Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Intent: To make what I can literally call a sentient, yet monstrous lizard race.
  • ​Image Credit: How to properly source your images
  • Canon: N/A
  • Links: [Provide links to any relevant threads, characters, companies, locations, equipment, etc here.]
  • Name: Zigora
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Homeworld: Some live in Dagobah, some live on Vendaxa and literally one lives on Corellia.
  • Language: Galactic Basic (English, but with a hiss to it)
  • Average Lifespan: 450 years, though it is rare that any of them make it this far because of how barbaric they are.
  • Estimated Population: Inter-Planetary (Large colonies found within numerous star systems)
  • Description: [Provide a short paragraph that describes this species at a glance. More in-depth descriptions can be added in distinctions below.]
  • Breathes: Type II
  • Average height of adults: 2 meters
  • Average length of adults: ??? (Wingspan of 1.5 meters)
  • Skin color: Teal, Green, Blue, very rarely red.
  • Hair color: Do white feathers count as hair?
  • Distinctions: Other than they are lizard people, they all are hermaphroditic monsters, the ones on Vendaxa are typically blue or green while the rest are either Teal or red. They appear to have an organ made for breathing fire near their lungs, making it's body always be 140 degrees. Their wings are a rather strange phenomenon in that while the wing bones are very brittle, the rest of the Zigora's body is not brittle at all. The Zigora tend to wear some form of liquid on them to identify their tribes, which often can be noticed by smell.
  • Races: They have tribes, but the names of such are not known to other races.
  • Strengths: Venomous bite left over from evolution, and is apparently capable of flight at twice it's normal walking speed. Can breathe fire that is twice it's usual body temperature.
  • Weaknesses: It's wingspan would probably get caught on stuff if trying to fly in an enclosed space, recently becoming fully sentient and still monstrous personality wise, and the one who lives on Corellia has an allergy to bacta.
  • Diet: They are primarily carnivorous, however they can still digest vegetables, albeit at a weaker pace.
  • Communication: Using their mouths.
  • Technology level: Below Galactic Standard
  • Religion/Beliefs: They seem to share the Trandoshan belief of the Scorekeeper, thanks to a Trandoshan being the one to discover them.
  • General behavior: This breed of "lizard folk" seem to be able to adapt to most situations socially, despite the humanity to beast gap they show. They typically find mates by attempting to impress their would-be mate with a combination of "war and flash". It would appear that most Zigora specimens have an innate hatred for humans, but it does not result in an instant fight, simply a wariness around them until provoked. The way they usually get technology is by force, as they seem to hunt any person with enough shiny things to attract their attention.
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