Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The feeling of an airspeeder was a bit different for Coren. He was used to flying a multitude of craft, but mostly in zero-G, starfighters, freighters, patrol craft. Hell, he even pilotted the Dawn Treader once or twice, but airspeeders, and flying them like fighters, was something else. It was second nature and this was not the first time he and this little posse had performed this. The former commander of Warbird Wing was in a bit of a trance, having fallen into the Force, and reaching out to the world around him. There was a hover train.

And on that train? Definitely not something that should be heading to any Corellian emcampment. And while he was far from the Core, living out on the Fringe, he still kept his fingers in the Corellian pot, as it were. He knew who the power players were in helping out his homeworlds refugees. And that was why he wasn't allowing his team to use armed airspeeders here. Ion cannons and towcables.

The sun was setting out over the sea, as he and the two others flanking him pulled from a follow-the-leader formation to a left right and center. And that was how they did it. Several times.

That was weeks ago.


Now he was testing a new airspeeder. Part and parcel to the Starchaser line was the need for a vehicle and to move fast. He had purchased a new Koro-class airspeeder from Desler Gizh and was doing his best to upgrade it. Out here on the Smuggler's Moon, there was a lot to learn and a lot to buy. But for now? It was testing. Coren was whipping the speeder through tight turns and driving in and out of industrial plazas and plants. All he needed now was someone to compete against.

The Koro Airspeeder was painted matte green with a black panel, that held an intake range underneath the body of the craft. It was a lovely machine.

Now all it needed was someone to race.

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