Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Darth Seraphic

    Original Material

    So, I was wondering if there were any material made out there by writers? I want to make something similar to phrik or cortosis and yes I am more than willing to put the word needed to get it made. Is that even allowed on this site?
  2. Cira

    Proposal: Consumable Template

    This was proposed by a member and crowd sourced a bit. Thoughts? Consumable Template Image Credit: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.) Intent: [Describe the plan for the consumable. Submissions created...
  3. Jessica Med-Beq

    Pheromone catchers

    My character always seems to be surrounded by Jawas: everywhere there are Jawas, they seem to all want to be hitting on her. I haven't been able to determine whether the Jawas are attracted to her by chemical means or due to other pheromone-free means. Then again, she hasn't met Jawas away from...
  4. Gabriel Sionoma

    Technology - Consumable Template

    I've done my fair share of factory subs that could considered consumables (drugs, honey, etc.). And one thing I've noticed is that while the basic tech template works for a basic guideline, you have to contort it a bit to make it work. Things such as drugs, food, stimulants, alcohol, etc could...
  5. sabrina

    Npc Units

    I was wondering, if it would be possible to put points like War Hammer onto units. The reasoning for this is fleets have size to try and balance themselves out, but units have just the writers. I was roughly thinking 0 for rabble 0.5 militia 1 point for a c class soldier 1.5 for vet 2 for elite...
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