Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Romi Jade

    Approved Lore  Jakku Katas: Standard Lightsaber Combat Training Method

    Full Video Example Here OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To document, and codify a lightsaber combat training exercise created by Romi Jade. Image Credit: Texture, Top Image, Video Link - 2nd Image timestamp: Here Canon: Lightsaber Combat, Bokken Saber Permissions: N/A Links: Romi Jade...
  2. Romi Jade

    Approved Tech  Force Activated Lock

    Force Activated Lock General Information Constructed In the 900s ABY Location Jakku Jedi Enclave Category Force Activated Lock Affiliation Jakku Jedi Enclave fa-play fa-pause The Force Activated Lock reimagines door-opening rituals with an ancient touch...
  3. Romi Jade

    Approved Lore  Eremite Anchorites

    Eremite Anchorites Organizational Information Other names Anchorites The Eremite Beliefs/Dieties The Eremite The Consecrated Eremite Light side of the Force Suffering Species Various (mostly human) Affiliation(s) Jakku Jedi Enclave "My mind is flint-sharp. It is...
  4. Tarrlok

    Minor Faction Shadows of the Force: Whispers of Ambition

    ------ The Jakku Jedi Enclave, nestled beneath the dunes of the Jakku desert, bears witness to the rise of a shadowy force. In the aftermath of Master Romi Jade's mysterious disappearance or escape...a power vacuum stretches across the enclave, and Chagrian Jedi Master Tarrlok, seizes the...
  5. Lossa Aureus

    Private  Sand Against Stone, We Don't Stand Alone

    Tags: Connel Vanagor Location: Jakku Enclave Wearing: Traditional Robe, Echo Stone Wielding: Lossa's Lightsaber She'd made a request to meet at least one of the Vanagor's when she'd received the message Romi had sent her. Knowing of their deeds, but knowing little otherwise about them...
  6. Romi Jade

    Minor Faction Shadows of the Force: Extradition

    ------ Amidst the cold confines of a transport ship hurtling through the cosmos, Jedi Master Romi Jade finds herself ensnared in a web of malevolence orchestrated by the clandestine Twilight Fist as she's being extradited to Pantora. The air crackles with the acrid scent of betrayal as Lady...
  7. Mother Askani

    Faction  Shadows Beneath the Sands [Jedi + Lightsiders]

    fa-play fa-pause The Wrecked Destiny Oasis - Jakku The relentless Jakku sun hung low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the desolate desert. The air shimmered with heat, distorting the edges of the towering sand dunes that stretched endlessly. In this vast emptiness, the hidden...
  8. Romi Jade

    Minor Faction Uncertain Point of View: Unraveling Shadows

    ------ Amidst the frigid expanse of Rhen Var, Quill trudges through knee-deep snow toward a foreboding cave, the icy winds carry with them the echoes of a distant battle. Unbeknownst to the Pilgrim investigator, the clandestine Twilight Fist, embodied by the operative Varek, observes from the...
  9. Romi Jade

    Minor Faction Restored | Jakku Jedi Enclave

    fa-play fa-pause If you’re on mobile - flip your device sideways Nestled admidst the harsh desert landscape of Jakku, the Jakku Jedi Enclave stands as an oasis of enlightenment in the Force. Administered by the Jedi Order, this academy is a beacon for Force-sensitive individuals...
  10. Romi Jade

    Ripples in the Sand: A Jakku Jedi Saga

    fa-play fa-pause The Jakku Jedi Enclave, a restored subterranean fortress standing defiant against the unforgiving dunes of Jakku, harbored secrets darker than the shadows within its walls. Jedi Master Romi, Headmistress of this enclave born from the ashes, walked its corridors with a...
  11. Romi Jade

    Approved Location  Jakku Jedi Enclave (Restored)

    Jakku Jedi Enclave General Information Constructed 864 ABY Destroyed 890s ABY Rebuilt 900s ABY Location Valley of the Eremite, Jakku Builder(s) Romi Jade Affiliation(s) Jedi Order New Jedi Order "They would also encounter for the first time the heroes of the...
  12. Ceth Lintom

    Private  Jakku Jams

    Location: Jakku In the cantina of Blowback Town was a young man snoring loudly behind the bushes, Ceth had a long night smoking Spice Sticks in celebration in leaving the Hutt Cartel behind. They were cool for providing Ceth a cybernetic arm but the way they ran things was cramping his style...
  13. Tilon Quill

    Private  Way of the Tumbleweed (Bastila)

    Bastila Sal-Soren JAKKU ENCLAVE NORTH — ABANDONED 20 KM FROM JAKKU JEDI ENCLAVE SUNSET Raised on Ziost, Hoth, and Pagodon, Tilon shouldn't have needed a coat tonight, but the desert got cold early this time of year. He'd forgotten Jakku could be like that. He tucked his speeder bike out back...
  14. Rayne Lo'to

    Public  Sandy Shocks | Jakku, Scrap Caravan

    Sandy Shocks Jakku, Scrap Caravan Tags: Open Rayne sat at the wheel of her walker with a dead-pan expression. It was abysmally hot, so much so that she felt discomfort even within her air-conditioned vehicle. Of course, there was very good reason for being on Jakku, what with the abundance of...
  15. Romi Jade

    Approved Lore  The Blackest Night: Raid on the Jakku Jedi Enclave

    "This world was special to them, ripping the skeletal remains of the super star destroyer "Ravager" from the depths, the Brotherhood found the foundations of what would become the "Fatalis" here. They would also encounter for the first time the heroes of the light, the defenders of truth and...
  16. Annasari

    Private  Up the Ante

    Senate Building, Coruscant // 9 o'clock Liin Terallo On the seventh floor of the Senate Building, Annasari's chambers were as she left them before the recess. Dark drapes opened, Galactic City stretched beyond the window, lively as ever. Ra'kan the pole snake writhed in his brass cage...
  17. Minerva Fhirdiad

    Private  Rat Killing

    Jakku, Inner Rim, Western Reaches Operation Womp Rat Objective: Search and destroy Pro Mawite terrorist cell Tag: Alexander Hayes Minerva advanced carefully down a ruined hallway next to the wall, with her blaster rifle at the ready. Moving around her similarly were eleven Alliance...
  18. Thalia Senn

    First Reply  Jakku

    It had taken a long time to get here on her own. Jakku was still a mess, what with its limited infrastructure and leadership that was just getting its feet wet in the last few years. Scavenger ships and tugs filled the stars cleaning up the short and bloody skirmish that had taken place there...
  19. Darth Solipsis

    Invasion  Cleansing Fire | BotM Invasion of GA held Jedha and Jakku

    Big shoutout to Dagon Kaze (Galaxy-3) for the amazing art, definitely not Dagon Kaze Site Administrator: Valiens Nantaris Brotherhood of the MawStaff Galactic Alliance Staff Darth Solipsis Bernard of Arca The Mongrel IVI Kyrel Ren Adhira Chandra Zachariel Steelblood Annasari...
  20. The Jakku Jedi Enclave

    The Jakku Jedi Enclave

    OVERVIEW Discord Link - Here LOCATION Location Here OUR MODEL Alternatives to Order: Reimagining the Jedi *Credit to Jend-Ro Quill & Seydon [/slide] CURRICULUM GETTING STARTED - Welcome to the Jakku Jedi Enclave! Embark on an immersive journey of collaborative Jedi...
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