Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Tobias Dracks

    Codex Denied  The Mysterious Bazaar (WIP)

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: Trade Station for secrete trade routes ​Image Credit: Kyle Augustine Canon: N/A Links: [X] SETTING INFORMATION Space Station Name: UTS-2657 (The Mysterious Bazaar) Station Model: UTS-2657 Classification: Merchant Station Location: High Orbit above...
  2. Jsc


    So. I mean. I've been asking for a few years... years now. And um. I'm still waiting. Ya know. For when we can have Gundams and stuff. Since like, 2014 and stuff. So. Yeah. Factory Staff. Just get back to me whenever. I really think. 2020 could be our year. And stuff. Anyway. Still waiting...
  3. Be'iqaronn

    Superweapon Idea (Not asking for them to be brought back)

    This is just a suggestion for if you ever bring back super weapons, but I think they should be one per major faction, ever, and one time use at that. When I say one per major faction, one in all, no remakes, that faction never gets another.
  4. Chris Walker

    Dissipating Blaster Bolts vs Lightsabres

    I was planning for creating a blaster that has shots that are not deflected by a lightsabre blade, but instead is dissipated. I was going to balance this with a damage vs personal shielding and armour penalty. What are your thoughts?
  5. WolfMortum

    Idea: The Acquisition Division

    The Acquisition Division was responsible for seeking out and discovering force sensitive Children for the future of the Jedi Order of the Galaxy. Recruiters were often sent out to various organizations and governments to expand their search and gauge various persons of interest. It'd be nice...
  6. M

    Strapping Spaceships to an 80k Space Station

    So. I know the answer is most likely no, but I'm going to ask anyway because if I CAN then I most definitely want to. I'm hoping it would be possible to create an 80K space station and attach some large semi-unique ships to it which basically act as giant freaking engines. It would be mostly...
  7. T

    Unban 'Realistic' Mechs

    Over the past week I've seen a rising debate on mechs and their place in the Factory, more specifically how they conform to Star Wars. Now, instead of just letting it sit and gather dust I've decided to propose an idea that I believe would sate both sides of the discussion: Unban 'Realistic'...
  8. Jasper Candos

    Field Trip Idea

    So I looked at the Siege Of The Solar Praxeum post and it got me thinking about an idea of Jedi Masters and Knights taking Jedi padawans over to a planet or something in order to learn about the Jedi of old or/and the force itself. I'm sure that some of you are interested in this idea. Maybe we...
  9. Tathra Khaeus

    Liberation of Ship Ownership

    ​Hello friends and monkeys. ​So I was overlooking the various ship sizes and looking to build some equipment. ​And, I was looking at the ship size restrictions and I opened up the Battlecruiser and Star Destroyer templates and to my surprise found that they are restricted to Major Factions...
  10. Onrai

    Fixing an Issue or Two

    So I've noticed an issue with the factory as it currently stands. There's no way to request modifications to submissions that have already been posted. If you made a single mistake or wanted to alter anything, as it stands, you are currently mandated to pretty much repaste your submission, which...
  11. Seath

    Custom Items Similar to Nihilus Mask So the mask allows non force users the abilities to use the force on par to that of a Sith Apprentice. What would be okay to make masks similar to this and the highest production rate acceptable for such a thing? My concept is lower than...
  12. Seath

    Cult NPCS critique

    I've been working on this for just a little bit, but so far this is what I got: OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a submission for Seath's common followers, the backbone of the cult he has created. ​Image Credit: Amplitude Studios' Endless Legend Neverwinter Scourge Warlock...
  13. Darth Ayra

    Humbarine - I would like to make a detailed Codex entry

    So I was recently made the senator of Humbarine in the New Republic, and I want to make this planet the main place where my character roleplays. I also want to develop Humbarine over time in a similar vein to the way other planets like Roon was developed during the days of the Techno Union, or...
  14. Cira

    Make a maximum image standard for codex images

    From the Codex Patch 2.1.1 Is it possible to have an actual maximum size in the guidelines if this is to be a rule? Otherwise, "massively large images" is entirely subjective. Having a max value provides a distinct reference that can prevent any misunderstandings from the get-go that a...
  15. Gorba the Hutt

    Lift the Ban on Nanotechnology & Lightsaber Rifles

    Just some thoughts for community discussion after a quick glance at the banned materials section. Curious how other members feel. Point 1: Lightsaber Rifles shoot lightsabers. They only have five shots. The lightsaber melts after five shots. Beskar, phrik, songsteel and a host of other...
  16. R

    Kinetics [Tech Templates]

    I've had three judges look at the same thing three different ways now so I think some clarification would be good. The general gist of the idea is to modify the portion of technology templates in the resistances section. Currently there is an item listed as kinetics. I've had one judge tell me...
  17. C

    Bounty Template/Forum Suggestion

    Hello factory gurus, I just wanted to put some ideas out there for possible adjustments (relatively mild) for bounties. Suggestion 1: As you may have noticed, most bounties are placed in the Bounty Board, which is completely fine and the BHG have no issues in that regard. What we would like...
  18. Malok

    Fortress Worlds

    In Star Wars Canon, Fortress Worlds are a unique and terrifying aspect of Galactic powers. They are a sign of strength, dominance, and resolve that numerous factions have taken advantage of. Yet, here on Chaos, they are not really explored. In my opinion, fortifying a planet should be held to...
  19. Malok

    The Perks of Owning an RM Planet!

    With the arrival of Missions and the opening of most materials to be created at unique as Technology, there's been a loss in value for planets featuring Restricted Materials. There's not much to motivate a faction to choose an RM world over another, aside from whatever stories they can concoct...
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