Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Aris Noble

    LFG  Aris Needs Friends And Threads

    Been writing him for a little while now, but he really doesn't have many threads going for him. So I want to branch out on that. He's a good saber duelist and likes to study, but can't use the force to throw things around, feel your emotions, or sense the future. Just get strong. That won't be...
  2. Lily Rhodes

    LFG  All the threads please...

    Hello! In a nut shell she's a former coruscanti street rat who recently acquired her own ship (with the help of Velok Brokentusk ) and training in telepathy from the Nagai in the firefist galaxy. She's new to the force and pretty naive but she's learning fast. I'm looking for pretty much...
  3. Aurelia Xonavi

      10 posts on CHAOS and counting

    its a small milestone as ive only started rping on here in dec. i haven't had my writing critiqued much. I am open to constructive criticism, comments and feedback on writing, character, plot, lore and whatever more. also this is definitely not a bit of publicity for our storyline cuz why not :3...
  4. Braze

      100 Threads 500+ Posts - Critique Welcome

    I'm nearing the 1k post mark for Braze give or take and I've more or less participated in 100 threads with him. I am opening the floor for critique and feed back. I feel like I've developed him in to a more complex character thus far and am interested in hearing other thoughts for the green...
  5. Amani Serys


    Title Description Status Link Dreams of Our Generation Construction of the Vonnuvi Jedi Enclave. Closed [x] Walks of Life Cultural exchange and festival over Coruscant. Complete [x] The Journey of a Thousand Miles Mastering ceremony for founder Amani Serys-Organa. Complete [x] Deep...
  6. Cessair Ideon

    LFG  Threads of the Underworld

    The Criminal Underworld of the Galaxy is filled with scum of varying sizes and influence; each trying to crawl their way to the very top to live a life of opulence and want for nothing. But be careful in such a pursuit of power as you will need to stave off your rivals and avoid the assassin's...
  7. Aris Noble

    LFG  New Noble, New Threads

    Yeah he's a PC now. Which means he gets to have threads. So lets make some threads. Handy plot hook from the profile go: Jedi Padawan: Aris is a Jedi Padawan, so stories about training or Jedi adventures will always work. He's still young, so they need to be appropriate for his experience...
  8. Jonyna Si

    LFG  Need more social threads.

    Been thinking about the fact that Jonyna has garnered a bit of a reputation as a fighter, and I'm in the mood for something more chill. Anyone want a social thread to just vibe? I'll make it a beach thread and we can go surfing lmao.
  9. Laphisto

    LFG  getting out name out there

    hey everyone just poking in to see if anyone would be interested in threading with the Lilaste order? trying to get ourselves out there and better known, as well as possibly get a few more faces in our ranks
  10. Amani Serys

    LFG  Thread Gremlin Asks Politely For Threads IV

    Hello readers, I've got a bit of extra muse lying around and nowhere to use it (Plus a brand new art commission to flaunt). I do mean just a bit though. Life commitments wouldn't make it a good idea to take on more than a couple extra right now, so at best I'm looking to pick maybe 3-ish more...
  11. Definitely Not Tefka

    Question  Can Admins be MFOs if they only do predetermined threads?

    i am not an admin but i have an opinion and thats twice as important all the boring rules should just be deleted delete dominions too like actually junctions are way funner
  12. Tefka

    Question  Do you think pre-determined outcomes for pvp threads are boring?

    Genuine question, but as the founder of Chaos I do obviously and honestly got plenty of biases and ulterior motives for bringing it up, you will go crazy trying to figure them all out so just focus on the subject at hand. Are they? Or do you prefer the gambling machine that is an entity like...
  13. Detritus Ren

    LFG  Magicks & Shadows

    Greetings exalted ones! Here and there I try to post up an LFG. Most I’ve done before hasn’t been very specific but lately been feeling a scratch to continue a character I’ve haven’t done in a while, and lately I’ve been very inspired to do just that. Enter Jin Kyrel! Son of Kyrel Ren. A man...
  14. Todblaz Graker

    LFG  Looking for possible Threads

    Alright mates am here. Looking for any possible threads as something as a side hobby during my college cause it's boring here. But Tod is a Doctor who works for whoever pays (so basically a mercenary) and if you think there could be some fun threads that can happen with that, feel free to hit me...
  15. Tefka

    Suggestion  Require Big Factory Subs To Have Dev Threads

    via FJ discretion. For a sense of pride and accomplishment.
  16. Jax Thio

    LFG  Threads for Jax!

    Hey guys! So I've finally got off or rather on my rear and started to post as Jax again. After being pestered convinced by his stepdaughter to come back to the NJO, Jax is in GA space reluctant to get back in the game due to his self-exile. I prefer to thread with GA affiliates but I definitely...
  17. Rhys Swynol

    LFG  I want chaos, I want threads!

    Hey folks! Got a muse boost for Rhys and want to explore more stories and ideas for this chaotic, bisexual pirate. I am open to threads of conflict, where Rhys is pirating and you are either stopping him or trying to steal from the people first. Could also do social stuff, Rhys likes to...
  18. Tefka

    Suggestion  Factory Development Threads

    Lots of people not aware of dev threads these days. They used to be required roleplay threads, used like “research”, for factory submission. the admins are discussing subjects that include dev threads rn so im gonna do a hit piece by involving the community in a conversation we never really had...
  19. Rorlin Kos

    LFG  Dark Jedi Mercenary(s) Looking for Threads

    Rorlin Kos And Sars Sarad are force-using sell-swords looking to be part of your story! For better or worse!
  20. Thelma Goth

    LFG  Padawan Seeking More Threads

    Thelma is fast approaching the 50 thread minimum for achieving knighthood. I took a break from writing her for a while, but now I want to fill out that last home stretch with some stories that may help to tie up loose ends before she gets promoted. The possibilities are endless, but here are...
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