opportunity laid out before us, and there are a lot of people looking to us for guidance. We have been content to idle quietly along here in the wake of our, for lack of a better term, big sister, but with her slow decline, we can no longer afford to do so. The Galactic Alliance is strong, and this new Commonwealth has military might, but they both lack the finesse of fine leadership that the Republic has to offer.

"Now I know you didn't come here to listen to me speak for several hours on the rise and fall of the Republic and how I believe we must continue to exist lest the galaxy fall into peril. Indeed, I didn't call you here to make such a speech. That's what an acceptance speech is for."

She smiled a little and motioned for her aide to distribute water to her thirst guests. Best she could do on short notice.

"Indeed, I've called you here to plan military action. Not an attack on a world, but on a target of opportunity. During my foreign affairs briefings I met a young intelligence officer named Lancaster. That's not her real name, but I'm not free to give that, so for now we shall call her such. Lancaster informed me that, with the decline of the One Sith warmachine and the Galactic Republic warmachine, many vessels have either gone out of service, or quietly slipped away under the command of their mutinous crews.

"One such vessel has been identified in the Mindabaal system." She tapped the holoprojector on her desk and it popped open a display of a vessel of substantial size. "This is the Xo'Xaan-class Star Destroyer Shrike. This vessel is not accompanied, as far as Lancaster has confirmed, by other vessels, and its destination is unknown, though it has yet to leave the system as other vessels have. Traffic has been minimal. You're objective here is to capture this vessel, and secure it for our fleet. The methodology of such is in the hands of you fine leaders, and I implore you to offer your recommendations in a timely fashion. This mission is extremely time sensitive."

[member="Ali Hadrix"] [member="Charzon Loulan"] [member="Giana Froelich"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Jynx"] [member="Klesta"] [member="Lyth Meran"] [member="Marcus Itera"] [member="Rae Jarrus"] [member="Reen Lorgon"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Xiarr Sair"] [member="Jack Raxis"] [member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Jade Whisperwind"] [member="Taneas Haring"] [member="Morlin Varrock"] [member="Natasi Fortan"] [member="Rasu Gan"] [member="Sed Frieder"] [member="Valerian Valkyrie"] [member="Zaira Raghul"] [member="Quinncolson"]
The Republic was on its last legs, so now was no better a time than to gather what remained and reorganised the system. Rasu was all for it, having decided to give the group a second chance and hopefully play a role in the shaping of the New Republic. Having politely stood at the back of the office, the Shi'ido had done her best to remain still so to not disturb what appeared to be a hastily migration to the grand office of the President.

Smiling in gratitude as the Pantoran gestured for the group to sit, Rasu was the first to move, breaking the awkward silence by the scuttling of feet. Placing her hands on her lap, the Shi'ido chanced a quick look at her fellow visitors, noticing the lack of numbers that were present in the office. She was not surprised. Such a young organisation would struggle at first, however if goals and morals were just, they would surely acquire the confidence of those who once placed their faith in the Republic of old.

As the briefing began, Rasu watched the young President closely, setting her eyes upon the blue slender form. First impressions were not always everything, but so far the Shi'ido had faith that the Pantoran would do well in the position. Such leadership in one so young was rare, however she would surely do nothing but good for the New Republic.

Ears perking up as the mission details became apparent, Rasu pondered over one certain issue. No one had yet to bring it up, so the Shi'ido voiced her concern.

"Excuse me for the interruption Madam President, but how valid is the information of your agent?" Her voice once more broke the silence of those gathered. "If we are to dedicate forces for such a critical mission, are we confident in the truth and accuracy of this agent's claim?"

[member="Raeya Papanoida"] [member="Ali Hadrix"] [member="Charzon Loulan"] [member="Giana Froelich"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Jynx"] [member="Klesta"] [member="Lyth Meran"] [member="Marcus Itera"] [member="Rae Jarrus"] [member="Reen Lorgon"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Xiarr Sair"] [member="Jack Raxis"] [member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Jade Whisperwind"] [member="Taneas Haring"] [member="Morlin Varrock"] [member="Natasi Fortan"] [member="Sed Frieder"] [member="Valerian Valkyrie"] [member="Zaira Raghul"] [member="Quinncolson"] [member="Celiana"]
I'd been invited along by Master Gan and hearing this leader speak about this ship several things occurred in my head. If this ship was unaccompanied and it had an unknown destination as well as it having not left the system then something was wrong... The last time I'd heard of something like this The Mandalorian Empire had launched an investigative boarding party to an eerily similar situation though from what I'd heard the ship they'd been investigating had been drifting and had contagious crew members that had been infected and succumbed to the Blackwing Virus...

I wasn't sure it was a good idea to speak I was here as Master Gan's guest at her request but she was MY Master and fortune favored the bold. Deciding to speak up I said, "Excuse the interruption Ma'am but I agree with Master Gan here on questioning the reliability of the intel given. If the ship hasn't left orbit and has no known destination then it could be possible the ship was left there on purpose. There's also a high possibility that it was booby trapped or the crew was infected with something and left there to draw curious or opportunistic people there to claim it. If this was a ship that belonged to The Sith then odds ore there'll be surprises of a nasty sort."

[member="Raeya Papanoida"] - [member="Rasu Gan"] - @everyone else

Lyth Meran

Bullet with Butterfly wings.
This was Lyth's chance she;d do this without Kami. without her wings her species was small and weak. the 1st order had nearly wiped them out. and no one noticed.
NO. no more she had a ship to build

Taneas Haring

[member="Lyth Meran"] Ξ [member="Celiana"] Ξ [member="Rasu Gan"]

He stood there feeling the tight grip of his collar around his neck having the urge to stretch it slightly for comfort. But his sense of pride and respect Kent he would much prefer to keep the uniform looking regulation. His eyes honed onto the two questioning the Intel. They raised a valid point. Intsll wasn't always one hundred percent and that did leave room for questions. he thought to his self. Although he knew the siths might has weakened dramatically since the fall of coruscant. It didn't mean this mission shouldn't be taken with caution. he stood up standing taller than most in the room and cleared his throat. "Intel is never reliable. Regardless of concerns, this is opportunity we can't pass up. The remaining Sith have spit up most likely to protect the remaining recourses they have. But they lack manpower meaning there is a void in their chain of command. No doubt this vessel will have crew remaining to keep it in place but they are vulnerable." he waked closer to tth front where the holo table was. "Ideally I wouldn't say this vessel is defencless. Pilots and gunner operators are also aboard to expect the inevitable. Unfortunately we'd be speculating how many remain." His cybernetic arm would raise up pointing to the underbelly of the ship. "Say we take the bate and engaged them. I would suggest a smaller vessel launch a series of assault pods. Floor by floor we can begin to capture or kill those who remain. They know the ship better than we do so peaceful approach would be best to be taken first."

Leos Palle

"No intelligence report is ever perfect, Master Gan," Raeya said, offering the woman a smile. "The Admiral is correct in that regard. The location and presence of the ship has been verified, but the status of the crew is unknown. Intelligence hasn't been able to get onto the ship to confirm."

She knew who the Jedi Master was by virtue of her time as a Jedi, though she had never personally met the woman. There were a lot of Jedi throughout the galaxy. It was impossible to meet them all. Though she'd never been knighted herself, which was another reason she could be an unknown. That and she kept her capabilities to herself.

All of them were correct in their assessments of the situation. The Intel was spotty aside from the location of the vessel. It could very well be a trap, but with the One Sith splintering, who would be manning such a trap rather than trying to grab vessels for themselves? Additionally, it would be folly to assume that it was completely undefeated. This was, after all, going to be a military operation.

"The Intel is actionable and that's all we can guarantee at this time. This will be a full military engagement, which means I defer the logistics of the matter to our military commanders."

She turned to Haring.

"I apologize for putting you on the spot with little preparation, but the situation did not give me the opportunity to brief you ahead of time. If you would lay out a hasty plan of action so the operation can begin, it would be appreciated. Refinement can take place en route, I'm sure."

[member="Taneas Haring"] [member="Lyth Meran"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Rasu Gan"]
[member="Ali Hadrix"] [member="Charzon Loulan"] [member="Giana Froelich"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Jynx"] [member="Klesta"] [member="Lyth Meran"] [member="Marcus Itera"] [member="Rae Jarrus"] [member="Reen Lorgon"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Xiarr Sair"] [member="Jack Raxis"] [member="Dax Fyre"] [member="Jade Whisperwind"] [member="Taneas Haring"] [member="Morlin Varrock"] [member="Natasi Fortan"] [member="Rasu Gan"] [member="Sed Frieder"] [member="Valerian Valkyrie"] [member="Zaira Raghul"] [member="Dek Ryken"] [member="Jessica Med-Beq"] [member="Quinncolson"]

Much of what was going in the room was pointless debate. At least in the young Jedi Warriors mind. She recognized a few faces here. Taneas, the Navy's Admiral, and Raeya the President. What eluded her was the new Jedi in the mix. In her dirty and frayed robes she felt almost at unease being around them. They seemed much better put together.

As they chatted she observed, brushing back a strand of brown hair. When there was a lull she finally stepped forwards to speak,

"Um excuse me Madam President, and Commander. Masters."

She righted her belt, letting her three sabers jingle.

"I understand folks concern and rightly so. I myself don't want to introduce any new virus agents or otherwise here. Force knows the Golden Swords Clan already has their hands full trying to stop the spread of the Black Sickness. What I am concerned about is our lack of action. If it seem's risky then I'll volunteer"

It was a gamble and bit of a switch of position. As a primarily Sentinel based Clan her folks were more suited to secondary support rather than combat roles. But Jade had yet to face down the darkness in full. She burned to know what she was truly made of.

"Give me a Ghost or Spectre team and we can launch from up close. We'll breach the hull and tight beam burst back to the fleet the status of the vessel."
After listening to everyone talking, Giana finally had a question of her own.

"I hate adding on to everything, but what is our method going to be? Obviously we know the location of the ship, but if it's a ploy to get us to go there and check things out, is it possibly a trap? Whoever is on this ship, I will guess that they know what our ships look like. If it's the Sith, it makes matters worse and we'll have to up our game and be prepared for whatever comes."

She asked as she stood up. Giana knew the Sith. They were ruthless and would stop at nothing, doing whatever they could to destroy the Jedi and Republic as they had before. They would eat their enemy through the force from the inside out, causing the most corruption and disruption as possible to gain power.

"As this gentleman has said," she nodded towards the man who stood up seconds ago. "Intel can be taken with a grain of sand. We never know where our contact stands as info coming from different people will be different. After all, I am not questioning your actions, but to any of us, this person known to be our contact could be two-faced especially if the accuracy of everything is unknown."

She finished. What the man had said earlier and what everyone else was saying, she agreed and she herself would volunteer. Especially if Sith were involved, you never knew when they would show up or pop in without notice.

"But I too will volunteer on this. I know the Sith and what they can do and if they appear on site, an extra Jedi can't hurt anything."

Giana said, finishing off her own little speech/ response.

[member="Jade Whisperwind"], [member="Raeya Papanoida"], [member="Taneas Haring"], [member="Lyth Meran"], [member="Celiana"], [member="Rasu Gan"], [member="Ali Hadrix"], @Charzan Loulan, [member="Jessica Med-Beq"], [member="Jynx"], [member="Klesta"], [member="Marcus Itera"], [member="Reen Lorgon"], [member="Sanya Val Swift"], [member="Xiarr Sair"], [member="Jack Raxis"], [member="Dax Fyre"], [member="Morlin Varrock"], [member="Natasi Fortan"], [member="Sed Frieder"], @Valeria Valkyrie, [member="Zaira Raghul"], [member="Quinncolson"]
LIly listened intently, paying particular attention to what her direct superior had said. " it a trap?" she heard a woman say. Lily stood, "Forgive me, President, senators " she addressed each in turn, "Admiral" she made eye contact with him only briefly, "If it is a trap, itd be best to poke and prod, spring the trap early before the the rest of the fleet arrives. I volunteer to lead a harrasser group to draw out enemy fighters and search for any potential risks." she looked to Admiral [member="Taneas Haring"] fo approval.


Lyth Meran

Bullet with Butterfly wings.
[member="Taneas Haring"] Lyth Sat on the table cross legged nodding to whatever everyone said. Her eyes transfixed on Harings arm.
her mind running over her own amputation and the harrowing loss of her wings.
still this was a technical examination her thoughts were all mechanical.
" I have the technology i can rebuild that. make it better."

Reen Lorgon

Pilot. Smuggler. Incredibly handsome. I got it all
Reen had sat listening to everyone talk. It was rather amusing if he was honest, seeing them squabble about what to do. He stood to talk, not knowing if he'd be listened to.

"If you don't want to risk the fleet with a trap, I could take a strike team to secure the ship from within. My ship is primed and ready, has enough firepower to defend herself, and is faster than she looks."

@Everyone there

Leos Palle

Good. Volunteers were good. She was proud of those that wished to step up and undertake the task at hand. Too often people sat idly by and relied on the efforts of others to see to change in the galaxy. It was for that reason that change rarely ever came. The cycle of violence and despair was perpetuated. Governments rose to power through the actions of the few brave enough to bring them to light, but fell because of the inaction of those that sat behind and expected everyone else to do the work. These people, citizens of the Republic, were proving to her that people still had the heart to do what was necessary, even in the face of danger.

"I thank you all for volunteering. I'm sure the Admiral will be happy to have your assistance."

She smiled and nodded to each in turn, approving of their actions.

"All of your feelings are taken to heart, but you show bravery and commitment to the cause of the Republic by putting aside misgivings and standing ready for the task at hand. I commend you for being examples of what the Republic stands for. This action is a risk. A great one. To believe it will go perfectly would be folly. But that is what the Admiral is here for, to guide us in a way that will achieve success and minimize the dangers.

"Trust in his expertise as I do, and you will succeed on this endeavor."

[member="Reen Lorgon"] [member="Lyth Meran"] [member="Lily Kilia"] [member="Giana Froelich"] [member="Jade Whisperwind"] [member="Taneas Haring"] [member="Celiana"] [member="Rasu Gan"]

Morlin Varrock

"It's never a trap! Why's everyone so paranoid?
The Mon Calamari scanned the room,looking at everyone.He had his fists balled,as he leaned forward. "I have a plan. Per chance,would there be a Nebula? Hear me out,we send out something they would want. Possibly a cargo ship. It will lure the enemy Star Destroyer into the Nebula,and that will be where our forces will be positioned. From there,we will rain fire on it. With it's shields down,it won't be able to stand the might of the powerful New Republic fleet. Of course,we may as well retrieve it by,as our friend said,sending out a strike team to execute the crew."


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