Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Térth Waiy

    You know the drill

    Lookin for threads, need to develop a GA pilot, anyone up?
  2. Sor-Jan Xantha

    SJ's Thread Tracker

  3. Ellie Mors

    Promotion Thread Tracker Reminder

    I am aware this has been stated several times now, but after looking through the Promotion Thread Tracker for someone's information/post history I've found quite the disappointing lack of members posting their own thread lists for references. Without posting a thread tracker this means that...
  4. Varus Shatterstar

    Open to Threading with Anyone(Open)

    If anyone needs a Jedi, though I am just a lowly Paddy ;), then let me know! I'm very active and always down for some character development or duels. Let me know here or via PM! -Varus
  5. Varus Shatterstar

    Get to work, Peons!

    Sometimes I forget were not as rude to one another as the Sith. >_> haha Really, though, the point of this thread is to see who wants to get rolling on a few things. First, I'm interested to see which padawans would be down to spar OR train together. Every little bit helps. :P Secondly I was...
  6. Satara Hawk

    Thread Trackers

    This is a thread meant for all the characters of the faction to use. What is it for? Simple. While you are more than welcome to use your biographies to list your thread, you also can use a post of this thread to list your threads that you roleplay here. Why is this good for you? For easier...
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