Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Kathryn Foster

    Any shipwright out there?

    I realy don't know if this is the right forum but... I'm sketching on an exploration frigate and wonder if any experienced ''shipwright'' with earlier submissions in the factory forum would like to lend a hand in the construction of it? Primary source of it would be the corvette Rodger Young...
  2. A

    Approved Tech  Dual SF-95 Heavy Hand Cannons

    Out of Character Information Purpose: To provide Aeron Iodine with a personal weapon Image Source: Destiny Cannon Source: N/A Primary Source: ZProps Production Information Manufacturer: Aeron Iodine utilizing stolen parts and goods Marketing Status: Closed Market Model: Negative Modularity: Yes...
  3. Mauda

    Factory Assets

    Here's the Database for all Factory Assets under the Cassum Cabal and The Emergence Empire. Below are the links to the relevant topics. Any Factory Subs under the EE, made by EE members will be added to this database. Droids Vehicles Weapons Ammunition/Ordnance Armour Engines Ships...
  4. Mauda

    Approved Location  Quarzite MAF Alpha

    Exterior: Interior: OOC INFO Intent - To sub a Quarzite-based Factory and Mine Image Source - Pinterest Pinterest Canon - Quarzite Links - Crowing of Otor Blank II SETTING INFO Mine Name - Mine and Factory Alpha Material - Quarzite Ores Location - Quarzite Affiliation - SAEVUS /...
  5. Darth Carnifex

    Faction Submission Modification Alternative Suggestion

    Instead of resubbing each sub again and again to update it, how does this sound: Create a thread where a writer can request their sub to be moved to a Pre-Factory subforum (like the one Codex still has and the one the Factory used to have) Let them tinker on it there, change what they want...
  6. Huxy

    Huxy's Workshop

    [ Huxy's Workshop ] Galactic Empire Templates Vehicles __________________________ Starships __________________________ Weapons __________________________ Armor __________________________ Technology __________________________ __________________________ GWS Templates Vehicles...
  7. Darth Vyrassu

    Approved Starship  The Dark Forge

    * Intent: To update a Ship Factory for The Jen'ari Empire * Image Source: Source Here * Canon Link: N/A * Restricted Missions: N/A * Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION * Manufacturer: Sith Imperial Foundry * Affiliation: The Jen'ari Empire * Model: Dark Forge * Production: Unique...
  8. Luca Donskoi

    Alden's Pre-factory/Pre-codex [WIP]

    A place to for me to save and continue to work subs that are not yet complete for the Factory and Codex
  9. Gir Quee

    Minor Factory Updates

    Several of the Factory rules and templates have just received a minor update. I have highlighted these changes in green in the post just below this one so that everyone can easily see the changes. Most of these changes have occurred in starships. I'll highlight two things from there: The...
  10. Luca Donskoi

    Kes'ven'nuruodo's R&D Department

    To be used for WIP sub's for the Factory and/or Codex
  11. Gilamar Skirata

    Chosen Land - Ongoing Mandalorian Empire Event

    Description: Life Day. It was a holiday adopted by many across the Galaxy, its Wookie origins and significance mostly lost to time. But this year Life Day held a special meaning for the Mandalorian people. It had been some time since the Second Mandalorian Excision, a day burned into the...
  12. WolfMortum

    Assets of the Independent Nations of Commenor.

    Okanagon: Monarchy: [member="Lady Kay"] & [member=Veiere Arenais]. Location Submissions: N/A. Military Arms Submissions: N/A. Vehicle Submissions: N/A. NPC Submissions: N/A. Acuin: Nobility: [member="Silfe Sosuri"]. Location Submissions: N/A. Military Arms Submissions: N/A...
  13. Abigail Meredydd

    Approved Tech  Bronte

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a small blaster named 'Bronte' gifted to Abigail for her graduation Image Source: N/A Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Abigail Meredydd Affiliation: Abigail Meredydd Model: N/A Modularity: No...
  14. Adron Malvern

    CIS FACTORY CONTEST- November Edition

    The CIS is hosting yet another Factory contest. This month it will feature our greatest asset, Droids. With the CIS droid legions taking a massive hit after the events of Seltos the office of The Viceroyalty have sought to replenish their legions with a new droid. You, the members of The...
  15. Gir Quee

    Looking for Factory Judges

    The Factory is looking to form a new team of Factory Judges. To be a successful applicant you must: Show tact and courtesy while advising members on their submissions Be impartial when approving submissions Be able to work in a team and take instructions Consistently be able to judge at...
  16. Tefka

    Players are encouraged to not be snobby in other peoples subs.

    Fact #1) I reserve last judgement on all submissions, and only I. Fact #2) I empower five Roleplay Judges and four Factory Judges to help me execute Rule #1. Fact #3) That's 10 people. Only 10 have the ability to do anything to anyone's subs in this Factory. Fact #4) The rest of you are to...
  17. Maki Dominus

    Approved Location  The Argentum Vita

    • Intent: A space station and factory command center for the SJO, • Image Credit: The Station Factory Command Center Housing Offices Hangars (All edits done by me) • Canon: N/A • Links: The Argentum Vita SETTING INFORMATION • Space Station Name: The Argentum Vita • Station Model: The...
  18. Maki Dominus

    Approved Starship  The Argentum Vita

    • Intent: A command Center and Factory for SJO. • Image Source: The Station Factory Command Center Housing Officers Hangars Banner (All edits done by me) • Canon Link: N/A • Restricted Missions: N/A • Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION • Manufacturer: The Silver Jedi •...
  19. Y

    Yijun Tung - Workshop

    All of my submissions for the Organization will start here.
  20. Tefka

    On the topic of Canon Items.

    This has been added to the Factory Standardized Rules under Submission Guidelines. The intent is to prevent someone from telling you "You can't have Boba Fett's armor cus I subbed it first, you can't have Slave I” They're all replicas and the origins can't be proven, so they're all...
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