Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Heinrich Faust

    Codex & Factory Manifest

    Codex Manifest Planets: – Vitruvia Units: – Order of the Sacred Blades [ Sala Corsanis ] – Order of the Sisters of Ashla [ Isla Draellix ] – The Sons of Ession [ Cedric Grayson ] – The Holy Guard of the Host [ Pietro Demici ] – Hades Comando Assault Team [ Brimstone ] – Brotherhood of the...
  2. Srina Talon

    Staff  Codex & Factory Judge Recruitment Call [2021]

    It's that time where we're looking for some fresh faces to help out with the Codex and the Factory. Prior experience submitting is a plus, however, it's not a requirement. If you have any questions about the application process or expectations feel free to reach out to Srina Talon and John...
  3. Heinrich Faust

    Approved Planet  Vitruvia

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To create a new, unique world for RP Image Credit: Image 1 & 7 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4 Image 5 Image 6 Image 8 All edits by me Canon: N/A Permissions: N/A Links: N/A GENERAL INFORMATION Planet Name: Vitruvia Demonym: Vitruvian Region: Tingel Arm...
  4. Laertia Io

    Approved Starship  SPE Mobile Factory Freighter

    Intent: To flesh out the back bone of Laertia's business Image Source: Canon Link: AA-9 Permissions: N/A Primary Source: N/A PRODUCTION INFORMATION Manufacturer: Sword Herald Special Purpose Enterprises...
  5. Teyla Sal-Soren

    Naboo Factory

    Naboo Factory List For ease of reference, here is a comprehensive list of user created technological content for the planet Naboo. Note: If you have a factory submission for Naboo and don't see it listed here, but would like it included, then please just shoot any admin/moderator a message...
  6. Xiro Mohc

    Factory  Sanari Kenkuujo (SNRI) | Kiliea Command's Secret Factory

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Image Source: Logo Image: Photoshop by me Crest Art: Galactic Empire Crest Empire of the Rising Sun Infinity Miniatures Raiden Canon Link: N/A Primary Source: N/A CORPORATION INFORMATION Corporation Name: Atrisian Name: Sanari Kenkuujo Galactic Basic Full...
  7. John Locke

    Staff  Factory and Codex are now open!

    To the line. On your marks. Get set. Go! The Codex and Factory are now open for business. I hope you all had a good holiday and we're all looking forward to seeing what kinds of submissions you've all been working on. While we understand that everyone has been working on submissions over...
  8. Alban Roble

    Suggestion  Let Us Make Dummy Thicc Space Stations

    Title. If we can make superweapons with Annihilation threads now, we should be able to make civilian stations that go beyond the current limit, and the space station production system should be revamped as well.
  9. Spirit of Unity

    War Manifest

    THE GALACTIC ALLIANCE WAR MANIFEST [Last Updated: April-08-2024] The New Standardization Program was a project overseen by the Galactic Alliance Defense Force to modernize and develop newer Starships, Vehicles, and Technologies in the wake of escalating conflicts in the Galaxy. The list...
  10. ADM. Reshmar

    how is no Hyperdrive not a weakness

    I have a submission in the factory and have been told that not having a hyperdrive is not a weakness. This makes no sense at all and should be addressed. No hyperdrive has been a weakness since the TIE fighter and before. Not having a hyperdrive means that when you jump into a system you have to...
  11. Alban Roble

    Suggestion  Civilian Station Fielding Limits

    I've been thinking for a while about Civilian Stations, mainly along the lines of models that I hope to be able to produce. However, (and this is entirely my subjective opinion) I think that the production limits for Civilian Stations are very restricting. One would reason that to build a Star...
  12. S

    Susanna's Studio

  13. Sor-Jan Xantha

    Favorite Chaos Creator: Factory Edition!

    In the vein of [member="Romi Jade"]'s "Favorite Force User", do you have someone whose Factory subs you follow? Someone whose ideas and concepts just blow you away or have been an item that you've used yourself for your character's stories? Give them a shout out here! Best Technology Creator...
  14. John Locke

    Factory  Factory Judge Application

    FACTORY JUDGE APPLICATION [x] Hands down perhaps one of the busiest sections of the site, the Factory regularly processes upwards of around 300 - 400 submissions on a monthly basis. From capital grade ships to fancy blasters, rollypolly droids to metals so sweet that even your Beskar loving...
  15. Gilamar Skirata

    Statute of Limitations on Factory and Codex Submissions

    "As long as they keep on making upgrades for this baby, the Z-95 will never become outdated." ―Outlaw tech Klaus "Doc" Vandangante "The Dreadnought stands along ships like the Zed 95 Headhunter in the eyes of spacecraft enthusiasts, serving so reliably and for so long that it has become a...
  16. Valiens Nantaris

    New Factory Admin

    With the stepping down of [member="Gir Quee"] as Factory Admin we had to fill the breach with cannon fodder a worthy replacement; [member="Runi Verin"] Please join me in welcoming Runi to the post of Factory Admin!
  17. Mauda

    Factory Assets

    All Factory assets military and non-military manufactured by and for The Avilok. Armour Lighsabers
  18. EllieEx

    Approved Location  The Spires

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To Create the headquarters of the Black spire company as well as a future faction submission. not to mention a cantina for future drunken RP ​Image Credit: Here\Lucasfilm concept art | Holy Artstation | Space Beers | the drink business | Blade runner filming...
  19. WolfMortum

    The Jedi Alliance: Assets & Resources List.

    THE JEDI ALLIANCE: RESOURCES AND REQUISITIONS LIST. INVESTORS/MANUFACTURERS: Incom Corporation. Lucerne Labs. LOCATIONS: The Jutrand Jedi Academy The Rannon Jedi Temple. The Commenor Jedi Enclave. Exis Temple Station. The Cato Neimoidia Temple. Eira Pechal (Jedi Praxaem World). Aberash...
  20. Mauda


    If you find yourself whipping something up in regards to The Emergence. A new ship design, a droid, etc. Anything Factory related, slap it in here, Myself or another will give it a once-over and then we'll approve you subbing it to actual factory :) Think of this as Pre-Pre-Factory
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