Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  1. Inanna Harth

    Private  Black Sheep

    The house of the Hoole family in Maranatha was brand new, as most of the structures within the Shi’ido city were. Carved from a warm brown hardwood that had been painted over with blues and greens, it might seem a primitive luxury in a galaxy full of duracrete and durasteel structures. But...
  2. Miri Nimdok

    Private  Of Easy Wind and Downy Flake

    “There.” Miri turned the guestbook around, having finished signing in. “All set.” “Ooh, your handwriting is so pretty!” The resort receptionist gushed. She held out the room key. “Enjoy your stay!” She certainly hoped she would. After finishing their mission on Neshtab, Miri and Kyell were...
  3. Inanna Harth

    Private  Wicked Game

    Despite the cooler climate the planet was best known for, an Alderaanian rainforest in summer could feel as sweltering as the jungles of Dxun. By human standards, anyway—the Shi'ido crammed into the Maranatha customs office all seemed quite comfortable with the hot and humid weather. Well, all...
  4. Rianna Organa

    Private  A Rare Find on Alderaan

    Market day in the City of New Aldera was a wonderous thing to behold. Vendors from across the Alderaan came setting up their booths and offering everything anyone could use. The forgers offering phrik knifes, the many booths of hand made goods, there was even one for moss painting all of it...
  5. Alicio Organa

    Work In Progress  Sanctuary City, Alderaan

    "True strength is being crushed underfoot, and finding the will to stand again." - Alicio Organa OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To finally codify an important refugee city on Alderaan. Image Credit: Cross Fate city concept by Adam Varga Shan Sui City 1 by MAD Architects Spaceport City...
  6. Faith Organa

    Private  Conference on Alderaan

    The mountains in the distance as well as at the back of the palace were majestic with an awe-inspiring view that helped Faith to feel small yet protected. There were things to discuss on today's agenda. The consideration of asking if the mandalorians could patrol Alderaan space for a time...
  7. Percival Io

    Private  A Drink On New Alderaan

    The three of them were drawing stares. Percival could sense the eyes of the other patrons upon him and his brothers. Most were probably just curious—after all, it's not every day you see identical triplets seated at a table in a no-name bar. Never mind that these weren't triplets in the...
  8. Jax Thio

    Work In Progress  Alderaan Virtual Reality Training

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: To provide the Alderaan military a safe and effective way to train. Image Source: Metal Gear Reddit Canon Link: N/A Permissions: (Please link any Marketplace purchase approvals or other permissions to use other Writer's submissions as part of the...
  9. Marcus Carter

    Private  Alderaan Hour

    Location: Outside Alderaan Spaceport Tags: Jax Thio Alicio Organa Coming out of the spaceport, Carter took a look around his surrounding as he take in the view. This is the first time Carter been here, as when he was still a Detective on Coruscant he didn't have much opportunity to go anywhere...
  10. Ikenna Tahj

    Work In Progress  Ghosts of Alderaan

    OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION Intent: [ State why you are making this submission and what purpose it will fulfill in RP. ] Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist...
  11. Faith Organa

    Public  Life Day Celebration - Alderaan

    Location: Anywhere on Alderaan There are only a few occasions where everyone felt comfortable and safe to invite the whole Senate, any Jedi, Mandalorians and the Nobles of Alderaan on one world surely the space around the Alderaan system would be the most secure over the next few days. Life...
  12. Anastasia Panteer

    Private  Raiders on Alderaan

    She had no trouble standing behind someone, nope. One look at all the teeth coming towards them certainly gave her incentive to do exactly as asked. She looked around to the others they had all managed not to be captured. Course....she really didn't know their faces only that here they were...
  13. Starlin Rand

    Private  Mountain Madness

    Starlin woke up in the middle of nowhere. Well, not exactly—he could tell it was a mountainside, and he was lying on the ground at the base of the mount. But given that Starlin was not in the habit of sleeping outside in unfamiliar locations, and he awoke with a splitting headache, it was more...
  14. Faith Organa

    Discussion  Fund Raising on Alderaan

    Alderaan in keeping with tradition would like to host a conference that deals with aiding and helping the displaced of the galaxy. Perhaps a concert held on Alderaan to raise funds to coincide at the same time as the conference. Thoughts?
  15. Faith Organa

    Storyline Ideas for Alderaan and any Alderaani writers

    Hello Everyone. I have been thinking about some storylines we could do as a small group, or within some of the larger public threads, and dominions. 1. We can continue to develop the story of a number of races on Alderaan which require assistance, trouble, or trade. 2. We can look for trade...
  16. Faith Organa

    Private  Operation Search and Rescue

    Location: The Glaris Valley, Organa Ranch, Alderaan Tags: Jax Thio | Maple Harte | TheScarletDastard | Irilan Chohn | ARS VAMI | Caedyn Arenais A gathering from a few of the noble houses were meeting outside to discuss agriculture and the influx of refugees from worlds the Sith had conquered...
  17. Faith Organa

    LFG  Rescue Mission on Alderaan

    We are developing a story for Alderaan where some nobles get captured by Flesh eaters...I might have the term wrong. Jax Thio would be a hunt and rescue mission for these nobles We are looking for writers who would be open to writing a noble for this story as well as someone wishing to write...
  18. Claire Organa

    Public  The Way You Look Tonight - Fashion Week on Alderaan (OPEN)

    Belleau-a-Lir Alderaan Alderaan was known for many things chief among them was the environmental landscaping that married the cities to the land, sea and air around them. An excellent example of this marriage was New Crevasse City. A city built within the walls of the canyon, a city that...
  19. Claire Organa

    Public  Fashion Week!

    FASHION WEEK Its that time of year again, dig out your most iconic couture, bring your credits, and have a party. Its Fashion Week on Alderaan. This year rather than holding event in the city of New Aldera, we are heading over to Belleau-a-Lir once the artistic and cultural center of...
  20. Faith Organa

    Fashion Week on Alderaan

    One of my alts is a designer. Alderaan could hold fashion week, invite dignitaries and other companies in to mingle and socialize. thoughts?
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